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I don’t even think she’s put on weight like she thinks she has, I honestly think it’s just the BBL has made her body botched and is getting worse and worse. Like her laterals/hips are atrociously done, and because of that they make her look frumpy and not ‘hourglass’ like which is what most people want with a bbl. She’d look a thousand times better if she got it reversed.
She definitely has put on a lot of weight. She was tiny when she was doing OF. Looks completely different now. I’d say it’s a mix of the 2. As far as I know, you need to be fairly strict with gym and diet after a BBL to keep it looking okay and she obvs has not done that ..
How is she still trying to convince the internet that she’s a size 8 or xs? I would actually respect her more if she came out and said “yeah I’ve gained weight and went up 2 dress sizes” it’s normal especially getting to your late 20s, that’s what rubs me up the wrong way
Denial, definitely. Can’t be seen admitting that after her rampant fat shaming on tiktok
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Frosty knickers

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There is simply no way on gods green earth that a woman who is out of breath from 10 seconds of “Irish dancing” ran 5km, she literally just didn’t do that.
And a chest infection and on steroids. Seriously if U need to be on steroids for a chest infection you are feckin sick and I assume can barely breath between choking with the cough. Get a grip kneevo
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Chatty Member
She should at least get herself into the sea water. The salt water should clean her manky finger a bit. If you’re reading here Kneevo !
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I done understand herself and Elmo. They never seem to do anything. Apart from going for a cavery on a Sunday they seem to do nothing but sit in their respective rooms.
She is definitely the freeloader in the relationship... I do see Elmo the odd time with his mates (w/o Baby Bop) and I can't help but feel he gets on a lot better with them than he does with his GF, what do they even talk about? Fortnite? Who is going to get the Tesco instant mashed potato? Those parcels in Maxol?
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Oh my god what is wrong with this one,I can guarantee she posted that to make people believe she’s unwell and gather sympathy. Like imagine having cellulitis before which stays in your system, then having an infection like that , drinking on antibiotics so they don’t work and then disregarding worrying symptoms, only concern is to post it all over IG??? She is not normal at all
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Yeah, this has gotten real heavy, real quickly.
I would say should just stop going on about it now, Lindsay needs to cop onto herself too, getting involved with this messiness! If I remember correctly the childs own mother was very aware of his friendship with Niamh. It should be her job to safeguard him… not Lindsay Hamilton
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They did post incorrect facts about the private process. I only shared my experience to share the actual facts of how it works.

Niamh hasn’t misrepresented that process at all. People on this thread have, however.
I really don’t understand why people can’t see that saying something happens one way when it factually happens another way is incorrect. It’s a medical process, not based on opinion.
Have an opinion on her all you want. But don’t start rewriting the diagnosis process to suit that opinion.

I’ll stay here correcting inaccuracies thanks..
Her dad filled out the forms (which are extensive) and school reports were provided, according to what she says.

An in-person interview doesn’t have to happen and often doesn’t if the parents are unable or unfit.

The mother doesn’t live there. That’s one thing I do know as she lives on the same street as my nail girl who knows Elmo’s family.

Honestly I didn’t see that so I don’t know anything about whether it’s fake. And I wouldn’t make a judgement like that even if I did see it.
Are you running a company who does private assessments by any chance???

Look, we've read and listened to your points. You aren't going to change anyone's mind at this point so you are talking into a void.

What I do know is Kneevo is a dose. She changes her mind like the weather. There's not a week that goes by that she doesn't have some sort of problem or ailment. I'm not a medical professional, I can't diagnose anyone but what I DO know is this girl is not to be trusted. If people have doubts it's only because they have followed her for years and watched her jump on every bandwagon going. The boy who cried wolf if you will.

( and just want to add to this that I do have extensive personal experience on this matter. I've been through every test, review, placement with my own son)

Edited because I want to add more to this.
If you think that it's not possible to fake autism symptoms then you are incredibly niave. Anyone is capable of looking up the criteria and faking it. Yes her family filled out a questionnaire.... but for all we know she filled it out herself ?
I have followed this girl for years. She is capable of anything.
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I got up at 5am

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I’m still laughing at her being the ultimate coward when usually she loves attacking people & getting into online fights. A few years back she bullied a guy off tik tok for having a younger gf years ago. I think his account was the random section, she spent hours & hours dragging this guy. She won’t go against L though because she’s genuinely afraid & she knows she is in the wrong. This could be the end for her. It’s pretty serious stuff
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Her whinging last night about her appointment….all I’m hearing is “I’m a narcissistic little bitch that has paid privately for a diagnosis so I now can shoehorn my way into a different segment of society and wear it like a badge of honour and have an excuse for why I’m lazy, behave myself on line or in public and everyone has to have sympathy for me because I’m nEuRoDiVeRgEnT” (seems to be her new buzz word she must have found while researching characteristics and “stimming” techniques before her app……

What a fucking travesty… many actual neurodivergent people are astounding in their lives and jobs, they educate about the lack of resources particularly for autism and education then you’ve this wan that will 100% use it as a “cause” probably to convince herself why she needs to be in politics again 🤦🏻‍♀️

Posting about Palestine and the met AGAIN and instantly after, “Any nail techs” like she can’t use Google……..Alex must wear those Loop things everyone has these days to avoid listening to her
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Looks like a sponcon holiday similar to that other annoying geebag shanice went on. Did I hear her say something about elmo and her want to go away last minute to mainland spain?
Please god I'm going to Spain in July if she turns up laughing hysterically around my flight I'll burn the airport down
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Chatty Member
She also has Coldplay tickets - that’ll be 100x worse than girls aloud
And she’s likely to try get T Swift tickets last minute too because she’s desperate to keep up with trends and that crowd will be the worst of them all.

If she’s spending time reading here I’d love for her to clarify the €100k over asking since she’s seems to have dropped that completely like it was never happening in the first place🤔
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Oh my god, that is one of the most unhinged reactions I've ever seen. I genuinely haven't seen someone react like that unless they've lost a loved one. That'd genuinely be the last straw for me if she was my girlfriend
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VIP Member
I suppose it depends on your definition of grooming.

There's many types of grooming, not just sexual.
Many many young vunerable teenagers are groomed and exploited by drug dealers and used by them.
More extreme cases would be children being groomed by terrorist groups and taken into the fold at a young age.
Young people can be exploited by adults in many different ways.
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Active member
She is no more fucking autistic than I am!!! There I said it. It will be something else next week wait and see!! She’ll look back on all this in a few years and cringe. Then again I honestly don’t think the lift goes the full way so she probably won’t. I feel sorry for her really.
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VIP Member
Lads, I wonder.
Is Alex afriad to leave her ???
I wouldn't put it past her to emotionally manipulate him into staying. There's no way this guy can be happy.
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Chatty Member
Why does she keep going on about being shadow banned once a week? Why do TikTokers say this when they get low views 😂 Kneevo when you post 7 shite TikTok’s in a row with incorrect grammar no one will want to watch them and will skip your videos. She ranted for 5 days straight about boycotting the Eurovision, then she put up a video of her and Alex watching the Eurovision??? And screenshots of her mass voting 😂😂😂 so funny hahaha
She wants there to be a grand conspiracy that pro-Palestine content is being shadow banned. My entire FYP and the feeds of all of my other socials are pro-Palestine content only because that’s what I engage with.

Her content is shite and low effort and she’s always shouting. That’s why no one wants to watch.
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