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She’s soooo cringe what 30 year old sits giggling like a child over a man on live hahaha. She’s only got him there to help with the kids 💀💀💀
Definitely still lives in his mom's box room 😂😂
As soon as I saw the photo of his wrist i got instant ICK seeing his arm stubble so the fact he shaves his arms is a naa not for me🤮
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Clearly loves himself a bit too much, but I get the feeling she's just playing her games again & it's all for show.
Oh it's def a game! He could be a 50yr old homeless man and she'd invite him to get a picture and pretend she's found @the one" just to get a reaction!
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OK so I'll break it down. l gets slated for going all psycho and reacting yeah? h puts photos up publicly of the kids. every other fb post is private? convenient. not expecting a reaction though??
r begs the public to fund his divorce as he's a skint chav.. two weeks later books a holiday
L gets slated for going on holiday when the kids are in his care.. gets slated for not taking her kids away.. R goes on holiday without his kids after pleading poverty.. wheres the hate again?
see where I'm going with this?
I'd say L gets slated for going on holiday as she isn't using her money! She's using the money she gets to look after the kids, provide for them etc. fds she can't even buy clothes for them to go away. R works for a living..... big difference!
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Back again 😂 why is Hannah such a bad person by asking for anyone that supports R and that can no begging just if you can then please help get R out this divorce quickly so they can move on. I’m guessing R money is tied up with the family court side of things and doesn’t have any spare money but with how she’s been lately they just want rid of the scruff so she can’t keep saying MY husband.
oh hi han! wondered how long it would take gor you to pipe up. if r wanted the divorce cos she's so bad I'm sure he would of done it by now. screams insecure your end
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I believe she don’t want him to see it as it shows who she is.
And I 100000% call bullshit on giving the dad £200+ absolutely not. 🤣🤣
Making him out to be awful by saying M will only talk to her if she gives money like Jesus no one needs to know that specially strangers on tik tok
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Chatty Member
Also the live talking about R, I haven’t watched it all because I just can’t be bothered to listen to what she thinks is the facts. But you fled Lacy how is he meant to get his kids?!
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She’s still obsessed with Rhys then 🤣🤣

her kids always look a mess, especially Emily, does she ever wear anything except that horrible Nike tracksuit?
Does she brush Emily's hair? There was no point even having a bobble in it on her stories yesterday!
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She was on live last night saying she does have friends but they prefer to stay off social media and she prefers to keep them off as people are so unkind
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I caught a bit of live last night as couldn't sleep. Music blaring at 11pm. I did laugh when she was counting all her rooms, including the landings 😂
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she inhertited £30k a few months ago but I reckon that's all gone now. She claims gov benefits and gets DLA for at least 2/3 of her children so she likes to use that on herself than her kids! She had her teeth done in Dubai (I think that's right) but she prob uses a filter on them. She claimed to have fled DV after getting threats etc said she was in a refuge/supported housing but we all reckon she's been evicted. No idea about the cheesecake probably some mick take

if she has used it all she is FU**ED. Universal credit will want all reciepts to see if she has “wasted” the money they won’t reinstate her benefits :O
Whatever the courts grant she won't stick to it. Just another thing to use against him as a form of control.
no she won’t she did the exact thing to her eldest grandmother.
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Quite a few different videos have popped up on my fyp from normal users taking piss out of lacy & her poems 😂 people are wising up to her bullshit
I saw them 😂😂 I’m here for average people with faces not trolls calling out her shit. She’s obsessed with R.
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