Life of having 3 kids unfortunately one of school age they are all going to get ill at the same time they will have to just get used to this now 🥱
They’ve openly spoke about having one more aswell, which just seems crazyI can’t wait to see if Dean actually goes back to work I seriously think Megan can’t cope with all the kids herself, not knocking her, I struggle with one but she should seek help if that’s the case!
It got people talking, gained them some new followers and in eggs mind justified her removing accounts that she followsThey’re so minging! The social services tit didn’t last long! 🥱
I hope they do to - I have family and friends who have children in the school - with some in the same year as him. someone I know has had to keep their son home with a temp and they’re not allowed back to school until they have aCOVID test- results not back until early next week now. I will be contacting the school to make them aware they have mentioned high temperatures on their social media.Hope they're gonna get covid tests before they pop to tesco every day seeing as theyve openly stated theyve all got temperatures.
SameCant bring myself to actually follow.
You’re not missing out on much, due to it being world suicide prevention day he’s reaching out to his followers and asking “how are YOU!” (Again) because yeah he really cares/wants to blag some more freebies and has to keep up this pretence that mental health matters to him. Stinky breath has blocked me so I have no idea what she’s up to, boobing probably.