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I'm aware all kids are different, have different needs etc, but at 8years old, why is she babying him so much at home? That plate is in no way shape or form suitable for a child his age to easily eat a proper meal off, lunches/breakfasts maybe, but those sausages were hanging off that plate.

Also, if she weaned him in the way she's weaning the youngest, its no wonder he won't eat the stuff she makes and only has the processed shit all of the time. I fully believe that a fed kid is a happy kid, my two love a bit of processed shit, as do we, but we combine with fresh home cooked meals and at 1 and nearly 3 they eat most of the things we eat. I don't understand why the little one is literally surviving off fruit purees and toast? And why have a yogurt for dinner followed by a biscuit? Why give snacks before breakfast and lunch while waiting for them to be made? If pouches are the way you want to go, there are plenty of savoury options, or you know, just chop up some veg and stick it on a plate! She acts like she's a weaning guru, but hasn't actually got a clue.
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Saying he was cold when the room was 25degrees, pack it in Kelly! She needs to get out of this mindset that her child should be sleeping through the night every night because that is not how most kids work. As an adult I don't even sleep through the night so why should a baby! Any bets she puts him I'm a 2.5 tog tonight?
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Just seen her video about here so obviously had to come and look 😂. She’s disgusting for how she went on at the mortuary lady, she carried on knowing Hayley was having a miscarriage. That was disgraceful.
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I’ve just watched the TT from earlier where she does a voiceover pretending to be the kid talking about fucking sleeping bags. If she’s so ducking knowledgeable why did she even change it in the first place? She’s so smug and unlikable it’s unreal.
I stand by what I said. 2.5 tog is way too thick.
Shes pathetic. People aren't mum shaming her, nor are we trolls. People are trying to educate her but no, Kelly knows best. Child health and safety isn't a parental choice Kel 🙄
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some of her replies in the comment section are vile.
she was practically arguing with the mum of a down syndrome child saying that they aren’t healthy and disregarding her comments about ds children not being healthy and thriving.
she said something along the lines of “how can they be healthy with a feeding tube in there nose” “oh most ds children have heart issues and that’s a fact”
she’s a vile cow who thinks she’s better then everyone

take your non consenting child off the internet then hun. you aren’t using tiktok to document his life for him to look back on.
you’re using it to make a few extra pounds, get free shit and use the tiktok shop
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This woman is full of shit. You can't claim you have post partam anxiety then ignore every guidelines known to man and put your child at risk ffs 😂
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congrats your child likes stories
but for someone who hates “mum shaming” she’s quick to tell parent how to parent eg reading will make them “talk better”
some kids won’t listen to stories etc doesn’t mean they won’t pick up words etc
some kids will listen to stories and still won’t talk
she’s such a smug cow
Maybe you wanna focus on your 9 year old using adult sized plates and cutlery Kelly, before you go for kids with speech delays.
You can read all you want, some kids still struggle even if they've been read 20 books a day.
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she has so much time to check here because oliver is so bored hes napping 5 times a day
She spends more time replying to here than she does being a parent, she should get herself a job because clearly she isn't doing the job of a parent, the jumperoo is
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She blamed “trolls” the other day for her baby not sleeping one night because she listened to us and took a layer off her baby that night. So explain why even though you’ve layered him back up he’s still not sleeping and it’s resulted in you having him in bed with you because he sleeps better? FK OFF you moron
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Saying that someone's jealous because they asked what the craic is with her eyebrows....we could all walk about with the sharpied on eyebrow look if we wanted to, however, most of us own mirrors and know that it's not a good look.

Why do these "content creators", "Influencers", whatever you want to call them think that people are jealous of them? I don't understand it? I watched a video while back of a lovely lass who said she was in debt because she was just buying and buying so that she could create videos, granted, she's now gone onto pack her job in and do tiktok full time, but who would be jealous of that? Who would be jealous of having to have the camera pointed on your face, even when you can't be arsed, feel like shit, whatever. Who would be jealous of having a house full of tat that is sent to you, that is used once then thrown into a pile and ignored, of constantly having people comment on you, your life, your parenting, whatever. Absolutely noone would be jealous of that.
Exactly this. I’m the least bit jealous as I don’t have those hideous eyebrows, or have to exploit my kids for content. I watched an interesting TT today from a creator called Mom Uncharted (she’s amazing) and she paraphrased that if you need to exploit your kids to create content then you’re clearly not interesting enough to be making content in the first place. Or something to that effect…
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Am I the only one who finds making your babies birthday party rainbow themed really distasteful? It’s like making their special day about your losses.
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"To the weird people who mom shame on the Internet"
Jesus Christ Kelly get over yourself. Don't publicly go against guidelines and reccomendations that put your child at risk and give attitude when people try to educate you and people won't need to comment.

Before you say your usual "every baby is different and they are just guidelines" - they're advised for a reason you silly woman. You have been very lucky that nothing has happened to your kids such as convulsions from over heating, but how would you feel if someone followed your advice that you are not trained to give and then something happens to their child? What if someone's child has issues with their hips because of the unsafe baby carrier you advertise? What if someone's child ends up with IBS or something else because they followed your advice and weaned at 4 months? (Also you have no idea if this will affect Oliver later in life, im sure he will thank you for weaning him early then!)

Your survivors bias is crazy.

So to the weird people who flex putting their child at risk and exploit them on the Internet, please just stop.
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She’s making her an and e visits consistent so she hopefully gets bumped up the list for surgery. If you were in that much pain, making Tik Toks would be the LAST thing on your mind!
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Never understand why women who tried so hard to have a baby are also the ones so relaxed about doing things to put them at risk.

It's recommended to be in the same room for every nap to decrease the risk of SIDS. Its reccomended to wean at 6 months due to the risk of damaging their gut permanently if done too early. This idiot thinks she knows better than professionals who are literally trainee in this. Can't stand the woman or anyone else who is so half arsed about their child's health and safety.
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