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Saying that someone's jealous because they asked what the craic is with her eyebrows....we could all walk about with the sharpied on eyebrow look if we wanted to, however, most of us own mirrors and know that it's not a good look.

Why do these "content creators", "Influencers", whatever you want to call them think that people are jealous of them? I don't understand it? I watched a video while back of a lovely lass who said she was in debt because she was just buying and buying so that she could create videos, granted, she's now gone onto pack her job in and do tiktok full time, but who would be jealous of that? Who would be jealous of having to have the camera pointed on your face, even when you can't be arsed, feel like shit, whatever. Who would be jealous of having a house full of tat that is sent to you, that is used once then thrown into a pile and ignored, of constantly having people comment on you, your life, your parenting, whatever. Absolutely noone would be jealous of that.
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This woman quite literally has zero ideas for content other than clapping back at the “judgy tiktok mum police”
Here’s an idea Kelly, stop reading here and focus on ways to improve your tiktok videos.
Or better yet, ways to improve your parenting!
One thing she still hasn't addresses is the fact using her son for content is giving pedophiles etc full access to her sons face, body and information. Because she knows she has ZERO arguments for this. The Internet isa disgusting place. Do better Kelly.
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If they’re that toxic, why have them watch your children in then first place? Doesn’t matter whether you’re in the house or not. If they’re toxic enough to make a TikTok about it, then why would you trust them with your baby in the first place? It’s such a weird, attention seeking video 😂
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This woman quite literally has zero ideas for content other than clapping back at the “judgy tiktok mum police”
Here’s an idea Kelly, stop reading here and focus on ways to improve your tiktok videos.
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This "mother know their child best" bullshit is so dangerous.
Obviously Kelly you know your sons personality and preferences best, but when you don't know better than health care professionals and specialists.
You weaned too early. You're son is overheating. Things like this aren't about "knowing your child", they're facts. Grow up.

Also still not commented on handing out videos of your son to online predators leaving him at risk. Because you know there is nothing you can say to argue it. Its disgusting
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Saying its fine he's in his jumperoo because he's tall, then she's literally pulling his legs down repeatedly to touch the floor! That poor boy.
Why the hell is she trying to make him behave older than he is? Stop rushing him through his childhood and let him grow at his own pace. She put a video up the other day about babies learning to use their voice saying its what they do between 4-6m, so many people in the comments worrying because of her misinformation. She's actually dangerous.
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Shes literally read my comment off here and used it as an excuse saying he was cold. Kelly - once again your baby was NOT cold on a 25 degree room. I don't care about "moms know their baby best", it's physically impossible. Let's not try argue with science. Jesus wept.
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I am sorry for who is buying those crocodile tears because she gave her child banana? If you were that petrified of your child choking you certainly wouldn’t be filming him!
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I can’t with her. I’m so annoyed with her comment earlier. I really really hope if she ever has another child then they won’t be disabled. God forbid if they are and they’re stuck with a cow like her for a parent.

FYI Kelly cause we all know you read here I have a close family member who is Down syndrome and he’s one of the healthiest people I’ve ever met.

You disgusting vile human being.
Her children might be ‘perfectly helfy’ now. But NO ONE knows what is around the corner. Lots of disabled children are born with absolutely no problems and then later have an accident or become ill and end up disabled as a result. So she might want to think of what she says before saying anything.

She can try and justify her nastiness by saying it’s ‘facts’ or it’s other people’s problems if that’s what helps her sleep at night. But ultimately she deleted those comments so that would suggest to me she’s knows she’s a wrongon. And she still implied DS we’re not ‘perfectly healthy’ 🥴

Kelly hun. Your kids insides ain’t perfectly healthy. The youngest one is fed off sugar in the form of 5 fruit pouches a day and the other is fed processed meats on a teletubbies plate because you as a parent have failed to feed them properly and give in to their wants for an easier life.
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i really hate this whole “tattlers must be jealous narrative” it’s so childish
also as soon as people mentioned about her being in the pjs all day she’s actually changed and made a whole tiktok about it 😂😂
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Commenting on a baby is gross, but this is literally why you don’t exploit your kid on the internet. Babies are not for social media. Stop posting him and no one can say anything. That’s the only way it will stop.
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Chatty Member
She has totally changed her persona online from her ttc journey. She irritated me then tbh, throwing strops and crying in the car that she knows not getting progesterone prescribed is why shes had losses before and that it would save this pregnancy etc and when she finally did get it, she whinged about suffering with HG!!
She's not likable, her smug face, cocky attitude/ replies and frizzy hair in bambi pj's that she lives in 🤢.. has done herself no favours by making her account more of a response video type thing as she comes across as a bitch who can't take any comments that aren't "your child is beautiful"
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"Introducing purees at 4 months is perfectly fine"
It isn't though hun. Please do some research. And that doesn't mean ask a health visitor who isn't trained in weaning.
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Babies can overheat so quickly, that's terrifying she has him in a sleep bag so thick!
Kelly sort it out hun. You're again putting your child at risk
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VIP Member
I can’t with her. I’m so annoyed with her comment earlier. I really really hope if she ever has another child then they won’t be disabled. God forbid if they are and they’re stuck with a cow like her for a parent.

FYI Kelly cause we all know you read here I have a close family member who is Down syndrome and he’s one of the healthiest people I’ve ever met.

You disgusting vile human being.
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she is actually insufferable
“one thing il always teach my children that you may not be well liked” okay hun 😂
her platform is just negativity and her being the victim
so boring , if you can’t handle peoples opinions then get off titkok.
she’s another one who says she posts on tiktok so she can look back on the special moments. pull the other one , you’re doing it in the hopes of sponsored stuff
Hopefully she won't teach them how to do makeup. What the hell is the eyebrows about
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All this rainbow baby talk is going to far now. No wonder her mental health is as bad as she says it is. She's using her losses to build a social media account instead of allowing herself to grieve. It really isn't healthy
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