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Chatty Member
I’m not sure I’d call them working class, all three of the boys went to St. Conleth’s at €6,050 a year. The parents paid €109k to privately educate their sons. Idk if I’d call that working class? It’s certainly not within the reach of the everyman anyway. Nor is a Sandymount address.
I meant they both seem to work for their money. They’re middle class by class definition but they don’t live on a trust fund by any means
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The pair of them literally referring to him as Elmo and the viewers being like ‘who’s Elmo?’ 🤣
That was funny to be fair 😂 but that live was a fucking shit show, this Darren cunt who was that screaming in the dark? Deceased 😂 Lindsay saying people are concerned about her too and saying it to her sisters but she’s rowdy over it 🤦🏻‍♀️ theyre losing all sort of credibility
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She should be studied as the amount of things wrong with her and she is sick all the time with different things. You could write a medical journal on her
There's far more layers of Kneevo's diagnoses and obsessions than there are in an actual onion, how people keep up with her who knows
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New member
She’s also getting older and is now in her late 20s too so that will def have an impact on her. Doesn’t she have butt implants too? Really that doctor did her so dirty, like if never had a BBL and just gained weight she’d still look somewhat normal but because of the surgery she is so oddly shaped now 🤣
Definitely!! She’d probably look well with the weight if she hadn’t gotten all the surgeries. If only someone had told her !! 🙄🙄🙄
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Her skin is bad because she’s filthy and doesn’t wash herself properly

ETA: I’m someone with severe contact and consumption allergies and that’s not what your skin looks like with an allergic reaction. She’s just desperate for another ailment.
Where did the her not washing/being dirty thing come from? Just out of interest. Like, how can anyone tell from videos? Was there some kind of incident that made it a thing?
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Chatty Member
Yea when she’s sick of faking a weird D4 accent and playing the fool on Dublin bus she’s all of a sudden the biggest “culchie” as if she’s out cutting turf and spreading slurry 😂
Yeah she’s said that they are farmers.
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Active member
I absolutely despise this one and her complete bullshit but buying a house can absolutely take months - up to a year. Solicitors and real estate agents can be some of the slowest workers you’ll find, and if the sellers have had a property they’ve been hoping to buy fall through that can further delay things, if there’s an issue with deeds.
but I don’t believe she’s bought a house
I always assumed the big benefit for both sides with being a cash buyer was how fast the sale goes through especially with her paying 100k over asking you'd imagine both parties would be trying to push through the sale as quick as possible but so far she's been waiting 6 months to move in (she mentioned it around Christmas)
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Her whinging last night about her appointment….all I’m hearing is “I’m a narcissistic little bitch that has paid privately for a diagnosis so I now can shoehorn my way into a different segment of society and wear it like a badge of honour and have an excuse for why I’m lazy, behave myself on line or in public and everyone has to have sympathy for me because I’m nEuRoDiVeRgEnT” (seems to be her new buzz word she must have found while researching characteristics and “stimming” techniques before her app……

What a fucking travesty… many actual neurodivergent people are astounding in their lives and jobs, they educate about the lack of resources particularly for autism and education then you’ve this wan that will 100% use it as a “cause” probably to convince herself why she needs to be in politics again 🤦🏻‍♀️

Posting about Palestine and the met AGAIN and instantly after, “Any nail techs” like she can’t use Google……..Alex must wear those Loop things everyone has these days to avoid listening to her
I know a bit about the private process for autism and ADHD diagnosis here so just wanted to clear this one up. You absolutely don't get a diagnosis because you've paid for it. Most people want to find out what's wrong with them and it can be a relief, but you pay private to get seen due to the waiting lists of YEARS on public, not because it means they'll automatically diagnose you as neuro divergent. That's not ethical and it's just not how it works.

I believe she likely is neurodivergent. My ex and current boyfriend have ADHD and my niece and best friend both have autism. I've seen how much it can affect the person growing up not knowing what's wrong with them, feeling like something is wrong and the emotional pain it causes and the destructive effect it can have on their lives and relationships. She is often referred to as lazy but this can also be a symptom of these conditions. It's very much to do with overwhelm and anxiety and an inability to stay organized rather than simple laziness.

I also understand why she would want to use her platform to speak about it. When you struggle with something for years and finally have a name for it, it changes your whole world (I've experienced this with both a mental and a physical condition). And it's something you want to share with people who might be struggling like you did. I get that her motives may be questionable, but as it's a genuine condition I really do not see the problem. It can only do good to get more people talking about it.

Niamh isn't likeable to many because of her past and how she lives her life. I get that. I didn't know much about her until she stopped doing OF, but I did see the tail end of it and a lot of the Tiktok wars she used to be on in hysterics etc. But this is a young woman who grew up in a rough home environment without much support and made some bad decisions (or arguably perhaps not if the pics online forever and opinions don't actually bother her and if she made her money).

A lot of the dislike towards her now seems to be because she changes her mind on what she wants to do and her opinions quite a lot. Did we not all do that in our 20s? Bear in mind, a turbulent childhood can also mean you're playing catch up emotionally so she may only really be getting to understand who she is now, and that includes the diagnosis. And what else.. people don't like that she stays up late and sleeps late? I mean, who cares? I do the same as I'm a night owl, work better at night, have a chronic illness that means mornings suck for me, and I'm a 38 year old woman with a career. I guarantee you no-one judges me for my sleeping habits. She also has a career as an influencer, much as it seems to pain a lot of people, she's making the move over and she might just make it happen.

She has some growing to do. But she's trying. She gets credit for that in my book.

Before anyone says I know her, I don't. I'm a grown woman, no fan girl, and I've no connections whatsoever with her aside from following her socials. But honestly I just feel she gets a hard time and wanted to give my input based on my exp of the diagnosis assessment. If she was my wee sis I'd just want to give her a hug and tell her she's doing her best and that's enough.
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Surprised there's no thread on Jack Swift, know someone that would've been one of his 'friends' and when they stopped hanging out with him his mam cussed that person's mother on the phone (think they live nearby) and also bullied them for the fact that she didn't want to be friends with him anymore
He's supposedly a bit weird too

I got you 💜

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I've read here and on a few others for months but never made an account but I felt I have to, I have no insider gossip at all but I will say that is not a publicity stunt at all they are done whatever went down even if it was recently but I doubt it the minute casper released a solo song I knew it was coming their only and last appearance was in limerick I think? That was cause they had to, the min he went solo I knew it was coming his solo single is brill let's be honest it's done better than any versatile song ever and even versatiles songs in the past including blue razz it was caspers verse that went viral I'd love to know what happened but we probably never will niamh won't make a insta or tiktok about it cause she's been told not to so dont expect it, regardless casper made the right choice he was carrying that group none of Alex's verse went viral cause they were shite casper made the right decision to drop the dead weight and go solo facts, I would love to know what happend with them but will never find put unfortunately
Hi Kneevo 👋
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