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Well-known member
Kyle is soooo happy and grateful that R. Kelly is one of his biggest fans.
Kyles favorite R Kelly song...

I believe I'll have pie....
I believe I'll have extra fries....
Think about food night and day......
I hope Nick finds out I'm gay.....
I believe I'll have more pie....
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Did anyone else catch that Casey was about to pull a wedgy out in todays video but, (no pun intended) saw Kyle was filming and just rubbed the shorts. Time Stamp 16:07
Also, what about Sam saying “i got shrimp but I don’t know what it’s called” I think it’s called shrimp.

Also JoJo says at 19:36 that’s he’s with Kyle Pallos GIRLFRIENDSSSSS, love JoJo for that.

What’s with the Mom Jeans Casey? And the horrible bag. Is that what you go to a steakhouse wearing for your boyfriends birthday dinner?
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Adams & Brush

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Casey’s sister and brother in law are also cruising with them?
Sure, he gets a discount on Disney food & a free cruise or cocktail here or there, but I’m telling you, Casey’s not as innocent as she may seem. Wannabe influencer sister & BIL show up for the cruise? Her family’s absolutely getting something out of this whole “relationship” thing. It’ll be interesting to watch it all play out
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What’s his reason for not driving his girlfriend? Too scared of Florida drivers? Too short to see over the steering wheel? Too emotionally uncontrollable to be able to stay calm?
selfish desire to play games vs making any attempt at being a gentleman.

He's an entitle princess
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VIP Member
Maybe he isn’t gay after all. I don’t know any gay guys with such a lack of style that they would wear that horrible Marvel baseball jersey
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I know it is mid day but why is he yelling in the hallways of the hotel?
Absolute and sheer disregard of others around him. He's a relentlessly rude and vulgar little prick, to be blunt. He's reached a level of entitlement that makes him a 'legend in his own mind.' He feels he can do as he pleases and any consequence, even being dropped by Disney / Universal for media invites, is all because of jealousy and 'hatters.'
It manifests in his sniping and doxxing of Disney employees doing their jobs if they won't break the rules for him (*as he did in Anaheim when the security officer wouldn't allow him to videotape when the policy of NO videotaping was clear...), bitching about service, disregarding warning signs at Disney properties (*at the Grand Floridian when he, while saying he sick with Norovirus, walked around filming in areas marked 'Vehicle Traffic Only' and filmed in areas marked 'No Video Allowed.')
He should have been banned from Disney properties long ago.
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VIP Member
I think the reason Casey look disappointed, or somewhat depressed in his video from today because it was right after the live stream, and I think she finally realized that him and Lora aren’t just “friends”. She’s always going to have to play second fiddle to good ole dependable fck buddy Lora. And I’m going to give a shout out to Lora for announcing on his live stream about the card being declined. Seems like she wanted to stick it to him for being there with Casey 😂🤣
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Who else is betting that he and Lora sleep in the same bed on the cruise which HOPEFULLY leads to Casey finally ending that sham of a relationship.
I bet they exaggerate the whole “just friends” thing and go the extra mile to show them sleeping separately. Then once the camera is off then the gums and micro come out
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Colonel Angus

VIP Member
He’s so creepy with her like a teenager with their first girlfriend. Awkwardly grabbing and creepy and overtly horny but doesn’t know how to tame it.
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VIP Member
I think a seed was planted in Casey during that Livestream where her eyes are slowly opening to how F’d up the entire Lora and Kyle relationship is now that Kyle is spoken for. Let’s hope she acts when that seed germinates because I foresee Casey D getting hurt astronomically. Eventually kyle will just move on and Casey will be left in shambles emotionally and financially.
yeah... i think this, too. BUT i also think that Kyle is so fucking arrogant that hes not gonna let her go, as least easily. Hes made a huge deal about this relationship, from the beginning. and now hes finally put her in videos, parading her around. His arrogance isn't gonna let him "lose her" after all that. and have to explain it on video.
And shes also been warned i'm sure- so shes gonna hang on, to try to prove all of those people wrong. So it's just gonna be a lifetime of both of them being miserable together and doing nothing about it.
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Well-known member
So today there was a March pro Disney employees so we can expect tomorrow a video of him in the march supporting his girlfriend and all the castmembers who make his visits to Disney special.

Just Kidding he won't care one bit.
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Colonel Angus

VIP Member
I don’t get it either. Twenty-nine isn’t a milestone birthday. Just shows Kyle is incredibly insecure, starved for attention, and needs the spotlight on himself whenever possible.
It’s the “me me me” mentality. His parents effed up. This goes beyond participation trophy.
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Chatty Member
I love Susan Amen's work so much. She's definitely evolving over time. She knows right where to hit Kyle.

I wonder if she used to be a big stan of Kyle's. Looking at her "My Beloved" video that she did months ago and wonder if she really was crushing on him earlier and only recently came around.

She tags the video: I made this for you, my walk on baby 👶🏻 you are the light and love 💗 in my life 🌴 and I can’t wait for our future together 💍

Plot twist: Susan Amen is a bank manager in Wisconsin.

Anyone else think Susan Amen is really Florida Resident Edits with a second channel?

Also, Casey is visibly getting annoyed with Kyle saying Kyle turn the camera please. Very similar to when Lora said to him “CUT, TURN IT OFF” when they were at Universal.
I don’t know- she’s 7 months into this now, and hasn’t run away yet. I think she’s in
it for the long haul, unfortunately.
They say there’s an ass for every chair…. And Unfortunately for her, Kyle is the ass for her chair I think. Poor girl.
Casey- call me in 6 years when you need to vent because you're 2 kids in and working full time while he screws around on COD version 56 all day.

It will be Call of Duty: Martian’s Landing lol and he’ll have gotten to the point where “sweat pants are all that fits now guys” - Regina George lol 😂

He’s such a tool, I can only skim now. His shit is so boring, I immediately watch someone else to get the nasty vlog taste out of my mouth.
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