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VIP Member
sorry new to tattle I didn’t know how to do the spoiler button !
No problem!! I’m sure it wasn’t your intention at all to spoil anything, I know you said you didn’t want it spoiled yourself 🤣 the spoiler isn’t a major storyline or anything, I just know there are a lot of posters who don’t want to see anything at all before Sunday! X


Well-known member
Anyone fancy placing their final “bets” on the mystery relative? All in fun as I’m sure I’ll be totally wrong, presumably there can only be the one 😂

I’ll hide mine behind a spoiler for anyone who doesn’t want to speculate

Andrew Laverty. I’m not even really sure why other than Jackie (sort of) reappearing! Logic tells me Hunter really but I feel like it’s just too obvious and that’s what Jed wants us to think 😂
Was Andrew Laverty ever actually on screen? I can’t remember 🤣


VIP Member
No, a nominal is not necessarily a criminal but it is someone known to police due to a warning, arrest etc. It is not a police officer.

You really need to watch the scene again. Here’s the screenshots of Steve explaining how they searched the whole system, aka beyond police officer DNA, and found it to be a nominal, aka not a police officer:

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So it has to be someone like Terry then ??


VIP Member
So it could well be that the DNA was connected to her mother whose data was presumably registered on a Scottish database ("other police databases")?

She could be Corbett's twin - they were both born in 1979 apparently.

Editing because I'm in tattle jail for the next two mins lol

If it's male, could it be John's bio dad then? He was murdered/active during the Troubles. Given that ht was married to John's mum and had the same surname, surely the system would flag up the connection between them (them being John's mum and himself).
Could be his dad, I guess? I don’t think it’s impossible but I think it’s unlikely.


VIP Member
So in this thread we've had speculation that Jo and Gail Vella are sisters. And now Tony Gates could be Jo's dad?

Good job AC-12 are more on the ball. Mother of God, indeed.
Why not? Is he too young? I'm not clued up on people's ages etc.


Well-known member
I don’t think this is likely to be the case only because I’m 99% sure (I remember looking out for it) that in one scene where she comes in, after locking everything she puts the key down on the sideboard next to the door. If it was to keep someone in then surely she’d keep the key on her?
Oh I don’t remember that part, guess not then!


She’s too old to be Jackie’s daughter surely, there can only be about 10 years age difference between them.
Jackie would be 54 now, how old do we think Jo is?

It’s the photo from her apartment that the camera ran over in episode 1 that’s making me think Jackie.


Well-known member
Ok now nobody shoot me down in flames here.....but in all the furore up thread, did we actually establish whether or not John Corbett could be classed as a nominal? I know that he was a police officer and therefore shouldn't show up as a nominal, but if he was working so deep undercover that records were erased/doctored to protect his identity, is there any chance that he could appear on the PNC database as a nominal?

Just asking for a friend! 🤣

Also is there any chance that DNA evidence or records could've been tampered with, to fit someone up?
I’m pretty sure someone worked out she can’t have the same mum as JC because the ages/dates don’t match up. Same dad though maybe?