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Well-known member
Big deal about nothing. A few tshirts and trousers and pencils. Last year she talked about how it was going to be so financially crippling to get them back to school that she started buying things months before they even got the summer holidays and then went off and blew hundreds of euro on something stupid, like a robot hoover.
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Well-known member
That's just it, she would drink her own piss if an influencer told her too. She is so gullible. And spends the taxpayers money doing so. How much was spent on Air Up bottles... don't see them now?! The dozen 4th Arq jumpers, well no actually she actually never takes those off 😵💫 I'm surprised she hasn't jumped on the Edit Row for her bestie Lisa Jordan, especially after resharing her Luna story.

So I take it, she's back online.... from her 'time off/hour off'
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She's probably going to meet up with her side kick Rebecca she's from down that way. Must pop them all the hard facts and evidence,of the convicted groomer and his family.
Just so it's on file there.
Maybe you'd do the same numbers n all that.
Shoulder to shoulder keep the convicted groomer out 😉😉
Oh I'm already on it 👏 I'll be sending them this too, the cheek of her trying to up her engagement in the hope of trying to blag a freebie when she's already slated the price of the hotel 😂😂


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Any update on the Mayo stunner or is she still keeping quiet?
Was just thinking this this morning she's probably only delightttttedddd that Rebeccas_ homeandlife are getting the tattle attention. But klarissa Rebecca was hinting at you when she said these ones who put up be kind, kindness matters be are the one's who are the one's who definitely don't practice this and are horrible people.
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It's this one not being her usual irritating 🔗 🔗 🔗 🔗 🔗 person anymore or has she's jumped ship or been real to herself and seen the truth that people don't like groomers partner's
I unfollowed and she’s on private so can’t see any stories if she is still online
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Attention don't you know, but bet she's not donating anything! She's nothing else to share wanted people to think she's such a kind person. Back showing her mother's house passing as hers the only time the kids get outside in the fresh air
The latest go fund me, there were away with us , we never knew what was wring with the mum, wasn't our business to asked but they are a lovely family they were on the same flight as us over and back
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Oh she will not be happy, just checked and if she loses another follower she's back to 12.8k, she will be having a meltdown 😂😂😂 She was so smug when she got over 13k and she's been hemorrhaging followers ever since
Fake competition pending so!! Or I'm taking a break leaving Instagram, or she'll team up with someone who's no idea who she is.
Is she still tagging that liliforberg one or what ever she's called she shares cooking. Klarissa was always tagging her.
Got her following her because she'd a big account.
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What excuse has she came up with to not bring the kids to the parade? Or have they escaped with groomer in toe
I don't follow the sick clown and my friend who used to send me bits she shared unfollowed her last week so I haven't seen anything of her stories since. Hopefully she kept the groomer away from the parade, he would be in his alley there with teenage girls marching 🤢
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@Cpeople Lisa Jordan is STILL following her
She still follows my name tags and they still follow her 🙄
And the mark fennell lad doesn't follow her but he has over 150k followers so I'd say the sad case was hoping he would give her a shout out for sharing his reel and she might get a few followers out of him. But he hasn't shouted her out yet and he isn't following her either yet
Having dealt with him in professional capacity, he will want to know and will listen because it’ll be bad for this influencer image he’s really pushing for. Tbh he kinda looks like kealy, I could never put my finger on it but he will 100% listen if you message him.
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Chatty Member
I love her list of tips, number 3 seems to be more about herself than a tip 🤔😂 And her list of goals is endless, can't wait to see them unfold. Can't see the partner of a groomer achieving much once people know about him though 🤷‍♀️
Ah jeeze that's serveral times she seems to have been going on about not knowing "the whole story" 🤦 it's fairly simple printed in black and white!
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She'll will probably say she got a free pr invite. No wonder she was asking so she could scan and see who following her was going. Just she hardly rocked up in that get out
Oh she definitely bought her own ticket, if she had gotten a pr invite she would be bragging about it, she would have #pr everywhere!
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@Wexy123 She must have rattled a few over that post She's lost a lot of followers.
But then again when you're so honest and a bare faced lier at the same time it's hard to know which person your following.
Oh she will not be happy, just checked and if she loses another follower she's back to 12.8k, she will be having a meltdown 😂😂😂 She was so smug when she got over 13k and she's been hemorrhaging followers ever since
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VIP Member
Same….. and reported her twice again this am for thw two stories with links to river island shoes!! Giving out that the price of the ballet shoes was off the charts….. but still af links them!! And then the second one….. The h I’m looking for a pair like these, can you click the link there and have a look….. sneaky cow. I’m can post screenshots if anyone wants them to report her?
She's down another 11 followers over the past 2 days, she's only driving people away from her page doing her stupid hidden links shite. And about 8k of her followers are fake ones she bought 😂
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VIP Member
She's down another 11 followers over the past 2 days, she's only driving people away from her page doing her stupid hidden links shite. And about 8k of her followers are fake ones she bought 😂
They probably don't understand English or else they are there for the village fool element 😂😂😂
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Do they stand out as weirdos or do they look like a normal family?
I didn’t do too much looking, saw them passing the house twice and then passed them out and about twice. Without knowing the background, they would look like a normal family going around there. He doesn’t strike me as a gym instructor though….. was that his past job? He’s fairly heavy now.
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