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VIP Member
Here's a mind-boggling idea - suppose Jo is like John Corbett, so deep under cover to root out bent coppers that virtually nobody knows, not even AC12. And certainly not Wise and Sindrahni. The OCG think she's theirs but she isn't. Or is that too much like Series 5?
That's my theory too
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Corbett was hell bent on uncovering corruption and felt he had nothing to lose which ended up with him going off book and look how that ended up.

Ted has dedicated his entire life to anti-corruption, at the cost of everything, and now his life's mission is being taken away from him so he potentially feels he has nothing left to lose, and obviously he wants to get to the bottom of it all, but at what cost?

Plus there's the connection of them both having shared history from Belfast.
Ah ok....yes, I see what you mean. I really hope Ted doesn't throw caution to the wind and turn crazy reckless in a last ditch attempt to expose the bad guys. We don't want a martyr....we want our Ted in one piece! 😰
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Think this has been missed due to the big story about a relative but what do people think about there being more than one balaclava man?
I thought we already knew that 🤷‍♀️

My partner thinks she has a much more significant role . The other week when Steve was in her house there was a magnetic board with letters on it . It had like a shopping list on it with things like Beer on it . I think that there was more on it but can’t recall . I thought it was weird at the time . Also the questioning about the sports and TV package could be a clue . He thinks a man is living with her and that person could be a surprise / twist ! It was an interesting thought . Could that male end up being linked to Jo .
I thought it was Bear that was on the notice board and it was the single H along from it on the board and tiles that was the teaser.
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The issue for me with the son theory is that for most of the real candidates she would either have to have been painfully young (which I suppose they could do) eg Terry Boyle or she’d already have been in the police eg Ryan (yes I know it can’t be him because he’s a cop also but he’s the age group I need ☺)) where it’s unlikely she’d have been able to conceal a pregnancy.
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VIP Member
Surely they would use a mixed race actor then like this other children?! I don’t think they’d use a white actor if he was her dad.
Just because he wasn't white doesn't mean she would be mixed race considering Jackie's white. A black parent and a white parent don't necessarily always make child with dark skin. Like I said I do think it's Hunter this was simply a thought.
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Jackie would be 54 now, how old do we think Jo is?

It’s the photo from her apartment that the camera ran over in episode 1 that’s making me think Jackie.
The photo looks quite 80s/early 90s. I think she’s probably mid thirties.
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I think he’s supposed to be in his late 20s at the youngest, more likely 30s and Jo is 41 (42 if they pretend it’s later in the year) so it’s pushing it unless they go down a very dark track. Maybe brother though?
Yeah I just looked him up on the LoD wiki and his age is 30’s so think he would have to be brother/nephew if he is a relation.
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I’m rewatching from S2 so I can try to remember all the characters. Mike Dryden was leaking stuff to the press. ooohhhhhh. Is this significant???!
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VIP Member
Do we know if John Corbett grew up as an only child or did he have any (adopted) siblings?
I’m pretty sure someone worked out she can’t have the same mum as JC because the ages/dates don’t match up. Same dad though maybe?
I'm thinking cousin or half sibling, if anything.
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Yes! And him saying something along the line of “look how easy this was” on Jo’s doorstep could’ve been a nod to Vella being gunned down literally on her doorstep.
I thought it had been pretty much confirmed Carl Banks killed Vella? He was bragging in the pub to the CHIS. They would have more than just Ryan available for contract killings. I think Ryan might have killed the CHIS though?
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