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pssst Lacy, going away every weekend and living YOUR best life isn’t giving your kids anything babe 🤣 always the WORST parents who think they’re the best.
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oh but it’s ok for E to escape the house 3 times in just a nappy barefoot, ok. Where’s the slander to her dad then? Oh no he doesn’t get it because he allows her to fuck off constantly to live her best slag life
I find it a bit funny how she’s messaged Hannah about suncream and then directly underneath sends a picture of sunburn. seems like a bit of a coincidence to me 🤔
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Trying to get that personal budget cash from his EHCP for her holidays isn't she! 😂😂
Probably pulled them out to look after her and those kids after her operation. They break up for the summer holidays in 3 weeks anyway so its just a way for her to not get in trouble for keeping them off school. The school ain't stupid, guarantee SS will be doing welfare visits soon.
Those kids will be back in school September 100%
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The "can I have some advice" would be more believable if you looked at the camera whilst talking...... funny how it's a mirror of your own life at the moment!
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She’s pissing me off if she actually keeps cancelling all these appointments for surgery.
As someone who struggles on the daily because my endo and am currently fighting to get a second op for her to be cancelling hers numerous times (when she seemed to get offered the operation really quickly in the first place!) is an absolute piss take. I hope for some weird reason she is actually bullshitting about it and she hasn’t cancelled it yet again otherwise words actually fail me with her!
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Doesn't want to see kids on father's Day ... Maybe that's not the set dates so he's sticking to the script and shes once again manipulating the situation
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That stupid voice she does when she’s trying to be sarcastic is so cringy, also wish someone would give her a slap, knock the bitch down a peg or two!!!
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She makes a mockery of the whole thing. It’s disgusting! There’s poor women out there who have had to drop everything and run with there kids. Who are too scared to go out at all and then there’s this absolute p*sstaker, who does nothing but goad the person she’s meant to be running from, then carry on like its any other day.
Woman’s a disgrace 😡
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I can’t stand Lacey but she does have a point about the go fund me and away on holidays , none of his family give a penny towards it either but expect strangers to pay for his divorce and he’s away on holiday ffs 🤦🏽‍♀️
Sorry but did she not do the same she's had multiple gofunds the scrounge go back true tattle you'll see she only had one for a car not too long ago pot kettle ??
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I don’t believe for a minute she “ didn’t “ have the money to pay for her doctors appointment. She’s extremely calculated and knows how to blag the system and ultimately get everything for FREE. Should would have just moved her money to her savers or a different bank account so the insurance would pay out!
This is someone that’s never worked a day in her life receives thousands of pounds each month in benefits, trust me when I say she absolutely knows how to fiddle the system. I can’t say I know anyone on benefits that’s abroad multiple times a year has/had range rovers, full house renovation etc.
she’s a lying manipulative witch
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Chatty Member
If she wants to move on, happy days. I don’t care about that. What I do care about is her putting her children in danger with a man she doesn’t know. I’ve been with my partner for 6 months, he hasn’t met my child and there’s no plans to as of yet. It is her job as a parent so safe guard those children from abuse and from a chaotic childhood. Making sure this is the person who you want to be with, you can’t decide that in a few days. It’s absolutely ridiculous and those children are going to have so much trauma. L nor R should be asking TikTok huns for money, it’s absolutely ridiculous
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hannah shared it herself from her tik tok? People will literally clutch at straws to make out this girl is normal 😬

hannah shared it from her personal tik tok 🙄 people are literally clutching at straws to make out this girl is normal. she's no better than anything lacy is doing at this point
Back again 😂 why is Hannah such a bad person by asking for anyone that supports R and that can no begging just if you can then please help get R out this divorce quickly so they can move on. I’m guessing R money is tied up with the family court side of things and doesn’t have any spare money but with how she’s been lately they just want rid of the scruff so she can’t keep saying MY husband.
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And just to add on to my previous comment- I also think Emily would actually sleep at night if she was allowed to act like a Child her age. She’s either stuck infront of the iPad sat on the sofa or being carried or pushed round in a buggy! Where/when is she supposed to burn off her energy to actually make her tired 🤔
A comment was made by H that Emily slept perfectly at hers after a fun day out (can’t remember where they took her)
Also again Lacy not taking her own advice and the twins have no shoes on in her latest video on the dance floor when every other child there is wearing shoes🤦 and rightly so it’s fucking disgusting and dangerous for there poor little feet on that floor.
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Chatty Member
She was on live earlier. She said he didn’t come and collect the children as per the schedule as it’s his weekend. His sister called to say he’s late but will be there at 9:30 but he didn’t show up. She had to tell the court she couldn’t come as he was suppose to have the children for the weekend and arrange childcare while they both go to the court. So it has been rescheduled.

She said that’s it now, he has let the children down too many times and she’s gone above and beyond to keep contact but she’ll be ok.

She’s just gutted she doesn’t have any more ‘free time’. She doesn’t give a toss if the children see their dad she just wants the childcare.
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I think most of us know R isn't perfect, far from it. This is Lacys thread where we discuss what she puts out there. It's not a rave thread, hence why majority of posts are negative. I'd be the first person to praise her if she actually did anything worth praising, but she shows time & time again those children are an afterthought & inconvenience to her. Is completely & utterly obsessed over rhys & H.

If she didn't share her whole life on sm no one would be able to pass judgement, but she thrives off the drama!
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