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The hypocrisy of acting so concerned with chemicals while smoking around the baby is gas. And photographing it AND sharing it.

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Anyone else really confused about this

Saoirse aimed this at Ellie and Saoirse said she is going to enjoy her unemployment. Kind of just sounded like she was projecting her own insecurities about this.
This is so embarrassing she’s acting like she has a huge income coming from somewhere else while being unemployed? What exactly would Ellie be jealous of? She’s like a 13 year old spoilt brat thinking Mammy and daddy will look after everything for her forever
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From her Tiktok it sounds like she won't be seeing her mum for Christmas. She mentioned doing Christmas Eve with her dad and then Christmas day with her 'small family' which I'm assuming refers to Jason, Baby and herself. Maybe her sisters will drop by too who knows.

It seems like her relationship with her mum is quite changeable even day to day which must be a bit difficult especially this time of year.
It seems like her relationships with everyone are changeable. It seems like she has trouble keeping friends etc and seems to change her mind about both her mam and dad all the time
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Yeah very true you’re right thanks for explaining x
There’s also the issue that the child can’t consent to their photos being online, and they can’t erase their digital footprint once it’s happened either. Someone once explained it to me like: “you wouldn’t upload photos of your partner without their consent, so why upload photos of your child without their consent?” which to me, makes sense.

Before the Internet, personal family photos would be contained to albums or picture frames at home. The most public equivalent of an insta post might be a photo in your wallet, but if you were to show a stranger that photo down the pub, you wouldn’t be giving them a copy to keep for themselves to show all their friends too, and their friends can show their friends, and so on.

Now that the children who grew up alongside social media are starting to have children themselves, they are much more aware of how permanent/invasive it can be. The more ‘online’ you are, the more followers you have, the higher the risk of innocent photos getting into the wrong hands. The way I look at it is, there’s probably no harm in sharing a cute, intimate family moment online, but there’s definitely no harm in not sharing it.

Apologies for waffling. It’s just something I think about a lot lol
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Her super strict budgeting video was so dumb and pointless when every single TikTok vlog she posts is just her buying loads of pointless stuff and travelling places on the bus/Dart that she claimed to only use like once a month or something?
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i just dont see her and jasons relationship lasting tbh......theres something disingenuous about him
I’d say there is a pair of them in it… both are incredibly insufferable 😩 mad to be viewed as “alt”
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1. I didn't outright call her mother a narcissist. you have just said Keelin has narcissistic traits
2. you have no right to tell me what I can and cannot say lol
3. to become a narcissist one must have a narcissist parent
4. you do not know her, her mother, or her situation. Most abuse is covert. I realise I am in the wrong place to be saying nice things about Keelin but this behaviour is abhorrent and has made me reflect on the horrible things I have said and regret them. This is all so mean. Can you all question what exactly you are getting out of degrading her so much even when she breaks down in tears and just wants to be loved by her mother?
1. Someone can have narcissistic traits it doesn’t make them a narcissist, I wouldn’t call someone a narcissist
2. Sorry I thought you were outright saying that her mam was
3. You don’t need a narcissist parent to become a narcissist
4. I respect that you feel guilty for saying mean things about her in the past or “degrading her” but that is nobody else’s problem and you shouldn’t have joined this thread or site if you find it upsetting
Finally we are allowed to share our opinion on someone who comes across as a complete attention seeker and posts questionable things with a large platform, we don’t need to know her personally to do that. Also I find it strange that she would break down in tears and tell the internet her family’s personal problems, if you don’t agree and it makes you have sympathy for her then that’s just you. I don’t mean to attack you or tell you you’re wrong I’m not a horrible person but as you said I think you’re in the wrong place
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Following all the hype about the live shows and the announcement for Cork, I decided to give the podcast a listen. I'm at 37:40 in the "Hot Girl Summer Prep" episode and I'm done. This outright rejection of being "posh", costuming as being poor, is the strangest fetishising of the working class that I've ever come across. It's so odd. Eimear O'Reilly is complaining at this timestamp about being regarded as 'posh' - her father, Alan, is a renowned restaurateur, and has OWNED and operated several successful restaurants all around Dublin, including Clarets, Morels, Alexis and Wildside. He's just opened his latest restaurant called 'Laurel' in the heart of Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Source:

Her family home is also in Blackrock, she's upper middle class, as are the Moncrieffs. Their father (who Keelin lived with while he found her an apartment) lives in Howth, I know the Moncrieffs have been heavily criticised for cosplaying as working class - but I find it so odd that the people they surround themselves with are doing the same? It's bizarre.
In Dublin right now and probably in a lot of major cities being working class is cool, Fontaine’s DC is a good example it in popular culture. It’s so odd, I suppose working class people have more cultural capital in the scenes that keelin and Eimear move in. When I first moved to Dublin I found it so odd that people that I knew from college were dying to portray this working class aesthetic as if all our mammies and daddies weren’t paying our fees 😂
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so her former wholesome "~~autumn roadtrip~~" vlog with the view on the road as the main screen (?dk the right word for it, pardon me) got changed to THIS, she's really like every other, profiting off off clickbait on a segment which takes up not even a minute of the whole vlog where she's actually roadtripping; dissapointing to see this is how she choose to act
Shes so embarassing, changing the thumbnail to an ugly picture of her crying with her baby for the sake of maybe 5k more views

Sorry but I can’t see her being a good parent at all if she’s still so self absorbed and willing to exploit her child

Wasn’t the original title called like wholesome autumn road trip or something?
It just makes me think she’s lying/ being dramatic for attention now
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So first she claims her child can sign at 9 weeks, now she's teething at 10 weeks 🙄

She thinks she's made the smartest, most quickly developing baby on the planet - yet doesn't seek advice from her doctor but asks a bunch of randos on instagram for advice.

The child isn't teething Keelin, she's prob just sick of your fussing.
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I'm sorry but this is absolutely unfair. I know I have said loads of shit about Keelin but it takes a lot for her to open up about her mother like that and she clearly was very emotional. While it's questionable to post this stuff online, clearly Keelin gets the validation from the internet that she couldn't get from her mother. My opinion of her has changed a bit after that video I just wish she would seek a narcissist-informed therapist, her mother is clearly abusive and it's not fair for anyone to try to dismiss her. Children don't end up fucked up out of nowhere so CLEARLY her parents ARE horrible to her. Her dad is airing his dirty laundry constantly. Yes, mothers can lie and say shit like "I'll sell you the house" and then turn back on their word. Narcissistic mothers are manipulative and super nice on the surface. It is so incredibly dangerous for the sake of Keelin and her daughter to invalidate a potentially traumatic experience. People are becoming more and more informed on what narcissistic behaviour is, it's not that there are "more" narcissists being "created". Obviously, for one to have a fixation on Keelin whether negative or positive you have to be projecting parts of yourself onto her which I admit to. I have a clinically diagnosed narcissistic mother (very rare to actually get a diagnosis) and this situation is strikingly similar. I slowly began to regret a lot of things I said about Keelin, but now I feel awful. She doesn't deserve to have randomers say she doesn't have a right to discuss her relationship with her mother and saying such things will have a detrimental effect on her, she's still human like we can't bastardise her over EVERYTHING. I genuinely hope she gets the help she needs because she doesn't deserve this, people act as if she's killed somebody
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I don’t understand how it goes from one extreme to the other weren’t they all on a road trip a few weeks ago? It seems like she’s making her ma out to be some monster when she clearly just has some mental health issues of her own
i feel like you truly can’t understand unless you have a narcissistic parent of your own. it’s by default very up and down, all well and good when you’re walking on eggshells around them but a nightmare when you set a boundary or do something that’s deemed unacceptable to them. i feel for her, i just don’t get why she’d share so much of it online.
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Yeah it's really hard to know with keelin. When the attention of having a new born wears off I wonder how she'll be. The baby is beyond adorable I will admit and its lovely to see a supportive boyfriend/family dynamic. The way things should be. The sad reality is though this isn't the case for everyone. I feel keelin will undoubtedly influence a lot of young girls into wanting to have a baby now but the truth is she has a LOT of help financially wheter she admits to that or not she really is in a very priveliged position with support networks and finance wise. She's a very lucky person in that regard and baby is healthy etc. I'm not saying it is easy for her but I feel she is in a much more priveliged position to have a baby than other people. Just sad facts of life I guess
exactly, she presented it as "oh lol i just got pregnant by accident and then i just spontaneously moved from london and couldnt find an apartment in dublin" when in reality they were trying the whole time (dont know how anyone believes otherwise) and she moved back to dublin with the assumption she could live with either her mam or dad (despite having a cat and a boyfriend in tow). She has a lot of emotional and financial support, she just likes to pretend she doesn't for some reason. Not to mention her apartment was mostly furnished with old furniture her dad apparently had lying around and all the baby stuff she has seems to be gifts from friends/family or gifted by a company. She keeps harping on about how love is all a baby needs and its irresponsible
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I genuinely think one of the reasons she had a baby was because she wanted to prove her mom wrong and show how easy it was and finally be able to say her mom was such a bad mom because she’s doing such a great job, Id say her mom is one of the only voices of reason in her life and when she tells her a hard truth that she doesn’t want to hear she makes these insanely personal tiktoks slatting her mom and “cuts her off”
I cringed so hard at the post talking about her mum. I think everyone has some sort of family drama, but to put it out there like that? She is not just vocalising her opinions, she's making her family situation public for everyone else in her family.

I doubt she consulted everyone before posting and I guarantee she has hurt and embarrassed more than just her mother by doing that.
If she feels that hurt send that to her directly.
Growth is knowing you will fuck up regularly.
Not saying bad parenting is excusable, but she is lining herself up for failure pretending she has parenting down when she has only dipped her toes in it.
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She mentioned before how people would look at her on the street because she was “so young” like she looks like she’s in her 20s. I think she was projecting her insecurities because 24/25 is not remotely too young to have a child - if you’re financially and emotionally capable of doing so.

If people were looking at her at all it’s probably because she was going around Dublin heavily pregnant in tiny crop tops. I don’t personally have a problem with anyone doing that, pregnant people should dress however they want but tbf it’s not typical and some people will be caught off guard.
Exactly. People were staring because she deemed herself far too trendy to wear maternity clothes and instead wore her regular clothes that didn’t fit her, looked ridiculous and downright uncomfortable. And if Jason was with her then they were probably staring at whatever awful style choices he had made.
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She definitely tries to set a false narrative of her life to set her up for romanticised stories of her youth for when she’s older. Also the same reason as to why she takes takes a lot of “edgey” disposable pics in an attempt to be seen as “so cool when she was younger” by her older children/grandchildren.
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Did yall see Saoirse and Jason being touchy in the club got outed in the comments of Keelin's new vid. Keelin replied back to the comment made and told this person to go to therapy/ there's something seriously wrong with them. Also Saoirse just took the piss out of the accusation on her ig story. Such a bizarre contrast of behaviours on both the sister's ends
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