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Gentle sleep coach 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no love your a mix between sergeant major and miss trunchbull. the kids acting like that on telly and runnning a muck in the church is kids been kids. wait till their walking she will have them blocked into the sitting room so she can sit on her hole shouting across the room adaaaaaaa stop adaaaaaaa leave your sister alone adaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa get us a bottle lucozade from the fridge
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Has Lisa even looked into whether her "qualification" will be recognised in Ireland? Can't believe she spent 6 grand on a fucking sleep course but she's not flush lads, remember she told us? She's worked hard for all she's got. How the fudge does someone who hasn't worked in over 2 years have 6 grand lying around for that? I'm also sick of her saying that if you don't take a chance you'll never know. Does she not realise that the majority of adults whether they have kids or not have bills, rent, mortgages, insurance, medical etc to pay and can't just quit work on a whim to do a poxy 12 week course that costs 6 grand. She's so far removed from reality it's unbelievable.
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‘Doesn’t Ireland have a long way to go in accepting different families’

Firstly, the woman was never ‘unaccepting’ of your alternative family because I assume you didn’t tell her they don’t have a dad so that’s not a fair conclusion to come to.

Secondly, she’s elderly. A different generation. Maybe she wouldn’t understand and that’s because she was never exposed to that. In her prime no one got pregnant via sperm donor so yeah she could very well be ignorant about it all. But that doesn’t mean the entire country is. I think you’d find Lisa, most people don’t give a rats.

Thirdly, they all say Dada regardless! Normally the first words. so if the girls say that is Lisa going to be offended that the twins aren’t accepting of different kind of families in Ireland?

She’s a thick. Anything for a bit of drama cause there’s nothing else going on
All of this. It's an incorrect observation from her. I'm a solo mother by choice, no one bats an eyelash when I tell them. If anything, they are curious, excited and are genuinely interested. I'm sure most of her followers are accepting.... otherwise they wouldn't follow 🤷‍♀️. She is starting a narrative which, quite frankly (albeit its my own personal experience so not saying its 100% right), isn't true. Accepting is the wrong word to use here.
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Chatty Member
This sounds like a lovely clean bargain x
She’s saying she bought fir €90 and €88, and selling for €120 together.
Sustainable queen
Why isn't she advertising pix of herself wearing them just to b transparent like

I haven't been on in ages took 2 days to catch up on her thread she's a popular polly is our lazy Lisa and the glasses my god she could have ate herself without salt and vinegar 😂😂😂😂 i mean mothers lock up your sons
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Chatty Member
Just had a look there and she still hasn't donated to her brother....even though he would have done the sleep out last night. Does she honestly think people following her are going to pay to get her for a sleep consultant. I hope d mudder is spending plenty of time with her other daughter and helping out there, Lisa has had a whole 12 months of being spoilt.......and it only turned her into an expanding slob


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Oh fuck off Lisa, still shite talking about the lack of parent/toddler spaces, get a bloody life for yourself 🖕 And cop the fuck on parking between 2 spaces, lose afew pounds/stones and you won't have a problem getting into your car with the girls 🤬


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Babies are meant to wake during the night if they didn’t there would be a problem. Sleep training programs are a joke. It’s a scam. I wouldn’t pay this one to look after a dog never mind take her advice.
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I was just coming on to say how sad it was that Lisa is plonked on the couch behind Ayda as she takes her steps but you got there before me. It’s so sad.

Get off the couch, Lisa.
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Chatty Member
Isn’t it mad she can’t get herself out for a walk everyday with the girls but can drag them up to Dublin on a whim, to be on the telly? Does she get paid for this?
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That's twice in as many days that she's deleted a story. Clearly Lisa isn't getting the reactions she expected.
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Not too mad about donating to these sleep outs if I'm honest. Mostly I'm donating to a bunch of people who've decided to have a party disguised as sleeping rough for one night. Shure they'd do that at a festival anyway. I'd rather donate straight to charity shops myself.
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… no mention of how she cant take care of her own basic personal needs most of the time.
Barely takes the girls anywhere.
Can’t handle them on her own while out.
Needs de mudder to take over after a difficult day and goes of in a huff.
Has a melt down the very odd time de mudder dares leave her side for more than a day.
Gets extremely stressed over trolleys and car parking spaces.
How she spends her days sat on the couch counting down till the next nap/sleep.
How often the girls are sick.

Anyone like to add anything?
Please God let it be a segment purely on the national twin trolley shortage as reported by our Lisa
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Video seems to be gone now. Poor kid
She obviously didn't get the reaction she thought she would were everyone would think it was gas that Ayda "escaped". Between this and the cupboard the other day she either pays no attention to Ayda or else she let's her do these things for "content". Pathetic.

I randomly noticed while looking at who she follows that she follows her own private account. Is she afraid she'll miss something or is it so she can send herself messages of praise/support pretending it from her fans? 🤣
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I really want to know her reaction.. Do you reckon she'll just ignore it and just tell us how long the twins napped for instead?
She'll probably come on later telling us it was fabulous and they'd a lovely day out. The girls loved it, absolutely loved it. Actually scrap that, she'll be on tomorrow cos she's probably already in bed. Lisa will need at least a 15hr nap after missing her two naps today.
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She is constantly sitting on that couch, I'm actually quite annoyed at how much these children are locked away in that sitting room every day. That's not normal ! The two girls crawling over to their mother for a bit of interaction. It's tugging at my heart if I'm being honest. She is one lazy lump god forgive me. It was a VERY selfish decision for her to go through IVF. There are plenty of people out there who would only love to have those two beautiful little girls and show them the outside world and explore like children should 😔
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Chatty Member
I can’t believe this thread is a year old!!
I used to hate you b*tches on tattle, when Lisa told her adoring fans about what you lot were saying about her! 🤭🤣🤣 Then I’d be watching her once the babies arrived, in my own sleep deprived newborn state and was like hang on, this wan is a neglectful, lazy cow, maybe the b*tches were right!
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