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Breaking news I’ve just seen someone being huckled out the crowd on the Royal Mile as the queens coffin went by…… can we get a go fund me incase we need to get KD a good brief (I know a man who will do her mates rates 😉)

Update the huckled heckler had mousy brown hair (and maybe a perm) …..
Was the huckled heckler shouting Get Her Oot Charlie? 😂
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Yooooohoooo! 👋
I like how James had no issue with the Britney stuff...until now!
All was fine until she didn’t want anything to do with him. He’s a weirdo, walking red flag if anyone takes anything to do with him after seeing how he has behaved this week they need a their heads looked at
Best of luck to stalker Steph when that all goes tits up, that’s going to be a carcrash I’ll love watching she’s a vulgar jealous cow that deserves all that will eventually come to her from him 👀🍿
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I have missed that live (was down a Meghan Markle rabbit hole, cheers KD 🙄😂) but from what i am reading that disgrace needs to get a grip of his life. So much hatred because the lassie has made it quite clear she is not entertaining him anymore. She doesn’t speak about him & never answers any questions relating to him in the comments on lives. Absolute riot of a “man”!
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View attachment 1559665

Someone's made this account about jamesy and it's in wullys live. They've put his address on it but I've cut it out for here.🤔
They were doing the same in Jamesys live earlier. Every single one of them all need to get a fucking grip man.
Jamesys a utter cunt especially for what hes doing right now, but he still has a wee boy at home with him.
Same with dog welfare checks all of it is a fucking disgrace.
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Isn't Jamesy a single father? When does he look after his son? He's on TikTok all day and night.
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Yeah, his dogs actually had a welfare check 🤦🏻‍♀️ People are fried, it’s a low fucking day when animals and/or kids are getting it. Never saw anyone try to save Jess Rennie’s poor wee dog after all the terror that had to contend with.
When was this? I genuinely didn't know anything about it.
It's obviously someone that knows him IRL that has done it though?
Always people taking shit too far.
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Steph the stalker talking & laughing at herself whilst she brushes her teeth in HumbleT’s box has just put me off my breakfast ty ya whale
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Sitting trying to figure this one out🤦‍♀️
So Nellie messaged supperfan on rolands behalf, supperfan then messaged KD on Nellie's behalf to ask KD to follow Roland?
Go skelp Nellie and supperfans arse Roland for making this more complicated than it had to be 😂
Supperfans name annoys me because they can't spell. Plus I keep getting starving and thinking of fish suppers
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Kdawgs on an tremendous rant about Meghan Markle I am howling 😂😂😂😂
First thing Charles should do as King is say Get oot and pap them out Frogmore Cottage, yous two get ooooot 😂 The hatred in her voice is funny as fuck
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This is literally his behaviour word for word.



He is a evil nasty bastard. Did she mention him in her live tonight ? I didn’t watch tonight but any I have seen her in she hasn’t mentioned him. Why is he keeping this going ? What is he hoping to gain from this like what’s his end game ? This is absolute creepy unhinged behaviour. Kdawgs done nothing wrong hasn’t even bad mouthed him. What an absolutely obsessed weirdo of a guy
She's not said a single word about him at all. Ignores all comments everything.
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Wee Toots

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JJ has had a few losses, she made a video about it and there's a pic of her with a wee baby bump so it looks like maybe she was around half way through. She did speak about how much she wanted to be a Mum.
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Am I the last Tayto hoor still standing 😂
I can still comment.

All you Hoors are gonna get banned and it'll just be me and Case25 left, throwing 20ps at Nigerians, fighting off Steph Bonnar and dealing with Cathy when she arises from the bottom of the wine bottle.
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Scottish Steph just said she's blocked KDawg
Kdawg blocked her on Friday when she was giving herself a rid neck sending James baby Lions trying to buy his attention the sad fuck. She was moaning in lives afterwards about how Kdawg had blocked her. So it’s been the opposite way about . Psycho Stephs a mad slabber cabbage that needs swung about . I canny go her she’s replaced Courtney as the skank from Tiktok I’d most like to boot in the hole
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I’ve not been long watching or using tiktok but folk are so entitled on it like you might quite fancy bein in the box but there’s ways to ask anybody anything and it’s not shouting booooax, repeatedly pressing a doorbell or whining about it. I demand some manners be brought to the app!
Its the lack of self awareness and boundaries.

Rosie is used to instant box access from all the usual culprits who want tiktok clout (previously... i don't think Rosie gets as many on her lives these days).

Even the stuff with the bedsheets or whatever it is Rosie is trying to gift KDawg.

1. Shes not going to meet you for 2nd hand sheets.
2. Shes not going to give you her address to have your 2nd hand sheets delivered
3. She doesnt accept gifts shes on high rate PIP. (and she told your pal earlier she doesn't want tacky bed sheets😂😭)

Shes anonymous... I don't think 1.40p sheets is whats going to get her to meet you mate.
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