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Have you ever been so warm, that your drowsy because the heat knocks you out? That's why he sleeps like he does with the 2.5 on. I'd rather wake to a baby who was slightly too cool than take the chance of overheating them. Its absolutely NOT mum shaming to show concern.

Just like "be kind" and "everyone with a different opinion is trolling", "mum shaming" is fast becoming one of those phrases which implies that you are no longer allowed to have a different opinion on parenting. Absolutely sick to the back teeth of creators thinking they're above it all!
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It annoys me how much she goes on about her PPA as if she is so different to everyone else.
I am pretty sure 99% of mums have this to some extent! We all check to see if our babies are breathing when they’re asleep, we all worry about SIDS. Every night I put my baby to sleep I worry. It’s natural when they’re so young and vulnerable and as mothers we want to feel we are doing everything to protect them.
I also live by an app to track naps and bottles, A lot of people do these days so they can keep track and know what their baby needs if they’re upset. We have the technology so people use it. Doesn’t necessarily mean you have OCD.
And now everyone in her comments are diagnosing themselves too. I really feel the terms anxiety, OCD and depression are thrown around way to easily these days when realistically, we all have traits of them naturally
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Kelly babe.

Children on the 25th percentile are also thriving. Being under the 50th percentile doesn't mean they're not, nor does being over the 50th percentile equate to them thriving.


Way to make other mums with smaller babies feel shit about themselves you cunt.

Some of us wait till 6 months + to wean because neurologically and developmentally that's when a baby is READY.
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Did I just hear right.
She uses condoms, but when she's on her period they don't use condoms.

Kelly, some things people just don't need to know, and you having a shag whilst bleeding is one of them you rancid frizzy haired rat
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Chatty Member
How is this thread so quiet?! She is vile. She's lost any relatability she once had on her ttc journey, by turning her account into more of a "replying to the haters" vibe and appearing smug and better than everyone else.. its so childish and the way she holds her baby while making the videos too, so sad. Put him down and let him eat a biscuit or whatever it today she's ramming down his neck.. 🙄
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Well-known member
What gets me is that generally it’s advised to wean on veg first and not fruit. This develops their sweeter taste for things as opposed to savoury. I weaned both my kids following BLW guidelines. I have a non fussy older kid and a fussy little so and so who eats with their eyes…which was exactly what I done as a kid! Nonetheless, I researched, watched videos, went on a course at the local children’s centre, listened to HV even started a BLW Instagram account! I got so much enjoyment sitting there and eating with my kids the same food I cooked for the whole family. I’ve never fed my kids a purée or a pouch - not that there is anything wrong with that. Youngest probably had McDonalds at less than a year old 😂

my point is Kelly…..don’t sit there preaching your Ways or advise to the world when it’s completely inaccurate and goes against recommendations. I think we would all have great respect for you if you actually listened, conducted your own research and just flipping waited until the poor boy is ready!
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Chatty Member
This is why I didn’t agree with the fact she was questioning him over things people had said. Like the plates for example. He doesn’t need to know what people online are saying. It will create doubts in his mind. Kids shouldn’t be online and nor should that TikTok. Poor kid, hope she’s gonna seek some proper help for him.
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she is actually insufferable
“one thing il always teach my children that you may not be well liked” okay hun 😂
her platform is just negativity and her being the victim
so boring , if you can’t handle peoples opinions then get off titkok.
she’s another one who says she posts on tiktok so she can look back on the special moments. pull the other one , you’re doing it in the hopes of sponsored stuff
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That poor baby ended up in the hospital with an allergic reaction to whatever she’s been feeding him. She weaned the poor kid too early and now his body is telling her, but would she ever admit she was wrong? He’s probably breaking out because she introduced food WAAAAY too early.

What a selfish, silly bastard. I just hope the poor thing doesn’t have longer lasting health implications.
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What are everyone’s thoughts? She’s attracting a lot of attention after announcing she’s weaning her son who is 4months old
This girl.

Initially I felt quite sorry for her, but then she was a pain in the arse when she was pregnant and now she's just an utter dickhead.

I gave her a lot of pumping advice as she was using a pump and wasn't getting much and she blocked me - arse.

But this whole weaning thing is just ridiculous, almost like she knows better. She's very survival bias, just because her eldest son coped well and has no issues she thinks its okay to do on baby #2.
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VIP Member
I’m here for this.

Nothing EVER makes her happy. Ever. She’s extremely negative and I wish she could see how lucky she is to have her children (I think she’s got the baby and an older one?)
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I’ve just watched the TT from earlier where she does a voiceover pretending to be the kid talking about fucking sleeping bags. If she’s so ducking knowledgeable why did she even change it in the first place? She’s so smug and unlikable it’s unreal.
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New member
I never comment on these but… omg her eyebrows. They look like Nike ticks 😂 can’t focus on any of the weaning drama with those bad boys around.
That’s all I came to say 😂😂😂
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Well-known member
Oh I have been waiting for this thread.
This silly bint has been grinding my tits since her TTC days.

She always 100% has to be right about everything and if anyone has an opposing opinion no matter how much evidence they have to back them up, they’re wrong and a “disgusting troll”.

The only troll is her with them eyebrows.
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#babyloss on a video where she’s holding an alive baby is really insensitive to other people using that #
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It's sickening, she's actually desperate for it to be a food allergy.
She hasnt considered any other factors such as what she's bathing him in, washing her clothes in, his clothes, it could even be her shampoo.
That ratty frizzy hair will get everywhere.
Fucking hell, hers will be a baby allergy account won’t it? Living with my allergic,rainbow baby. FFS 😂
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But guys he’s ‘friving’ 🤣
You know nuffin about me i’m gonna wean my child before 6 munfffffs
My ferapist
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