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Does anyone else think with age she’s turning into just a proper nob 😂? Ive unfollowed her now. Not even because of her boring aff links and style but just her personality. She can be so rude in her comments / replies to people like say thank you or please or something.. and also the whole “I DOnT FoLLow TrENDs” story gave me so much second hand embarrassmenttttt. Cannot actually deal hahha.
Agreed! She’s really become quite unlikeable. It’s the I’m better than you attitude and smarmy vibe for me 🥴
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Oh good, she is even snooty about shop bread now! Lily, some of us have real life jobs working 12 hrs a dayand still cannot afford the luxury of daily bake house sourdough, or have lost our jobs and need the cheapest food shops we can get or even use food banks… wake up and smell the privilege
Remember when Lily lived in Brighton she claimed she couldn’t eat normal bread because of her gluten intolerance? Where did that go Lily?
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I used to follow her in her very early days and on LJ. It's a bit sad how it seems nothing has changed and she's still acting like a teenager with the fast fashion obsession. Who is her audience now? I am a year or 2 older I think and I can't relate to her at all. And even though she's constantly buying new clothes she never looks any different?!
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I really do like Lily, and I’m particularly liking her style at the moment, but honestly how many leopard print items does one person need?? As I said I do enjoy her style, but I really hate the consumerism of it all. I feel like her grungy style would lend itself to charity shopping and vintage items, yet she seems to be obsessed with buying new bits on ASOS everyday. How on Earth is she affording it while living in London?! How much can she really be earning? Honestly I have so many questions, but at the moment her job seems to just be posting ASOS affiliate links
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Oh I didn’t realise Lily was still a thing! I used to watch her way back in the day and she’s always had the ‘I’m not like other girls’ vibe. To not have outgrown that by the time your 30 is beyond embarrassing! I don’t keep up with her now but I just remember her being super messy and sloppy. And she was SO rough when doing her make up! She’d apply her foundation by aggressively stabbing and rubbing her face with that manky real techniques brush and I’d feel physically ill 😂
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under the ivy

VIP Member
Can she stop shopping and do a wear my wardrobe "challenge" - how its a challenge to wear clothes you own is beyond me, but the amount of stuff she must have/wear once/return blows my mind.

And she reads here because of the stories about her cat, so HI LILY
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As we're talking jobs - I remember Lily making a video on her vlog channel where she admitted she lacked ambition and had always seen herself just pottering about as a housewife.

I think she expected to be settled down by now, thereby opting out of the workplace entirely. Obviously it hasn't worked out that way, which is why she's so directionless, resentful and lacks the drive to do anything more taxing than affiliate linking.
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She has two main problems:
1) her “unique” style isn’t unique any more as the whole scene/grunge look is actually quite cool now (I no longer get called a goth for wearing DMs) but,
2) she doesn’t have the actual style required to make it look cool. Fashion has come back around and now could be her time to revive her look if she had any actual genuine style but as she is basically a walking “things from asos in black/leopard” lookbook, even I, who others (and me tbf) would describe my “look” as that (loads of the stuff she shows I already own) don’t find her remotely aspirational or cool as I can also just search “leopard” or any item in black on asos on my own. That combined with the fact that she comes across as so insincere with absolutely no interest in actually engaging with her audience does not a good influencer make.

Does anyone know of any mildly alt influencers/fashion gals while we’re here?
Yes I'd be keen for some new people to follow, whilst I appreciate the look of the full on alt girls, it's just not for me but I still want some subtle alt inspo.

She is honestly doing my head in, I don't know why I still follow. You can't bang on all the time about being alternative when you're just pairing some box fresh docs with another new look dress! Also back when I started following her, around 2010 maybe, she was firmly what I would have called an indie Cindy with the ombre (always pronounced om bray) , press on nails and the rings, definitely no hint of the emo she's always claiming to be.
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I genuinely think lily is so caught up on this ‘emo/scene’ identity because her whole life quite literally revolves around it. Other people grow out of being consumed by a certain identity because you go out, get a job in the ‘real world’ and have other shit going on. Lily still very much lives the life of a teenager: in her bedroom, taking photos of herself and spending hours upon hours online (basically what a lot of kids did in the MySpace times!!). All it shows is how immature she still is in ways. Most other people simply don’t have the time to obsess so much and have much more going on in life to pin to their identity.
Totally agree! I think most people change drastically between their teens and their early 30s. Fair enough you can still enjoy the music and the fashions from the past, but like you said, most people move on, grow up and get jobs, have relationships and what not, all of which change you as a person.
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She could easily be in marketing or find seo work. It would be more demanding, significantly longer and regular hours topped off with a lower financial reward at the end of the month but she does have transferable skills. She would struggle with not having afternoon naps or not being able to write off days due to menstrual cramps, negotiating office politics etc.

I liked her YouTube, but I get the impression she felt exposed on there and was living a life (single cat lady, struggling with weight gain and bad skin, pain from her chronic illness) that she didn't see for herself and resented sharing it. She thought she'd marry her ex (alluded to cheating) and have several kids (talled about manifesting being a boy mum) etc. But i liked the hr fact she different she was independent and not a cookie cutter of all the others at the time, living with their schooldays boyfriend, donning fake lashes for days at home whilst wearing over the knee boots and Zimmerman style Lacey dresses with chanel esq quilted bags.

I am not sure exclusively doing hauls on her room, and sending stuff back is of interest now.
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She never seems very friendly does she. I liked her vlogs but I'm not that interested in her hauls on insta.

I rhink she makes ig filters and probably edits other influencers pics and work. Considering she has a graphic design degeee i don't know why she doesnt open a shop .selling her designs etc. Gabby lindley is.somehow managing to make.thousands out of that despite not being able to.draw.
I feel like she’s got a massive chip on her shoulder. She’s one of the OG bloggers but things have changed massively. A series of aff links doesn’t give followers anything meaningful or interesting and the dropping follow count reflects this:
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Chatty Member
These influencers must think we’re all fucking daft. It’s such a coincidence that pretty much every question involved some kind off aff link as the answer. Absolutely no shame.
Did you notice how one question was ‘where’s this dress from?’ Without any description or info, and she linked that same constellation embroidery one for the 10th time.

If you’re gonna fill your own Q&A Lily at least make an effort to make the questions seem more legit.
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Chatty Member
what happened to aerys?
She lives with her mum apparently. She was/is such a sweet cat. As others have mentioned above I would love to see Lily, well do something. I guess the aff links are paying the bills so she can't be bothered. 🤷‍♀️
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I'm quite surprised by the tattoo, I knew Lily was basic but she's usually at least early to trends (that's how she pretends she started half of them)
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I can’t understand what happened. Back in the day she was running two blogs, taking and editing photos on a DSLR then uploading. The blogging/influencer space has only gotten easier with advancement of iPhones etc so it’s now LESS work & the deals are so much bigger! Like what the fuck happened?
Another case of the less you do, the less you want to do I think.
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Chatty Member
Anyone see her 'update' on her cat? Seems a bit rude to call people horrible for speculating/asking about Aerys just because Lily completely stopped showing and mentioning her! She could've easily addressed it in the Q&A she did when she 'returned' instead of the 'woe is me' and calling other people horrible. Pff
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