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House of Tea

VIP Member
Why is she clinging onto that black hair. It ages her. She sees herself as a style maven but she is just clinging onto the past. I bet that hair do has been in o place since her teenage years. She would do better with a softer brown.
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Or Castle Barnard if you are visiting to test your eyes during a lock down.....

It is Barnard Castle, not sure why all the papers and politicians insisted on calling it that.
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VIP Member
She looks so much better in the "after" pics, mostly because of the hair but also because her patchy orange foundation and dry, clumpy black eyeliner have been removed and replaced with proper makeup.
Imagine that was 13 years ago and she's still going around with jet black frizz and ripping her pubes out every time a bloke so much as looks at her. Old dogs and new tricks etc
Why is she so terrified of men but cares so much about what they think?!
She has everything going for her- not hideous looking, reasonable sense of humour, lovely clothes she’s bought herself. What’s ruined her life is her horrible, horrible personality. If she was just a nice, kind, giving person and not so bitter her life would have been so different
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Would love to hear the Spa’s side of things. I suspect it’s wildly different from LJ’s, and is the truthful version. Funny how she’s often banned from places and/or has negative interactions with service personnel. I would wonder, eh? Is it because she’s not a posh white man?
I was trying to search for Liz’s legendary previous entitled behaviour in spas. There are a few, but this one struck me as particularly vile. Those poor girls. How humiliating for them to be photographed, then traduced in print. Wherever they are now, I hope this didn’t take the wind out of their sails, and they’ve become a star whatever they went on to do. They can take comfort that LJ is still a nasty, embittered, vindictive old hag:
Paige wasn't happy with how Liz wrote about her, she left this response in comments on a blog

Screenshot 2024-02-03 124605.png
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House of Tea

VIP Member
I hate bad service, and stand up for myself. Never once been banned. She must be beyond the pale rude.
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Belgian Bun

Chatty Member
So only the most hard-bitten Fleet Street news-rich men are fascinating enough for our Betty, she of the “encyclopaedic knowledge” of The Rutles, Truffaut, and IKEA, but who only bangs on endlessy about Zara vest tops, Myla thongs, Dunhill fucking lighters and stress wees.
Ah yes, surely you know John Lennon's little known work "The Ballad of the Myla Thong"? About how he bought Yoko said underthing (or underthong) and she said 'I'm not fucking wearing that' so he was unfaithful?
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Daisy Uncle

VIP Member
And the eyeliner! Always the thickest, blackest of thick black eyeliners.
I know her hair is in shit from all the dye but why can she never blow dry it? I'd like to see her wear it (naturally) wavy. It'd be nice on her. She'd hate it.
I don't know why she doesn't grow out the grey, she could aim for Sarah Harris, from Vogue, exactly the look she goes for. Hasn't she still got the faded tattooed liner and brows? I think that's why she's stuck with the heavy bad eyeliner over the top. I've got a friend with the tattoed eyeliner, looks terrible, sort of faded navy but blurred, she's had it ten years.
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Belgian Bun

Chatty Member
I expected Lizth to be commenting on the Westinster wedding in Chester today. My only, rather nasty, comment is what in the name of all that’s holy is Eugenie wearing? She shouldn’t be allowed to dress herself 🤦‍♀️
I quite like the bottom half of Eugenie's frock but the top is horrible. And the colour is AWFUL on her. She and her sister have form - here at William's wedding.


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Linda Lee

This woman is absolutely fascinating to me.

Not one single thing about her life as she writes it makes sense. Which leads me to believe it's mostly or entirely lies. I reckon she's got her feet up most of the time having a laugh at anyone who buys into it and I suspect this is true of the "controversial" columist types in general. Doubt they believe a word of the weird, provactive crap they spout. It's all a persona for money and attention.

Then again, there are some real fruitloops who are genuinely very odd ducks indeed, and that's fine when it's not hurting people but these columnists are so vicious, their victims having no right of reply, so seeing them make money from their nonsense is disheartening.
Latest pic of the balding old baggage...

It's uncanny!
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Where is the video ?

I’m quite fascinated by her weird habits , body language & horrible voice.
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'Front bottom' is naff and nauseating anyway. What's wrong with 'vulva' or 'genitals'? Bloody Hyacinth Try-Hard.

I was certainly taught how to change a plug at school and I'm ages with the dottled old bag. I know where my stopcock is (and where to turn of the water on the road) because I'm an adult and made sure to find out. As my father used to say of his sister who used to wait for his weekly visit to do male things like change a blown light bulb, she's bloody haundless.
Haundless is a fabulous word 👌 is it Scottish?
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7) I/my dogs shit ourselves
8) I wish I'd never left London
9) Slagging off her family
10) Slagging off other women
11) Quack medical beliefs: "HRT is evil" "COVID isn't real and no one should be allowed to wear masks because I'm DEAF"
How could I forget those classics? Between us we have compiled the greatest hits of Liz Jones.
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VIP Member
She looks SO much better with brown hair
She looks so much better in the "after" pics, mostly because of the hair but also because her patchy orange foundation and dry, clumpy black eyeliner have been removed and replaced with proper makeup.
Imagine that was 13 years ago and she's still going around with jet black frizz and ripping her pubes out every time a bloke so much as looks at her. Old dogs and new tricks etc
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New member
I expected Lizth to be commenting on the Westinster wedding in Chester today. My only, rather nasty, comment is what in the name of all that’s holy is Eugenie wearing? She shouldn’t be allowed to dress herself 🤦‍♀️
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