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VIP Member
I can’t get over how she was talking about this big abroad family holiday and it’s a caravan in Italy and she will feel like she’s at work lol making the beds. She’s a piss taker this isn’t a holiday at all not one bit. I’d rather stay home then go on that and pack all the crap she was like she’s going for a day trip to Blackpool. They won’t see Italy at all as won’t want to spend a penny. K this isn’t a holiday this is so embarrassing it really is
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Cockleshell Bay

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Comments off as she knows that finally the lie of F being unable to use her leg is exposed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that child. She can use her foot but has been told not to by her Mother. Infuriating to see how much NHS time she has wasted.
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Wouldn’t the school be interested in this seeing her videos of Felicity walking about on two feet running around doing Rolly Polly’s and the Drs what would they make of this, and another thing those kids should be at school anaw those kids aren’t going to get a education with that moron of a mother she needs to be investigated she is a fraud she should be taken all the road for what she is doing

Benefits should be cut and she should be locked up! Not only exploits her kids but exploits the system says a lot about the pair of them dad is a Robber and the Mother a Frauster!
No hope for the kids
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So apparently home schooling involves your school day being filmed and and shared on SM, could you imagine if the teachers did that and what K would have to say. The school day K should be focused on the child and there shouldn't be a phone in sight. The old woman in me is wondering if this new homeschooling trend is the new university for kids to be come YT "stars"
Home schooling Sienna by Mrs Baldwin is never going to be done well. Too many reasons to list but I'm sure a lot of us have known this for a while. As for last night's 'Sienna show', well the title gave me joke 'DO WE HAVE A FUTURE CHEF IN THE HOUSE' - really Kayleigh? Learning to flip burgers is good training, that's it, ready for staff discount in McDonalds in a few years as that's her food of choice.

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2 sunbeds
2 pizzas
2 chips
2 suitcases
2 pool inflatables
Seems 2 is the magic number lol
Letting those kids sunburn like that is pure neglect, we have just returned from 2 weeks in Turkey during a heatwave, well over 40 degrees all day every day, and no sunburn on any of us!
Sienna sunburn was really bad. Ks constant cackling in the background is so annoying. Why did it take them so long to realise they had been given the wrong lodge? As for the BBQ…seriously
Bbq? What bbq? Oh the undercooked offerings and cheap white buns probably enough for half of them!? They're in ITALY FFS the offerings in the supermarkets there are out of this world, and this is the shit the "CHEF" chose to bbq!? So much for felicitys "Mediterranean diet" if they can't provide that in Italy there's no hope
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Well-known member
There’s holidays on a budget and there is Baldwin holidays! Why didn’t she save for a year and go on a decent holiday! He will be cooking every day and she’ll be pretending to be a young thing with the teenagers. What an absolute farce and effort for 5 nights. I couldn’t be arsed with the hassle.
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VIP Member
One of my children has multiple diagnoses and one of them affects mobility. Therefore , during term time and weekends we are mindful about non strenuous activities and rest . We plan days out or holidays around it being half term . They should have gone away the weekend before or maybe they should have limited F on what she should do I.e not run up and down a sand dune.
K seems like she’s backtracking on home schooling and she likes to have a bit of peace. The only thing she found appealing about home schooling is not being accountable to anyone.
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Well-known member
Why would you go all that way and take a beach tent and picnic basket surely you would won’t to see parts of Italy and not sit on the beach when you do that in the uk I would spend the £200 on bedding and towels as it’s a holiday think she would of been better going to haven lol 😂
They will be sat in the campsite so the girls can use the park/swimming (if they have any of those facilities) and on the beach because it's free, unless they are going to look for a McDs or a Costa I don't think we will see much of Italy in the vlogs.
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7 nights in a hotel in Salou or wherever would have been cheaper than 5 nights 🤣( 3 uninterrupted days) in the caravan, who even stays in a caravan in Italy 🤦 you honestly couldn't make this shit up.

*I don't watch so have no clue how much she paid
She hasn’t said how much she paid she said she’s doing another vlog on that. When she said caravan in Italy looool
Sorry but they are such tramps. 5 people in each caravan make their own beds have to lay on a mat Alan blanket no subbed and can’t use it phone for 4 days …oh but it’s in Italy loool
I would never have posted this. The shame
Aren’t they going Venice? She hasn’t even mentioned the boat rides or pizza and pasta or lake Garda I’m not sure where what is in Italy. All she has mentioned is that they need rucksacks for when they go to the supermarkets loool. She’s a total joker she may as well have gone to Skegness
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VIP Member
Does she not realise her daughter shows she can do both of those things in her video footage?! 🤥 Foot was flat to the floor in Cornwall in the reflection of the estate agents window! Even yesterday’s vlog when walking with the ice cream she was walking perfectly fine, leg extended well and heel flat to the ground 😂

Another thing that is really frustrating is the sunburn situation. You know your kids have burnt, why then spend a day at the beach with no protection on the body? Get the kids in rash vests or T-shirts and allow their bodies to recover a little rather than continuing to let the sun hit their skin.
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Considering she has no job how can she be so disorganised and why can’t the kids sort themselves out for 2 days? She makes everything into a drama. She can barely sort the house out so not sure how she plans to homeschool. I personally thinks the school are starting to ask question so she is taking them out so she doesn’t have to explain her actions. She will only do something to benefit her.
I expect this is exactly what is happening. Going out and about like they are and vlogging it but claiming neither girl can manage a full day of school is taking the p*ss big time. A camping holiday this weekend, a trip to Italy for the week in 3 weeks or so. There is no excuse she could make as to why those girls can’t attend for a good chunk of the school week, they’d both be better off for it.
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Making excuses about Felicity having a rubbish nights sleep so she was too tired to go to school before the Pink concert. Yet in the vlog she’s sat at the table having her hair done, managed to go into town with witch face & this seems to all be before lunchtime as she was going to feed them lunch after shopping before heading off for the concert. So much for F needing rest 🤥 Damn right it makes you look bad K, no matter how you play it down. Sounds to me like it would have been too much of an inconvenience to let her go in as she’d have had to be rushing around getting F ready once she picked her up before setting off. She really needs to give this one up.
On another note, Felicity was wandering around in the background quite normally too with no crutches, she’s really coming along well - this is how I expect she is most of the time in the home. Shame she seems to take a backward turn as soon as she’s out and about in public & suddenly requires the use of crutches etc.
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VIP Member
F could go into remission. How dare she use that word which is used for seriously ill people. There is fuck all wrong with the kid. She’s now acting as loves the attention. She gets to stay off sch to McDonalds and play on her iPad.
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VIP Member
Have you seen her cp? Saying sorry but you tube turned the chat off and that they do it now and again stop lieing you turned it off because you prob had lot of hate and questions to why F was up and down on the dunes and why you gave into to S when she wasn't really crying but wanted food and shops were shut while you watched the sun go down and you son needed the toilet and you told him there were none so you have to wait .it was you K who turned it off you tube don't do it your incontroll over your channel unless it's bad so you think we all stupid like you no no far from it
I think she’s talks to Riley like she hates him. No love there it’s all for the two girls
Siennas speech seems to have gone backwards again .
She wasn’t even crying at all. They are just attention seekers. She’s 7 this yr and is treated like she’s 3
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VIP Member
Before they went on holiday she was saying how well she was doing , managed a full day at school and wanted to go back full time . She said she was well into remission. We’ve seen her on holiday not use the crutches , walk an incredible distance each day , but her foot flat many times on camera, in the pool having a great time . This is all really great for Felicity. Now however , K is back home , holiday blues etc I’m sure we will see the crutches appear , Felicity all tired out and not at school again .
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I just can't watch this dirty ugly scummy ponce anymore, i just want to punch her in the ugly gummy mouth, who knws, might even make her more attractive lol
I have never know such a loser, and to think she's raising 6 more little dole'ites, eww! They will never achieve anything with those scumbags as role models, other then Rhys, i have hope for him because i feel he looks more to his GF and her family, who seem to actually have some class!
I might have to watch a bit of the train crash Venice vlogs tho pmsl "shitshow on tour" 😂😂
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Sunny side up

Well-known member
Did you see F walking in the play area no shoes on tonight's? And limping when she knows that cameras on her she starts limping unless she forgets then walks normall . And for her home schooling didn't know what diffrance was between ocean and sea something like that what a great mother she is having a go at summer because she didn't do geography so K said how would she now when K didnt know herself and she home schoolingThen moaned about the younger boy because he was up 3 times in the night bc of sun burn . AND S face so burnt mother of the year there
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sleepy head

Chatty Member
Probably sore throat from the air conditioning on the airplane coming back from Italy always something wrong with somebody in that house
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