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Little Miss Influenza

Chatty Member
Why would Leah and Mitch not eat their dinner with Gigi? I didn't get it when I thought they ate dinner after she went to bed but even weirder that they sit down again after her shower and they eat dinner while she sits there... for food being such a huuuuuuge part of their family and being the only people to ever eat food, why wouldn't they do these things together?
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As a card holding member of team ADHD, it also really gets to me that Kayla talks about it like it was just a small thing for her and no big deal. My later in life diagnosis only came after I suffered a huge burnout situation and was honestly at rock bottom. It has taken a long time for me to rebuild my confidence and boundaries, but I still struggle every single day, even on medication. There’s a deep dark side to ADHD, it isn’t all sunshine, rainbows and stimulant meds.
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Leah knows five ‘recipes’
- chicken schnitzel
- salmon sashimi
- seafood pasta
- avgolemono
- roast lamb

what is she going to film now? Bare beef burgers or chicken pesto pasta? Haven’t seen those two for a while 😅
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So she confirms they all live in a commune😂Poor stability with all these random people constantly around the house
I can’t believe they all live together!! Why? I’d go nuts if I had friends staying over for more than 3 nights! What is missing in K&J’s marriage that they constantly need to have others around them? Is it insecurity? Someone please answer because this is so bizarre to me
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And here’s Leah demonstrating why none of her “business ventures” have ever been successful. She’s comparing Tim Tams and complaining there’s 11 in a normal packet and 9 in the double coat and asking why the marketing team hasn’t just said we need to put an even number of Tim Tams in each packet. It hasn’t occurred to her that even though the double coat are bigger/use more chocolate etc than the original ones, both are sold in the same size packets for the same price. Because uniformity reduces costs. You can also guarantee that the dimensions of the packet would have been determined by the size of packing boxes and what fits on a packing pallet etc. Again, because it reduces cost. It’s basic manufacturing 101 and probably explains why these two can’t manage to maintain a consistent supply of their own products.


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Leah is the last person who should be calling out Arnott’s on their marketing when theirs is like a dogs breakfast that they can’t even stick to and regularly change their packaging designs. Also speaking of packaging Leah, why is the tub for your hot chocolate so big for the small amount of product inside, why don’t we talk about that!
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Leah you have a spreadable bacterial infection, stay 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 fuck 👏🏻 at 👏🏻 home!
Leah is 100000% that parent who sends her kid to daycare when incredibly sick because she doesn’t care. She works from home and wouldn’t lose pay. She’s also her own boss so can take days off to care for a sick child. She can’t use the excuse she needs to work
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I’m embarrassed for him thinking his Mrs is that important, she needs protection when he’s not around. Like bruh? If you’re worried about burglars, randoms breaking into your home or stalkers - hot tip: don’t flash your bullshit across social media.


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Yep ok, we get it. Your dog isn’t just any old dog, she’s a trained protection dog. Not sure why we need to reiterate that multiple times a day…
Looks like their beloved protection dog bit Teef on the hand at the end of that training story too and it gave me such joy to witness. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving fuckwit 👏👏👏
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Because they wanted to do it at their forever home aka Big Beige House before they had to desperately sell it. Leah also decided to choose the most unflattering dress, with all their money she didn’t even bothered to get a customised dress.
They don’t have any money. The money they have is tied up in assets, and even then, what they owe on those things would negate their equity. I still firmly believe they have over extended themselves majorly, that’s why you don’t see a constant resupply of their items for No Thanks, they don’t have the money to pay for batches and shipments, etc. they have to wait to free up cash to pay for the stock. They spend the cash they do make on half assed events now, remember when Leah would pay $600 for a a custom cake for everyone’s birthdays and now she gets Woolies mud cakes to slap together?
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Little Miss Influenza

Chatty Member
Mitch's fascination with the United States shows how dense he is.

Has anyone listened to Kayla's podcast? I'm not wasting my time but I do find it funny that it's Sweat Daily and I wonder how long she's going to be able to keep up 5 a week.
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Little Miss Influenza

Chatty Member
Leah getting her hair done because "Kayla couldn't stand the sight of it" and booked her a hair appointment. It would be nice if Kayla booked her a hair appointment and said "go have some relaxing time, chill out, I made you an appointment" but no, first she has to make her feel like shit.
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I don’t really understand things like this. It was her at that time of her life. Isn’t the most important thing that you marry someone you love, not how you look (I’m assuming that’s what she means here).

It’s like when people get rich and get new wedding rings. To me, it signifies that time in your life and has far more meaning than how it looks or what the cost was.
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Thanks for confirming Mitch is an absolute fucking tosspot 👏
We’ve had bright sunshine and low 20s for weeks on end. Absolutely beautiful weather. Perfect for a run along the beach. Or along the Torrens. Or Mt Lofty. Or basically any of the wonderful places we have within 15 to 20 minutes of where they live in Adelaide that they never go to.
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