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I think it’s interesting to note the fact that Lizzy’s thread (for the last 2 pages) has been about someone else...even Lindsey is giving us more to talk about!
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Could the book have been planned a while ago when she was still managed by Next? Perhaps they had rosier projections before COVID hit. Even so, I'm with the rest of you and not sure who, besides their friends and influencer community, is going to buy this book.
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Regardless where she stays, why would anyone bubble with someone who lives erm 1.5h train journey away. My idea of a bubble is that they can provide support when emergency, unless taking insta pic counted as support or emergency? Her friendship with Lindsey is essentially to stroke each other’s ego.
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Also, Lindsey and the dog have finally moved to London which is just about as interesting as Lizzy’s Vogue article. I hate to be harsh but I just think that if you aren’t ready to articulate your feelings on the matter, why write an article that ultimately offers no solace/help to those grieving? I totally sympathise with Lizzy but it is frustrating to see her getting opportunities that, frankly, her content doesn’t merit
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Interesting, some people are just city people though. I never quite understood why she appears to have moved to such a small town where she has no ties, it must be quite isolating even pre-Covid.
I definitely think Lindsey moved there under the assumption marriage and children were to follow but living back in London won’t stop that happening either. They might not have necessarily broken up, Lindsey still envied people getting engaged and pregnant on the last podcast episode.
But in the same regard it wouldn’t surprise me if they have as they don’t seem that well suited to each other, Lindsey kept going on about how lockdown has made them spend too much time together grating on each other.

Those kindly gifted Prada earrings Lizzy showed on IG stories are vile. What happened to not liking visible branding?
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Here's the struggle I have with these two. Logically I know that women should be allowed to show their bodies without shame. I certainly don't think Lindsey needs to cover herself up just because she has a boyfriend. And if you love your body, all the more power to you. So a part of me feels like I'm slut-shaming these two when they post half-naked selfies, and that is a problem. But then the other part sees it as perpetuating the culture of thinness and whiteness (disguised as "body confidence" and "wellness") and wants to take them to task for that. It's easy to say "Love your body!" when your body already falls into what society deems acceptable and desirable. Plus, I dunno, there's just something about the way these two do it that is off-putting, like watching a bad amateur music video. I don't know if this jumble of thoughts makes any sense. I just felt I had to work out what annoys me so much about them.
I think the issue is they're so obviously attention seeking and it's quite tiresome now.
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Logically I know that women should be allowed to show their bodies without shame.
Here is the thing: women should be allowed to post half-naked pictures of themselves, that’s true. But it does not mean it’s always a good or a sensible idea. There is a fine line between making a statement about female empowerment and posting thirst traps.
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At some point Lizzy did say being single at the start lockdown and having to go back home to her mothers house whilst seeing her friends with their partners made her depressed, if someone told her a year later she would still be single she would be even more depressed. Now she’s happy being single and living alone but who really knows whether it’s true or not.
No-one forced Lizzy to go home she could have stayed in London by herself, she wasn’t packed on a train with a suitcase like a refugee child in the war.

I also found it odd how Lizzy claims, since mid-February, to be happiest she’s been since living in London. Wasn’t this when she stopped weekly vlogging due to her mental health not being in a good place? Which was around the time she was dropped from her management?

They are desperate to go travelling again apparently staying in your own home is bad for ones creativity, they weirdly liken it to how office workers get to go on holiday to relax. In the previous podcast Lizzy said was desperate to go abroad for somewhere new to walk and the memories they have from getting drunk, never mind the culture then.

And it seems I zoned out of the podcast too early, they are coming back for a fourth season to coincide with the book release. God knows what they’ll find to talk about, they've already talked about the weather.
Do they not realise that a big percentage of the UK are working from home and have been from the start of the pandemic? They didn't have any choice in the matter, and dont have the excuse of saying it impacts our creativity - we have had to get on with it. We have also had to take leave in lockdown and GO NOWHERE. Honestly, they are so out of touch with reality.
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Oooooh, so that would explain why Lindsey has London on her LinkedIn. I wonder if she's been planning this for a while but has put it off until lockdown started to lift again. I think we'll have to wait and see what exactly this move means in terms of her relationship. I found her explanation quite odd; she doesn't mention anything pragmatic like needing to be in London for work nor mentions her partner's job, only that she wants to be closer to friends and convenience. Then again it could just be her bad writing again and all is fine with her.
To me the blogpost seemed rushed, almost as if she needed to get it out of the way. Maybe the move is happening right now and she doesn't want it to be too weird so this way people are expecting it. 🤷‍♀️

It was like Hi guys, long time no speak, I've had covid, I am moving to London, ok, thanks, bye.
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I have no idea how you would make her content interesting at this point. She's abandoned her more down-to-earth qualities as she's gotten used to expensive gifts and higher profile partnerships. The only way to go is up (price-wise, and down quality-wise). I'm sure the reason she chose this agency was that they would continue to nudge her in the direction she's been heading, a la her friend Simon and the Halpins: unrelatable, minimalist aesthete with even less substance.
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From Lindsey's Instagram, "Our book is the gift of our own tummulous, heart breaking and laugh out loud experiences..." This bodes well:rolleyes:
I'm assuming she means tumultuous? How the hell did she arrive at tummulous??? Or perhaps she meant to say "tumnulous", as in "like Mr. Tumnus"... :LOL:

More torturing of the English language from Lindsey's post, because I seriously cannot believe someone gave this goon a book deal:
"We couldn’t have done this without you, your dilemma’s, including and not limited to; your one night stands or your greif after losing a loved one."
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It's jarring how terrible her style's become so quickly. She used to wear cute stuff!
I think this is when I started following her. She had such a cool feminine but boyish style. She suits this latest St Agni stuff so well too.
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Lizzy was like 'you've just got to keep going' I don't know why the person had thought to ask them and what Lizzie said probably wasn't wrong
even though I don't understand anybody who thought of asking someone like Lizzy a serious question, this mindset of "gotta soldier on" often causes a burn out syndrome (speaking from my personal experience), so, I think her reply was wrong, especially seeing Lizzy struggles to carry on despite her quite comfortable life, reminds of well-off folks telling the lower class they just have to go harder, faster, save more money, suffer more, blah blah blah blah
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Lizzy's testing basics series is an great idea executed really badly. I don't want to see successive buy NEW clothing to "test out" for a week if they already own plenty of blazers/tanks/tees/etc. that they could review instead!!!

Why she doesn't just talk about the blazers she owns is beyond me.
Or, instead of buying a whole bunch of new blazers that look exactly the same, mix it up a little. Use an oversized blazer you already have. If she has to, she can buy a more fitted one or a tuxedo silhouette, a vintage one, etc. and then try to style them to make them relevant/on trend for now. I don’t know. I’m not an influencer so.
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