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I think she's only probably just as wealthy as a typical upper middle class british family, with a nice 5 bed detached house, a BMW on the drive and maybe a home in Spain. Instead her family just seem to be concerned about material items, I mean if she was that wealthy i'd expect her to be on holiday all the time (pre-covid) attending events, etc. Instead all she seemed to do was vlog in her sisters apartment and eat at XR london, which coincidentally was found out to be the place where her "husband" was in cahoots with the manager (thanks to GG).
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One thing I don’t understand is her being invited to all these events and pre-launches if all her stuff is fake

side note - I wish this thread was more active 😭
The same way she got her channel out there. She portrays a lavish lifestyle, the PR people at Chanel dont know if she's rich but if she LOOKS rich and comes in to buy a few things every now and again and they know she has a Youtube channel, then she will be added to the list. Its not exclusive, they just want people who look the part. Lailli does not keep all her purchases or even 80% of them. She had so many Chanel bags, where are they now and why does she never wear them? She had that beaded chanel bag that was all the rage last summer and its quietly faded away just like her purple one? or the blue one? She must either wear them, take 100's of pictures in them wearing diff outfits then return within her 30 days. All the real stuff is on credit cards imo. All the fakes are probably sold too.

The twins GG thread was amazing. Their was some serious detective work there. Too bad GG is SO slow, can hardly even get on the server.
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I had no idea this girl had a thread. I was at the same university as Lailli and "Lord" Aleem during their very volatile relationship and fucking HELL they were absolutely toxic together. Everyone knew about their fights - they used to drink and do drugs so regularly!! Aleem has this wholesome good boy image he's cultivated for himself but both him and Lailli just live off their parents money. Is it a surprise both of them were pulled out of uni by their parents after the police were called after one really bad incident? Aleem put out a public apology and everything 🤣 They were honestly the laughing stocks of the university and clearly paid their way in which is quite common with this university. I bet Lailli didn't even go to college let alone have the relevant grades for her course which she didn't turn up to after the first week btw. Uni was only an excuse so her mum would let her live in London otherwise she would be shipped to Dubai to live at home. I have NO idea how her mum suddenly let her live with her new man in London after a year of getting dragged back to Dubai.
She's 100% not Persian btw. Her dads family originates from Persia but so does mine and I definitely do not say I'm Persian. They are Indian/Pakistani. Their dad is Indian and their mum is Pakistani, 100% south asian. Alizey is just as bad as Lailli, although she has a brain, she still went along with this whole ethnicity farce and their mum goes along with it too which just shows how deluded they are OR how bad the racism is in Dubai. For reference sake, her mums clinic isnt the best in Dubai. Its not even the Top 200.
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One thing I don’t get is, when she gets something she unboxes it and opens it up...if I was the client I would not appreciate her opening and unboxing my purchases before me. How does she get away with that?
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Chatty Member
Tsk tsk is lialli “cheating” on her “husband” with her old bf aleem? I wonder if she’ll delete the cringy yt videos where she mentions her “marriage”.
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Well, she does seem to hang out with a lot people that are resellers or rent luxurious cars and items, so it could be

But the RRs she features aren't hers, the only car that she used to own was the Mercedes C class that apparently sold
The fact her mum was driving a 2015 Merc for at least 5 years is the funniest part of her "I'm so rich" charade. And the fact they shared it too ffs.
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I think Lailli did do something to her skin, especially because her pale skin looks very sickly and she has weird pigmentation around her eyes

Anyways, what do y'all think about her upcoming video? If she deleted the story, I'm pretty sure we won't see the video, girlie is too scared, somehow, she feels threatened by us and the fact that we may be digging deeper into her lies
The weird pigmentation around her eyes is a common issue for lots of south Asian women. She definitely looks a lot fairer since her sanieh days.. but the amount of $1M and 30K monthly maintenance she supposedly has, her complexion should be fairer, brighter and less problematic ( which it isn’t ) without make up. Her simp Natasha Zaki is still defending her on YT saying she isn’t a personal shopper.. I genuinely hope she can never work as one ever again with the amount of denying that’s going around... she thinks she is enjoying the good life now?? You’re on the wrong side of 25 now honey...own your 💩 how is this toxic girl going to get a man and keep him? Look at Fyza Ali pushing aliexpress tat at nearly 30..that will be Lailli soon.
Also think Mona resorted to hijab to look more like a modest Arab woman to bag herself an Arab husband when her lazy ass daughter is showing so much skin parading around Dubai..can you imagine Lailli in Iran with a hijab?
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My bf is looking for a villa in Dubai to move to and I was astounded at how affordable it is for the year
You should see the prices in Egypt what a joke LMAO
Like luxury villas for super cheap meanwhile a closet in Manhattan is like 10 times the price smh

shared pool from those villas
Yeah it even looks like a hotel pool tbh

Not much Azerbaijani?
She may have a very small percent. I'm South Asian and did the DNA test and it said 3-7% (can't remember the number) was Central Asian decent like Uzbekistan/Kazakhstan and even a small bit (<1% lol) European somehow. So it's possible they may have a small % but def not fully Azerbaijani like Lailli made it seem "I just found out I'm (100%) Azerbaijani from a family living in Iran" :rolleyes:

Not much Azerbaijani?
She may have a very small percent. I'm South Asian and did the DNA test and it said 3-7% (can't remember the number) was Central Asian decent like Uzbekistan/Kazakhstan and even a small bit (<1% lol) European somehow. So it's possible they may have a small % but def not fully Azerbaijani like Lailli made it seem "I just found out I'm (100%) Azerbaijani from a family living in Iran" :rolleyes:

I know a lot of Indians (mainly Punjabi and even Pakistani) women who are very fair like Lailli but she definitely does not have the Azerbaijani/Central Asian features because they tend to look more oriental (I know Afghanis who look like this too) or Eastern European.

LieLie can not pass of as this (she can not even pass off as Arab) not matter how hard she tries to change her features

She's as delusional as that Hillaria Baldwin woman

Also while searching for her old pictures I came across this, interesting to read LOL

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Really shocking how much work she has done for a 22/23 year old?

Listened to sunsilk clip and she sounds so different and normal. This upper class drawl is embarassing.
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Do we actually think her bags are real?! Like I was starting to believe it was but at this point where she's buying SO much Hermes it's not adding up when she's like middle-class barely "new money" rich?

I think she's either doing fraud or its her bf/husband paying for it cus biolite, her "petite" brand and her non existent youtube career/lipstick line is defo not paying that much to be buying a new Birkin every month?! What doesn't add up is Alizey and her mum are not this flashy too. It just might be her boyfriend's money/her mehr (money or possessions paid by the groom to the bride) cus this is so fishy to me
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Interesting... so that solves that mystery then! Noticed there is no mention of concierge or personal shopping however there is plenty of experience there to identify someone as such. Probably intentionally omitted that from their profile to enjoy that lavish lifestyle facade... but seriously “Dubai’s Olsen twins”...oh come off it! Has anyone heard them being referred to as that other than from their own mouths?
Hoooold up..just realised something.. so Alizey is comfortably advertising that she was a personal shopper but lailli isn’t??
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Nono al

Maybe she is a personal shopper. She buys these sought after pieces for clients, showcases these 'hauls' on her channel and then sends the pieces of to her clients? This way she builds up some credibility with brands (they don't need to know she is a personal shopper). Also she often buys items that are too big (saying she likes the oversized look!) but these may actually be for clients who are a bigger clothes size! Just a thought 🤷‍♀️
Maybe she is a personal shopper. She buys these sought after pieces for clients, showcases these 'hauls' on her channel and then sends the pieces of to her clients? This way she builds up some credibility with brands (they don't need to know she is a personal shopper). Also she often buys items that are too big (saying she likes the oversized look!) but these may actually be for clients who are a bigger clothes size! Just a thought 🤷‍♀️
I’m starting to think this myself, most haul items are never worn or seen again, like she did buy a lot a dior Jordan in men’s......and her Dior Jordan sneakers have never been seen again
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LOL i’m still laughing to myself like a crazy that Lailli felt the need to insert herself into that doctor’s comments with “we aren’t pakistani” 😂😂😂😂😂😂 she wasn’t even included but felt the need to go comment. she’s sooo pathetic. i died lol

I wonder what made her start admitting she’s mostly Indian?? She’s been friends with Anncy for a couple years now, you’d think it would’ve came up?

Also guys I don’t think she’s Pakistani at all. I think she just grew up around them and her parents were close to some. Maybe they have family married into Pakistani families that’s why she went to so many weddings. Her dad is full Indian and her mom is Iranian and Indian. I’m attaching a screenshot of an interview her mother did in 2009. I cropped her face because she’s not wearing hijab, but that’s her. here’s the link to the magazine.

So basically, Lailli took that 1/4 Iranian and made it her whole personality lol That’s why her mom was shook when people asked why she left Iran bc she had never been 😂 It’s also common for some Iranians to leave Iran via Pakistan so maybe that’s why her mom has family and ties there through her Iranian family. Laili is finally accepting she’s Indian. Now let’s see how long it takes her to admit she’s a personal shopper or reseller. It’s not lost on me that she lied about Petite just being a brand she did a collab with when it was a whole operation running out of a corner of her unfurnished bedroom.
I don't exactly trust an article that says "an INDIA father" 😂

SO LieLie is 25% Iranian but acts like it's 100%. According to my 23 and me results im 7% central asian (Kazakhstan/Uzbek) and other stuff but I still don't go around claiming any of it or mentioning it. The ethnicity I claim was listed only as 80% meaning I'm 20% other things but like I said I only claim that 80% ethnicity as my own.

Nobody is ever really 100% of one ethnicity but people always claim the ethnicity that makes up 75%+ of their DNA as their main. LieLie is FAR more Indian than she is Iranian yet she claims one and denies the other.

Also she blocked my Insta account she knows it's me who asked that question and that I'm also the same person making her videos but this isn't something I hid or denied. But yeah she went out of her way to block.
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It’s ironic that she finds doing a closet tour “tacky” but happy to boast/ click bait her videos with £120,000 ‘monthly maintenance’ or whatever she calls it. Like how do you find that tacky and not find it tacky showing off rented cars, luxury bags/ jewellery and whatever else she try to show off. 🙄
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This is why I have respect for Alizey, she's being more honest these days (owning up to the South Asian heritage) and I feel like she's trying to undo the mess Lailli dragged her into



Now I am genuinely confused

Screen Shot 2021-03-22 at 9.33.06 PM.png

Alizey basically just confirmed LieLie is a liar

Personally, I think what Alizey said might actually be the truth. I think their the same ethnicity as Freddie Mercury

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Agreed with the above! Lailli 100% matches the signs of fake rich including being interested in certain brands only to validate her fake wealth status to others. Jaime does hauls on different brands other than Hermes. Other signs- trying to one up other people whether fake rich or not. I don’t see many influencers suddenly just discovering Hermes and using it for clout. Also her accommodation does not look as exquisite as the car she is driving (and renting). In all honesty genuinely wealthy folks won’t even have time to do poxy unboxing hauls in detail on YouTube. You’ll see Jamie’s vids ( not sure why she does them) are a bit dry but she doesn’t come across as pretentious or annoying.

I’m starting to think this myself, most haul items are never worn or seen again, like she did buy a lot a dior Jordan in men’s......and her Dior Jordan sneakers have never been seen again
Yes..(sigh) she could have said she had bought them for her bf but she didn’t, only time I recall her buying something for someone ( other than pet pooch) was her mother. She bought her a purple small Chanel classic flap in caviar, yeah she said they share wardrobes, but lately a similar purple Chanel classic flap appeared in a recent vid and it was not caviar finish. I genuinely had thought that she replaced it with a replica. If you share then why buy the same bag in the same colour? Also the one that appeared recently was lambskin which she says she doesn’t like.🤦🏽‍♀️

I had to backtrack to own my own BS, ok they might both be caviar, but do these look different to you? Both look medium, my champagne gold never looks so yellow gold irrespective of different lighting.
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Never understood why lielie pushes this “im Persian” narrative when she’s basically Indian. I’m half white and half Indian and I’m proud to be Indian, I’ll never understand these basic bettys pretending to be something their not.
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