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2001/2002 So, Katie is known on the scene drunk and drugged whilst preggers with Harvey, but she’s not an addict.
2006 She went to rehab fearing she was dying after drug overdose, but she’s not an addict.
2008 Bender around London nightclubs fallin out at 5am off her tits, but she’s not an addict.
2009 falling out of nightclub falling on her face in Bristol, but she’s not an addict.
2010 her ex friends Phil/Gary carry her out because she was so pissed she couldnt stand, but she’s not an addict.
2011 Drunk coming back from ‘meeting’ with Simon Cowell, but she’s not an addict
2016 Photographed pissed coming out of nightclubs in London, but she’s not an addict
2017 Pissed embarrassing her kids in a restaurant, but she’s not an addict.
2018 She’s caught rapping about her love of coke, but she’s not an addict
2018 Pissed covered in vomit and without her underwear in the case of the invisible man crash (also stated she’s been on a bender for a few days), but not an addict.
2019 Kicked out of a club pissed off her tits embarrassing Dane Bowers, but she’s not an addict.
May 2020 she was bragging she’s 3 months sober after stint in Priory in Jan for turning to alcohol and coke to ‘cope with struggles’, but she’s not an addict.
2021 Rolled a vehicle whiled pissed and drugged, admitted to taking drugs, but not an addict!

This is just a super quick search, of course there are hundreds more out there…but you get my point

This has been known to joe public for 20 years…20 BLOODY YEARS she’s been a drugged drunken state….various men have tried to ‘help’ her, others have just encouraged it…but no, she isn’t an addict…fuck off Kate…20 years of the same merry-go-round…get a fucking grip woman, grow the fuck up and take some responsibility.
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Can't keep quiet about this any longer, the fact that Jett is afraid of Cole makes me spit fucking fire, Skanky your behaviour and your desperation with putting men first makes me so fucking angry. If you end up old and alone that will be your own fucking fault, some women desperately want children but can't have them and you have 5 kids and couldn't give a toss.

Posting public pictures of Bunny and Princess plastered in make up and pouting is sexualizing them, if you don't know what that means ask your social worker you dumb fuck, Oh I used to be an admin for children's social care and this is one thing that pedalos love and can't get enough of. YOU as the mother should be protecting your daughters, you disgust me.

Look how elegant Princess looked at the POB Awards the other week, you would have dolled her up, put her in unsuitable clothing for a child and thought it was hilarious, and the way creepy Cole looks at her gives me flashbacks, yes flashbacks you fucking knob.

And as for your deluded twisted fucking "fans" who think it's great I have to say they are either thicker than pig shit, or have learning difficulties which is not their fault, or like you, just don't care. If you are not sent to Prison next month I will be emailing Max Hill the current Director of Public Prosecutions because I swear you must have some dirt on someone very high up and this has to stop, NOW FUCK OFF YOU TURD.
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It takes time to get a court order changed. Can be months. I don't think criticising Keiron is fair tbh. He's clearly always done everything he can to protect the kids. They're safe as long as the visits are supervised. You can't just go against a court order or have it changed without spending a lot of time and money. It costs my friend, a single mum, £1,000 for her solicitor every time there's another court hearing with her psycho drug addled violent ex trying to increase his access rights. He represents himself and doesn't pay anything. CAFCASS have done investigations and reports to say he shouldn't have any access at all, but the stupid effing judge repeatedly says "it's in the child's best interests". The child comes back saying that daddy said mummy is a fat lazy cow, etc etc, it breaks my friend's heart that she is forced to do this. It doesn't mean she's a bad mum and Katie having parental access doesn't mean Keiron has done anything wrong. It's out of his hands when it comes to court orders.
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I cannot bide Martin Lewis, a man who makes money by giving people in debt such whims of advice as...don't get in debt. He's an absolute cock.
Disagreeing completely with that.
He's made money from saving hundreds of thousands of people from sleepless nights, loan sharks, potential suicide. Small debts and enormous ones.
His website is extremely useful for loads of issues, not only debt. I've used it many times, it's a really good resource.
His advice, the serious stuff, is up to date, researched, valid and accessible .
For free.

He's one of the few people who deserve every penny they make.
Definitely one of the good guys.

Just my opinion.
(i don't watch daytime telly etc so can't comment on how he comes across and it's irrelevant anyway. His mantra of do you need it, can you afford it, is so relevant in this world of disposable landfill shite that some find 'essential').
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Katie - it’s pretty clear to see you read everything on here as you do everything we talk about. You’ve wheeled out the kids to show what an amazing Mum you are. I think I’m an amazing mum too. I cook, clean, nurture and care for my kids and a child that isn’t my own, I take them to school, work and make sure they’re as happy as they can be. I do not need to prove to ANYONE that my kids love me it’s a matter of fact.

Anyway I digress (that means I’ve gone off subject)
Seeing as you are reading everything on here please would you make sure you post a picture of you, Cole and Harvey and maybe discreetly position a piece of carrot cake in the shot just so us Tattlers know 😉

Keep up your amazing work, we love it
Listen if Kieron ( despite his extra curricular activities :sick: :sick: ... I dont agree with this kind of work, in all truth it disgusts me ) ... but despite this, he still remains the ` better parent ` compared to her ... I'm sure if he wanted to batter her legally in court, set up a crowdfunding page for this fight ... I would certainly put money towards it, as I'm sure would most of Joe public ... people have had enough ... she has gone to far now, and if she does get off scot free on Dec 15th, it means she is untouchable, laws of the land don't apply to her .. and she will drive again while banned, drunk and high killing her children, or members of the public, someone needs to put a stop to this behaviour .... by not punishing her, she will see this as a green light to continue fucking up her kids lives, and all those around her, laughing at everyone, because her ` enablers ` family, WON'T DO the right thing, her EGO and arrogance know no bounds .. she does as she pleases, doesn't give a fuck about anyone ( the creditors, all the money she owes ) ... bottom line ... she is a danger and a fucking criminal, who needs to feel the full force of the law ... by not jailing her, and allowing her to continue with this reckless lifestyle ... what message is that giving to the children? .. those kids have most probably seen more than is reported in the media, are all already damaged .... she will eventually go too far, and end up dead before her time, and again it will be those children hurting .... she is the common denominator in all this mess, and she needs to be stopped ... the pure arrogance in Vegas, was sickening to watch .. she was showing us, she doesn't give a fuck, and will continue this freakshow life .. destroying others in her wake .... jail will shock the fuck out of her, she makes out she is this big ` I am ` but underneath, she is nothing but a ` coward ` always running from her responsibilities, her enablers fixing her fuck ups ..... finally ... having worked many moons ago with ` junkies `... " supposed mothers " who always put drugs, alcohol .... men, their own selfish needs before their children ... it still chills me to the bone, remembering the pain in those children's eyes ...... haunted eyes that had seen far too much, for ones so young ..... that will never leave me :mad:
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so now they are being photographed back together again all the time are they going to give us the reason why there was a three to four week gap after slapgate where there were no photographes taken off them together(could it be because at the first bail hearing he was told no contact with her but at the second bail hearing she and him claimed he was not a risk to her so that part of the bail would have been dropped)this happened all the time with my neighbours
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I’m so sick of the word TROLL. It seems if you have a different opinion to anyone else you’re called this. These people who play the troll card really need to know exactly what this word means!!!
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Both Katie’s ex husbands are gay that kieran doing videos with his arse spread and shoving things up there for money, Alex wants to be Alexa secretly. What a mess, not excusing her but no wonder she on drink and drugs
Kierans not gay, he performs for gay fans, and Alex Reid is a transvestite, which is not the same as being gay. Maybe educate yourself
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midsummer blue

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I have No time for drink drivers or drug drivers!!!! Hate them all with a vengeance. I know someone who has been to many post mortems of young people who have done this. A complete waste of young lives!!! 😢😢
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Morning krusties.

So is she now selling all her staged Backgrid pap shots to the Daily Mail instead of the scum? Seeing she has spent the last couple of days bitching they have made her MH so bad.

Katie luv, if it's really as bad as you are trying to make out. Have a day off, no, on second thoughts, a few weeks off until you are banged up at HMP.
Spend time with Amy FP, turn off your social media and stop booking Backgrid to pretend you've gone for a very important meeting at a restaurant, while in the next breath dissing the press, you know, the ones who keep you in £££ to spend on hair, nails, makeup, teeth, designer clothes, McDs, stuff for Cole, as he doesn't pay for anything like you make out and you certainly don't use it to pay your bills.
So all talk of your MM has gone very quiet....was that just another fad doing that up, roping in more mugs to rip off, or have the mortgage company said they've had enough of you using it.?
No doubt lost all your little cash-cow children to flog all your tat.
STOP BLAMING EVERYONE ELSE for the absolute mess of a life you have made.


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God I hate all the 'bekind' stuff with a passion. How 'kind' is it of a mother to not see her kids for weeks, crash and nearly kill herself then fake going to live 1000s of miles away......the little kids have to hear all this scary stuff about their mum. It's emotional abuse, not a 'lovely
family photo'
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Pom Bear

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With her Mum Dad Jett & Bunny. Note no Coleslaw thank god. He won’t like it that he’s excluded.

He might well kick off when she returns.

Amy F Price has forgot something important 🤔😀 x.

She had to go back and fetch it Incase any press pics are taken...yep the oxygen tank machine gun thingy!

That's better 😄 x

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Typical Kate on ferns stories...look at me! Centre of attention as usual. She just can never be a mum can she? Her desire to want to be young and partying it up just overshadows any mothering duties whatsoever.
She's an embarrassment.
And I can't stand that fern- call me nit picky but I didn't like that part of her story today where she's at a restaurant and she's basically taking the piss that its full of old people. We all (hopefully) get old one day love! And all the plastic surgery and filters in the world won't make you any better or a nice person.
It's obvious why her and Kate are friends. Your vibe attracts your tribe and all that.
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Yeah but most people on here are not connected to her in anyway be realistic
In which case, why comment on her thread? If you don't understand it, find another thread you are interested in or why else join a gossip site. There is no need to put people down. I personally like the krusties, they are a funny bunch and cheer me up no end. I dislike skanky because she has faked and exaggerated a few things close to home for me. The feet injury was the last straw. I have a young family member who may face amputation and is facing and has had, multiple operations. So watching someone so blatently lie riles me no end. The point is though, this is a gossip forum, people all have their reasons and we shouldn't have to justify them to anyone.
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