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Sticky One

VIP Member
I can’t believe she posted that pic of him looking so vacant, it actually makes me feel really sad looking at it.
god i just went and had a look and it made me feel so sad too 😔

for all we know Jade could have seeked professional advice but I just don’t understand why she wouldn’t want to protect her vulnerable child from being exposed to thousands of people on Instagram.


Chatty Member
I don’t understand why they haven’t suggested a planned c section as the first didn’t go to plan. A planned c section can be so relaxing & reformative, my first was emergency c section after the drip at 42 weeks & the second planned at 41 weeks & the planned one for me was easy


New member
Been following her for a while. Seems like she is lacking alot of support. She must get so much people coming up to her mistaken her boy for a girl.

Sticky One

VIP Member
I think it’s more that she actually moaned that he needed his hair cut and said she was waiting for Rhod to book it and take him.. and this was probably 6+ months ago and he still hasn’t had his hair cut because they are both useless idiots

ETA: I personally have nothing against long hair on boys.. but why do people let it get unruly? Like you wouldn’t let a girl have unruly long hair, it would be styled properly, put in buns, braids etc, not just shoved up the way she shoves his hair up, so she just shows she actually couldn’t give a shit to do anything decent with his hair. The least she could do is put it up nicely for him
Yeah I remember that but she may have also just changed her mind - my son had 1 hair cut and then I decided against having it cut again but so many people use to ask me when he was having it cut like it’s a given that boys must have a short, back and sides.


Chatty Member
I do t think she has said what the problem is, could be pregnancy or could just be bad mental health the way she is talking

Your Moms Chest Hair

Chatty Member
Her friend had said to her a few weeks ago that she had “lost herself” since becoming a Mum. She went to book something for Rhods birthday and she spoke to 3 adults and she felt like that was the old Jade. Then she said that she had a few major life changing events during Covid - one was having a baby and the other was leaving her retail job (which in my opinion is hardly a major event) which also contributed to losing herself.
This, I understood. Thank you ☺
My son is autistic and often wears gloves. He hates the feeling of anything getting on his hands. He only wears them outside now (and a lot less than he used to). I really hope that they get River all the help that he needs.


I stopped following aggeesss ago because I was bored of it 😂
Just had a flick through her page… has she put on alot of weight? I don’t remember her being as big as she is?!
My son is only 10 months and makes those kinds of noises river was making in her video this morning.. he’s just turned 2, should he still be making noises like that?


Active member
It was the reaction to the bubble machine that is so obvious but I highly doubt that both muppets will see that. We had over a year wait for my 5yo who talks none stop now but needs help with his pronunciation, eventually we went private as we just couldn’t wait with him being in school too.
We have a massive wait for private SLT too. The nursery have been waiting since April and we managed to get an assessment for him in october with his dla we were awarded and now currently on the waiting list for therapy.

he starts school in September so I hope with his EHCP (we are waiting for that to go through 🤞🏻🙏🏻) he’ll get some therapy at school, so expensive! Hope your boy is doing well, it’s such a worry x