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I'm not on tiktok, what does she say?
Taking about having a turtles head,that Steve offered her a poo bag because of course, yes she was un public. But the way she has filmed herself, I swear she looks more like Jaba rhe Hut each day. She looks bloody awful. I know she does it on purpose, but why? She obviously has so much confidence to be able to do that, plus got a strong lead on her wetwipe husband, who we can't fathom as to why he is with her, unless it is coercive control
Only 6 comments BTW. Boring.....


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she could clean up her gross garden and grow her own wildflowers ffs, use that as content and use her platform to encourage other people to do similarly, and actually help the environment instead of promoting such destruction - but no, why bother when you can brag about stealing flowers by the handful, and announcing that you know you shouldn't be doing it but don't give a fuck! as she has shared that on the internet as evidence, i hope it is flagged by someone to the relevant authorities and lands her a hefty fine - but given the way she regularly shares details and photos of herself indecently exposing herself in parks and carparks etc, it's clear it won't have any consequences. 😡😡
Agree with you, growing your own wildflowers would be most peoples first thought, I've had bee-bombs the last few years, but no, not Laura, she's totally surprise there then 😡
I had to stop looking, she gets on my last nerve 😡
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Well someone likes to blow their own trumpet don’t they? It may be “hilarious” to you Laura. But do these poor men consent to be sexually harassed? Haven’t you seen the news about the Spanish Women’s Football team. It’s exactly the same. You are a sex pest.
ah, but as she's already explained, behaving like a sexual predator is totally fine, because "i'm not a sex pest, I'm a #femalecomedian" 🙄🙄
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I wonder if she has changed her crap show for the venues that said they'd ask her to remove the nudity and dick pics? I'm still stunned she is allowed to carry on, especially after the harassment of an audience member. I can't fathom it? Plus the fact that her tickets havent sold out.
I also wonder what the scummy mummies think of her copying them?
What did she do to Haras a audience member 😱 or don't I want to know
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No you will look awful in any of those outfits, you will ruin them and no your colouring in tattoo will not look good with the trousers suit, stick to your stupid shorts outfit or any of those godawful dresses from that friend of yours
And the hair 😭 her hair will not suit that style, nothing about this ogre will suit that style lolz
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More lies. If she did all that, she'd not look like that. I started PT sessions with a friend 3 or 4 weeks ago, at just one session a week. I don't do anything in between, except what I do as a hobby/sport. I've seen a difference already. She's also on about gut health. Shortbread, chocolate, McDonalds is hardly gut health maintenance. Having one pathetic salad once in a blue moon hardly make her an advocate or someone who can educate on it. She should just admit, she's a lazy slob, who lives on processed food, crammed with additives, gluten, sugars and e numbers. Silly fat cnut.
she could do that 7 times a week but still have rolls. The amount of shit she eats. it isnt even relevant. No one is asking or cares if she has rolls or not. We are more concerned about the mental well being of those boys and if she has washed this week.

Mad attempt to be relevant but looks like a knob as usual.
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The tour poster says St George’s Hall, and I thought good luck with that …. Capacity is 1.5K
But when you click the ticket link it’s The Studio (no where near St George’s Hall) which seats 200 apparently.
Why is the poster wrong? 🤔
she’s dyslexic remember 😂😂😂😂
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Must be frustrating wanting to be something so bad but just not having what it takes. She has no ability to write anything comedic, she's very unappealing to look at (not saying you have to be attractive as such. But she is just so unpleasant to the eyes). She uses word salad to try and sound 'intelligent'. But doesn't realise most of the words shoved into a sentence are unnecessary or used in the wrong context. She has no hope. But rather than work in a career she is suited to, she'd rather humiliate not only herself by prancing around in lycra dressed as a fanny in a car crash 'tour' 🤭. But also drag her husband and her kids into it with her cringeworthy reels and shocking behaviour online. There's got to be a point where someone either tells her it's time to give up. Or she realises this herself. Although I do wonder if her children decide to distance themselves from her as they get older
I mean just look at her latest reel. It can't be done with a clasp bikini as the idea is its worn upside down. She's so dim
Dim, dumb and bloody boring
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not very rEaL WoMaN of her to only show the highlights! not really normalising that social media doesn't relflect reality. oh wait, that will be because she is fabricating tales of a "difficult week" for sympathy to boost enagement with "you OK, hun?" DMs, as if something had genuinely happened, we all know she would have been immediately in her stories ranting and complaining and aggressively describing people as cunts. she's alluding to "tRaUmA", yet in reality, the reason she will be claiming she hasn't had a good week is because her kids are still off school and she has been forced to spend time in the same house as them. as IF she would have even considered missing any opportunity to spend time away from her sons, get totally wasted and dance in way that would purposefull embarrass her husband. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Ohhhh, I bet I know what it is! She mentioned an autumn "stand up show", (showing slides of her instagram and sexually harassing audience members), I bet it's to drive engagement from the idiots who follow her to buy sympathy tickets! It'll be a build up to that!!

Unless her "management agency" (one person sat in their bedroom on an ipad), have come to their senses and decided to can the idea!
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oh, it's 100% staged! every holiday she does this whole photos I take of my husband vs photos he takes of me routine - incredibly repetitive and boring, because it is all pre-planned and staged, with Laura obviously having demanded steve take unflattering photos of her from stupid angles just so she can attempt to push the successful #femalecomedian guise with her predictable, not funny "hilarious" content. 🙄🙄
She really is a waste of space.....alot of space
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Don't know why she wrote this. She doesn't want to be with them at anytime, nor does she love being with them at any given time.

She is also desperate to shift those tickets, lol


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Chatty Member
Yes, let’s not forget the picture where she looks like a sausage about to burst and where she must have pulled a muscle sucking her stomach in like that


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