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Well-known member
They just don’t get it, do they?
This one lives in a free gift world. She’s not only got a huge house hubby built , luxury holidays , flash cars..... but she now does hidden affiliate links!

The worst part is the pushing constant pictures / videos of her children for gifts / ADs. She should be utterly ashamed of herself. Total strangers having access to her young innocent children. You can easily see where she lives ! Does she not think it’s dangerous to show off all the time ? Put your family as risk ? And for what ? A crappy cheap Chinese set of furniture and hundreds of wicker baskets???

She seems to give the impression she gets a lot of negative messages from the ‘trolls’ I think it’s more like people calling her out on being a spoilt brat too tight to buy anything herself ! And accepting constant Gift gift gift gift ....
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Well-known member
Why is it the rich wives who couldn’t possibly stoke up the energy to work for a living get non stop gifted stuff ! And I mean endless holidays !

Look at this hidden gifted tag.

This one is a housebuild wannabe who gets more free stuff than her.
Good spot saw this post today and never noticed the gifted stay till you said 😡
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Chatty Member
The laundry.... sorry I mean “linen” cupboard is complete🤦‍♀️These posts are really grating on me. These home accounts once complete not that it was much of a journey but finding all these endless swipe ups for candles and vases just so needy and desperate. Are people seriously DM asking about bowls, vases, candles and items she wears from New Look daily???
What a boring, unfulfilled life she must lead if thr highlight of her day is putting white towels in a pile, followed by putting white sheets in a basket and then white soaps in a jar. Yawn!! I'd rather have mismatched towels thrown into my airing cupboard, an average size house and some friends and things to do rather than have a grand house full of boring crap and doing nothing except waiting for online validation from strangers
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VIP Member
I think you’re all right that they bought the land with house plans already approved, I’m sure that rings a bell when she’s talked about not liking the front windows. But they could totally afford to have amended the plans so I don’t understand why they didn’t?! Or even to alter the windows now, as mad as it sounds - they could still afford that too!
For me she’s just trying so hard to be the perfect Stepford wife that she just comes across as a fake and desperate airhead. Every little event or occasion has to be picture perfect - I mean WHO has the time when baking with the kids to decant all the ingredients into pretty little pots first?! There’s never the slightest mess, never a hair out of place . . . but no one can possibly let live like that, which is why it’s so fake! She’d be more appealing if she showed us real life!
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VIP Member
I unfollowed The Berkshire build ages ago because she’s a beggy twat. Everything is gifted or ads. So unrealistic. Her house is plan and quite frankly boring.
You’re right. Her house is quite boring. You can have all the money in the world but you can’t buy style! 😂
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VIP Member
Ive just looked on her posts and story (with a dif account after she blocked me for calling her out on her ads). She just states some items prev gifted but shes not saying what is she. Its only her story that state its the furniture gifted. These mummy floggers do my head in
This still happens, so you don’t know which items are gifted. Justalittlebuild does it loads too or simply doesn’t bother to include anything despite receiving tons of furniture from John Lewis. These so called influencers only care about what they can get.
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VIP Member
How sad. Why would she insinuate he committed suicide, what an odd thing for her to do. She's a major attention seeker so I'm not surprised.
Yeah, it was all the "we didn't see it" "blindsided" "check on those you love" posts/stories that gave me the impression he committed suicide. I just kept thinking poor Ella having to see her stories too. Don't even get me started on her messages to Ace.
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Not fussed

Chatty Member
So I think I've followed this account for a while but never see posts or stories
Happened to come across stories early this morning when my baby had me up at a stupid hour
How bloody sneaky is she with her labelling of ad affiliate link
Off I go to ASA...


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VIP Member
Wonder what happened to her account? Did she get her free teeth whitening? This is exactly what I dislike about Instagram - all the gifting, ads and swipe ups, oh and people asking for stuff. It’s dreadful. My mum and Nan would never have behaved in this low manner. It’s cheapened society and made people so self absorbed that they don’t think about others. It’s all about taking and what they can get next. Not helping others (being kind), doing charity work etc.. ☹
☝🏻 This ! its all very well being ‘kind’ to your kids. But I don’t see any of them volunteering or using some of their acres of free time and cash to benefit their local community. And you just know they’re not doing it secretly..., because EVERYTHING is for the gram.
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VIP Member
This pandemic is the perfect time for influencers to use their platform for good. If Laura was indeed doing charitable work, surely she’d mention it to give those charities more awareness, as most are crying out for help, support and donations. These instagrammers pretty much document everything else in their lives, so why leave out mentioning something as important as charitable work and random acts of kindness such as regifting free stuff?? One influencer was recently gifted some lovely boxes of chocolates from a well know chocolate company, they thanked the company for the kind gift, and showed them to their followers, and then made sure they told their audience they would be donating the boxes to a local hospice. Sorry but it really doesn’t make sense not to mention a charity or charitable act, especially when charities need all the awareness they can get during these unprecedented times.
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New member
I think the issue is just how much is accepted and how irrelevant 90% of it is! The disclosure and bought followers on her account are shocking! There are tools like HypeAuditor that show exactly when she bought them too. Charity ball (google says it was for great Ormond st) wasn’t just Lauras’ initiative either & doesn’t change the Instagram fails.
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Chatty Member
Daughters 11th birthday- beige, beige, beige, followed by more beige and sprinkled with a bit of extra beige. So boring!
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Well-known member
I find it weird ‘buying’ valentines presents for her children. Then said they want to celebrate it as they like an excuse to get gifts. Hmm wonder where they get that from? I don’t like her at all. She is totally fake and have no idea what her poor children are learning from it all.
Contradicting herself saying they don’t celebrate one minute then they do the next!

Does she not realise how potent that cheap pink cleaner is she’s writing her name in? Tagging on the beg again.

Desperate to be the house build. She makes me sick the way she constantly shares her children to get free gifts ! Another privileged skank too tight to put your hand in your pocket. She’s the biggest begger on Instagram !

Free garden furniture , bedroom furniture, mattress, endless wicker baskets !

‘Hi guys.... beg beg beg 👃
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they start off by flooding 'celebs' home pages. like they have their notifications on for the celeb's page. they're hungry for fame/exposure.
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Everything has to be insta perfect. Everyone copies or tries to out-do other rival Instagrammers. Quite pathetic really. Don’t have the energy or time for that sort of crap. Keep life simple and private is my motto 😂
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VIP Member
I cannot believe that a grown woman with obviously no money Worries wastes her time doing crap like this. Why doesn’t she do some voluntary work and give back a little! 🤷‍♀️
She has the most empty and meaningless life, she is the ultimate Stepford Wife isn’t she!
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Active member
Omg did anyone else see this that she shared last night?! Over 9,000 clicks just for the shorts alone 😳 even if only half of those actually bought, it’s crazy when you start adding up what she must be making from all her beggy #aff links and associated cookies!!
She makes at least 5p per click some companies pay more, this is a minimum of £450!!!
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VIP Member
How sad. Why would she insinuate he committed suicide, what an odd thing for her to do. She's a major attention seeker so I'm not surprised.
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Active member
Oh she’s back with her swipe ups. Here’s my outfit like anyone cares or wants to copy her bland style. Here are my children on a swing dressed in totally inappropriate clothing for children. Eugh
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