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Oh really? Wonder if she has any connections to Worcester College. 😉

Also, how come the crockery and glassware from the first photo seem to have been completely upgraded by the second photo? Or am I misinterpreting?
I think the second photo with the patterned crockery is a Liz-staged photo. Maybe she found the catering trolley used for laying high table. High table is for the tutors, alumni and their guests. Her 'table' is not laid out for eating, and that looks like it's on a little octagonal side table.

Just a guess, my opinion, not trolling.
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If the white squares are a gap between phases and signify reinvention or whatever does that mean no more shots of :

nut cracking naked thighs?
coffee shots?
glass of wine/alcohol shots
public speaking
Has she sold the place in Venice? It seems to have fallen off the radar completely which would explain the lack of retreats…
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And finally ........ the 'en-suite shower' in one of the bedrooms in the place in Italy.

Anna! Noooooo!

No. No. No.


Do it properly, or don't do it at all! That is one AWFUL excuse for an en-suite shower. AWFUL! Inexcusable. Terrible!
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Chatty Member
Probably having to do it under a pseudonym as no publisher will go here aftet they've witnessed the screaming heebeejeebies she's capable of if she doesn't get her own way
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I hope it’s all left to the brother and in trust for the grandchildren Liz is clearly not responsible enough…
I like the look of the Canadian one - very nice!

The Italian one (also v nice) is not in Tuscany, it’s further east in Abruzzo. So maybe Liz is telling the truth and has bought another place even further from her family, or she’s just trolling us with near truths and misdirection. I don’t know which one is more annoying….
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She can’t lay her decades long challenge with eating disorders at Mike’s door, or Xxxx’s or even Harry’s. Her digital footprint tells her story more reliably than she. It must be time to let Mike move forward without her constant trilling.

Pregorexia: does this bump look big on me?

Relative values: Liz Fraser and her father

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In her replies to comments on her Instagram post, she's suggesting that the Italian property needs a lot of work, that's it's currently "rubble and grass" - so maybe she's implying not her parents' place?
She has no income so no mortgage opportunity meanings she’s buying this with cash, it’s her parents or her parents are buying and doing it up.
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Well-known member
Oh no such a shame

What about that bbc selfie ? So that’s in the bin that super important project. Don’t tell me she was finning a

the film rights ? All fine poof. Damn

The ambassador work.. gone

Life changing book

all the fully booked retreats. Oh how disappointed all those imaginary complimentary retreaters must be…..

maybe she will di a yummy mummy novel about being a wealthy obvious cheap skate to her son on his big birthday.
Wonder if she’s been ask to provide for S as she mostly at dads. Hence the PUBLIC announcement giving up work…

there’s never NOT a reason behind her announcements ….

Oh according to Liz she made a full length feature film

never mentioned before
No photographic evidence
Nothing on her website about it



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Chatty Member
Just checked on La Fraser's website. Tomorrow's 4 day/3 day (Liz can't work out how many days there are in a 4 day retreat) is still being advertised. The previous one didn't happen, did it? And all I can remember from the two prior to that is a photo of a hand with a black sleeve and some fake review, which said "blah blah Liz blah blah amazing blah blah HELPED me SO MUCH blah blah unlocked my creativity blah blah Liz". Or something like that.

Six years in the planning?

That's some shockingly bad planning right there!

And if she HAD planned them at all, then when she was firming up on the itinerary - say for the June 6-8 retreat - she would have realised that June 6 was day one; June 7 was day two; June 8 was day three ........... and then she would have run out of days for day four. Proof, if proof were needed, that precisely NO planning went into these retreats, other than blagging table space at cramped Venetian cafes and fantasising about the attention it would all garner on her SM. I don't think Liz even factored in the PEOPLE who might go on her Retreats. I don't think she likes to be up close and personal with the great unwashed, so I'm pretty certain the Retreats were always going to be pure fantasy!

Isn't it about time she deleted the Retreat page from her website. It's starting to look like another con, a la Wedgie Press.
I guess anything could happen if she still has the bag of fake limbs you mentioned though in your post the other day 😆. All she needs is a wobbly/smelly pub table and a foot and, hey presto, a very high brow retreat has taken place and we can await the glowing reviews.
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I think she did mention taking S a while back but not sure if she did. there have been a few hashtags about solo travel so who knows. But if she is there I am sure she has loved looking at tiles and taking photos of her mother.
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So we can deduce she’s after a man who either

1. is married with kids
2. Has grandkids

She doesn’t do anything without an ulterior notice
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Tabitha D

VIP Member
I'm always chilled by her total lack of empathy. Towards anyone. I spend most of my life being very anxious about people I love and yes, the anxiety is tiring and no, I don't have two houses and money and the choice of living a fantasy life divorced from reality, but by God I'm glad I am the way I am and not like her.
That’s true about her total lack of empathy. She is just utterly self-absorbed, to the point where there’s nothing left for anyone else.
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