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The girls seemed loads happier without Jesy tonight. Something is definitely happening, no doubt about it.
Chris seemed a little off when he announced that Jesy wouldn't be there tonight.
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I watched the doc. I always have loved little mix and was heartbreaking seeing how badly jesy was affected. However I also felt bad for the other three girls as the constant negativity from jesy regarding photos and video shoots must have been hard to handle as well
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I think if she goes solo, she'll wait until the others do first. If she's the first (and releases anything before the tour) then I think she'll get backlash and struggle. I also don't think she really wrote/co-wrote much in the band.

I wonder if she's still friendly with Janet Devlin. (who went the indie route) She's been really open with her mental health and body image struggles on Youtube and in her book, and didn't have to deal with the mainstream media as much as Jesy did. I think it'd be kind of nice to have that support of someone who gets it to a degree.
I honestly don’t see Jesy disappearing from the lime light, she has obvious mental health problems and I actually think she’s addicted to social media and getting likes. She seems so obsessed with her self image and I actually think she should have come off social media a long time ago (she would have still made money from being in the band so didn’t really need it if it was compromising her mental health) but I don’t think she will, especially now. She is the type who wouldn’t want to disappear she will still want to be relevant. I can guarantee she goes and does solo projects either in music or something else.
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So she's unfollowed Alex and Ellie... Has she followed anyone linked to Leigh Anne and Jade?
Yeah, Leigh Anne’s sister Sairah don’t think she was following anyone from Jades family. Did some Twitter digging, Jesys best friend has also unfollowed Perrie, Jade and Leigh Anne. Jesy has also unfollowed their hair stylist Aaron!

Also Alex, Sairah, Aaron, Ellie and their manager Sam no longer follow Jesy either.... so I wonder if she blocked them now?

This is all very suspicious! She’s still following Perries brother, their dancer Claude and Lucy and Lydia who are bffs with Perrie so wonder if they were next?!
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Brian didn’t like the songs he sang is Westlife so he left, I’m sure if they hated it that much they would leave.
Little mix brand themselves about singing about personal experiences and songs relevant to them - which I like but I’m just sick of the breakup songs.

Also Brian may not know a Mandy, but Perrie knew who bought her the teddy she threw out the car in SOTME (good on her), so probs not the best comparison 😂

Could of mentioned the fact the Mark was in love with an uptown girl yet he’s gay 😂 I know that bands sing songs with no relevance to them but I would say 99% of the songs little mix sing have relevance to them x
I think you’re thinking too deeply into it and giving them way more credit than they deserve musically... I love their songs but they’re about as personal to them as a movie is to an actor, most musicians are complete frauds and a product. Beyoncé doesn’t even write her own songs but gets credit for everything, even Cardi B... someone else ghostwrites her raps... it’s a very corrupt industry!
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Chatty Member
First few weeks, like she may have morning sickness? But they haven’t anncoued as you’re meant to wait for 12 weeks +

Probably not likely though just a theiry
I know I just think it’s highly unlikely tbh, like if she had morning sickness or pregnancy struggles I’m sure she would’ve promoted her own groups album and tweeted supporting them at the EMAS etc! She’s not been active whatsoever throughout though, which gives the impression it’s more than a pregnancy. Something more along the lines of like others have said, being in rehab or having her phone taken off her.
I also of think if it was pregnancy they wouldn’t have said “medical condition” as that’s quite misleading as it’s not necessarily considered medical in the terms I think they mean
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It's sad, but hardly surprising Jesy has left Little Mix. It was clear her heart was no longer in it and she was struggling mentally. Hopefully she can find some peace and happiness in the future.
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The bushy eyebrow will be looked back like we do at the very thin brows of the early 00’s- and cringe.
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I think she's going to be very predictable and jump into a solo career. This will only exacerbate her problems, what she really needs is to take since time out and remove herself completely from the fame game.
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I think the 2 go hand in hand. The pressure of being in a girl group includes the pressure to look and act a certain way and the trolls did nothing but insult her and criticise her every move.
she has been the target of media attention since the beginning of LM! I feel for her. The other girls don’t get half the press she does and it’s always about her looks. Maybe she’s just sick to death of it. I know I would be. Some of the comments I’ve read here and on Twitter have been particularly harsh! She literally grew up in the spotlight and has had a real shit time of in regards her weight, her appearance always been criticised. I hope she is okay. I don’t think people should immediately assume the other girls don’t like her or vice versa. Sometimes things just don’t work anymore and this is probably it.

maybe she will go solo and so what if she does? No one hates the members of one direction for doing their own thing. I hope those LM fans still support her and the rest of the band.
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My daughter is a massive fan of LM and particularly Jesy, we went to a Q&A session with them and other fans in which my daughter was part of an exclusive group, shes 19 now but this was in the Glory Days tour, I commented then that Jesy seemed really miserable and distant , she came out with sunglasses on and the others all waved and acknowledged people , blowing kisses , she walked on stage after the others and done the soundcheck and just seemed like she didnt want to be there, even my daughter who would defend her to the hilt (shes Got Aspergers ) said she thought Jesy wasnt happy , it upset my daughter that her idol wasnt interacting like the others, also she was tiny dont know where the media made out she was fat came from and she was dressed normally in hoody and jeans she actually in my opinion looked so lovely, later on it was like a switch was flicked she was completely different.I feel for her in a way she had the weight of the world on her shoulders it seemed .
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To be fair if we look at one direction and fifth harmony after Zayn and Camila left they only managed another year or so before their hiatus but then again they were both the two most popular members.

I think if Perrie or Jade left there would be an issue and it would go the same way as 5H and 1D but I think little mix could work as a trio.
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Think I’ve mentioned this in the celeb gossip thread many moons ago. My friend was at a spa with her (then) fiancé and met Leigh-Ann and her now fiancé. She said they were both so incredibly lovely. My friend had no idea who either of them were and they hung out a lot over the few days they were there. My friend asked her what she did for a living and she simply said ‘oh I’m a singer’ but didn’t mention the fact she was in LM or in any way famous. It was only when she got back and saw them on tv that she realised who she was.

I know there is (understandably) a lot of shit about her fiancé’s actions previously etc but yeah, apparently they were great. 🤷🏼‍♂️
Well, he’s hardly going to walk into a spa spouting off and being an asshole hahaha but I’m glad she had a nice experience and they were just “normal”
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I think they are almost at the splitting up stage to be honest. Their songs have gone downhill since they left Syco. Not sure who their target audience is either, certainly not kids but I don't know if adults would care enough.
Also when is Alex going to propose to Perrie..?
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I wish they would just leave her alone to sort out what she needs. Can’t be helping her to have these creeps all over the place.
I agree, though it is encouraging to see she is out and about so that answers a few questions in itself. She looks exhausted though, hope she gets some real time out.
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Chatty Member
She will start doing more interviews etc soon and the remaining three will be painted into being the bad guys here.
I wonder if they’ll have a ‘feud’ not gonna lie if they do I will most likely be on the side of the three of them, she can’t really blame them for everything
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