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Active member
How old is River? I have a 19 month old daughter who seems more advanced than him?? She speaks full sentences and words and if she can't nap in a cot then she makes it clear she wants a pillow etc??
Looking back he was 2 in May, lets hope where he's going will help him along.


VIP Member
I am a senior leader in a nursery, now that he has started pre school hopefully they will be pretty efficient with assessing where he is developmentally, my son is also autistic so it’s better to get the ball rolling sooner rather then later it’s such a long process.
Hopefully. Nursery were really helpful to me but I also had an inkling before.
Why are people so against boys having longer hair? I don’t get it 🤣
I have nothing again boys having long hair at all but has she ever let her little boy decide this? Most passers by think he's a little girl. Let him decide eventually rather than what she would've preferred him to be
I have nothing again boys having long hair at all but has she ever let her little boy decide this? Most passers by think he's a little girl. Let him decide eventually rather than what she would've preferred him to be
Has she ever said to river let's get our hair cut? He's at that age now where he's aware of his hair and would know that it's bothering him and if he wants it cut or not but it seems to everyone she's actively avoiding it so people assume he's a little girl


VIP Member
It does look rather like it in that photo but I suppose it could just be the angle/positioning. Can’t think what else she’s heavily hinting at though so it would make sense.


Well-known member
I can't believe he doesn't have a pillow or duvet. He must have been freezing during that cold weather we've had


He definitely seems to be non-verbal! My little boy is 1 month older than River and has been talking in full sentences (non-stop may I add!! 😴) for a heck of a long time now! Hope she is at least accessing speech and language therapy for him 🤞


VIP Member
Welly boots too...very strange!!

All the footage with them out together they seem to be overly cautious with him, forever holding his hand and being RIGHT beside him every second. Rhod even went down the gravel beside the slide as River went down the slide. Poor child doesn't have a chance to explore and be "wild" as she claims he is!!

I think her idea of "wild" is probably him crying or shouting when he doesn't get what he wants or if he is finding something difficult!
I was thinking this and wondering if they are cautious or I'm neglectful 🤣 they are all up in his business though aren't they don't give him a second to problem solve it himself


[QUOTE="cill2019, post: 16897638, member:
the tears for adoration then straight into selling that bloody face vibrator

This. With puffy eyes pushing a sale.


Chatty Member
Where has all the money suddenly come from? I remember when she posted she had £5 in her bank and bought strepsils and milkshake. Now she’s a stay at home mum buying £100 trainers and numerous outfits daily?!! She can’t be making much from lumi shit surely
Benefits maybe?! I’m not well versed in what people can claim but she doesn’t work and has a kid so there must be some support by the tax payer…?


VIP Member
Is that what she meant? Oh the poor boy. I know this will be an unpopular opinion but I do also feel for Jade, she just needs some bloody help doesn't she?
There is every possibility I have misread it and they didn’t actually go and sit on a bench and wave at cars…. however, she just doesn’t do anything to stimulate him does she. There’s no colour, there’s barely any toys that we see, she doesn’t do any baby groups that we see (appreciate that she may not show them but, she shows everything else!)

You are 100% right, she does need help in some way, shape or form.


Active member
My 2 year old was exactly the same. He is 3 next month and has improved so much in social situations with family. Although still very much speech delayed and has been referred for ASD assessment.
That’s good to know he’s improved, hopefully things will be the same for my daughter.


Active member
I work part time so on my home days I def don't go to the nursery run glammed up but I'm always dressed and I have 3 to get ready! I was just pressing the point that IF she is preg she's gonna have a real shock soon cos life doesn't just stop just cos you've got a newborn- it'll be really important for River to keep his routine and keep this momentum going with his apparent 'progress', but she could just as easily sack it all off and keep him at home cos it's easier!

As a woman who has had such struggles with conceiving I really wish she would announce it ASAP if she is pregnant as if she isn't it could be so damaging for her to read the stuff on here :(