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Mellow Yellow

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I am flitting between Tattle and my day job in the office. Actually, it is mostly Tattle. I really hope no one wants anything urgent done today.
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The vibe I get at this point is, she has nothing left to lose so she's going balls to the wall with a hedonistic long suicide. Her house repossession this week was likely the finally nail in her coffin. When shes talking about the kids going to live with her in Vegas, she knows it's BS...when those cameras stop rolling she's a shell of a human.
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I love this article, the headline is beautiful.

EXCLUSIVE: 'Selfish mother' Katie Price may be kept away from some of her children as ex-husbands Kieran Hayler and Peter Andre send legal letters over her Las Vegas wedding to Carl Woods
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I am flitting between Tattle and my day job in the office. Actually, it is mostly Tattle. I really hope no one wants anything urgent done today.
Haha Same, but i'm freelance so no one to tell me off (unfortunately!) I'm also juggling a mini-dictator. I've told him he has to be a good boy today as mummy has a very important job on the internet being a sarcastic bitch. 😄
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It's been hours and I'm still cackling to myself over 'Amy Fucking Price'. I was just dropping off to sleep then made myself laugh again!
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Pom Bear

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@Pom Bear this needs your magic too 😘
I've added Carl with his TwatOTruck 😄
Little Sid don't look too pleased lol 😄💕🤗🥰😘 xx.


Thank you very much 🥰🥰🥰❤❤🤗😘 Love from Pom 🥰 xx

Ahhhh Pom! Tugging at my heartstrings with little Sid!! Welcome back our favourite corgi friend 🥰 :love: ❤ 🐾🐾🐾. Hope you had a fabulous break xx
I love Little Sid 🥰🥰❤🤗😘💖 xx
Thank you very much 🥰❤..yes it was nice but hectic..I missed been on here and seeing how everyone is 🥰🤗😘 xx
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Dawn Dayn

VIP Member

Oh 'eck 😬
Kieran has had enough. I agree with others here, his two were there during punchgate. After his Amy fucking Price comment I'd say he's rightly had enough, his kids have seen and heard things they shouldn't have, the poor little things.
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Why does she even want to talk about moving over there and leave her children in the UK 😩

Ffs be a mother to your kids!
Being honest the best thing she could do for those kids is to stay gone. They would have a better chance at a happy, stable life without her. How sad is it that I can say that about a mum of five.
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However, the source believes it is unlikely Katie will have the time to buy a white gown for the occasion, adding 'they wouldn't be surprised if she walks down the aisle in some prostitute's dress or a short skirt and high heels, which is so her style right now.'

DM Smashing it today
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Staytmunt frum Kaytee Pryse

Rite. Pete's a cunt.

Sew has u owl no, eye am ear in Vaygus wive the WUN, my prints chow mein, me furevva luv, Coyle Wud aint eye. Pete you wanka.
Littal did eye no that he wuz ownlee gun an got me da BIGGIST serpryze ov em all. Da wun fing eye bin dreemin abat sints eye fursd saw im, jet washan a Ford Kapree on da fourcort ov Dagginhim Dodgee Motahs innit Pete you cunt. So dis serpryze wuz lyke so brilyant, so hunhexpektid an jusd proofs fur reel ow it woz owl ment two bee. Eye cudden beeleev it. Sew shoked. Eed ownlee gun an bukked us an owl u kan eet buffit at Sirkus Sirkus didn ee?? Woooooo....
Eye luv Vaygus. Eevun if Coyle as bin ear beefour on ateeen too furty to ollydayze an stuf. Eye meen, furty to tymes to Vaygus? Eye fink furty to musd av sum sikniveecants or summink cuz e is firty to, eyve ad furty to fayce lifs, ees gut furty to vinears, eye way furty to stowne...ennyweigh..Pete you cunt.

So...wooooooo. Eyme ownlee gunna get mareed ear aint eye? Fineallie me an my Printz Chow Mein are gunna av da wedden ov my dreems, know fuss, know drarmer, jus me, Coyle, my PR team, his PR team, Dane Bowels mum, a Kerree Catowna cardbord cut owt, Peers Morgen an that fat burd from that top rayted show I wuz on Stef, frum Stefs Paked fingy. Pete you tossa. Wooooo.

So eye am harsken u now two giv me an Coyle are privaycee as we beecum a mareed cuppal an arsk u two reespekd are wishsays. Ohan buy da way, u can sea owl da hexkloosif fotoes in nex weeks HoKay magazeen. Pete you cunt. Wooooo....

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She would be better to keep her head down and at least be a bit mortified about the possibilities that she could have died or worse killed others with her. Now a vegas wedding..........Judge should lock her up and throw away the key for a few months. Only way she will learn. I had a friend killed by a drunk driver, years ago now but he did a few years in prison and it is still hard to see him out and about now living his life when he took away an innocent 15 year olds life by mounting the footpath while intoxicated so I am have absolutely no time for this shit
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Kieran posts a few messages to Pete and meets him at a club for faded 90s stars. They sit, wafting tinsel curtain out of their eyes. Strands stick to Pete's greased back hair and they have a manly laugh together, clinking their martinis.
They adjust their too tight trousers and sweat, in a hip and groovy way.

Pete admires Kieran's hands and his foxy eyes, whilst wondering if the same would suit him. He reminds himself to ask for the dr's number.
They quickly get down to the real matter.

'nah ven Kieran you mofo, what we guys gonna do bowt Katie da bitch? Ah mean, I've enough geezering on wiv young junior teaching me ow to frow gang signs, look, like dis brrrrro'

They amuse themselves with gang signs. Neither are aware that Pete is confused and is actually teaching Kieran 'wassup you pussy, fancy some cock' and the street sign for 'chips wiv scraps please lady'. Pete gets overly ambitious and dislocates his thumb.

'wotchoo suggest Pete. Ya cunt.'
Pete looks up.
'er, i meant wotchoo suggest we do wiv tha cunt mate'

They shake their heads. The oil from their hair slurps off like a torpedoed slug and lands in an empty dish on the bar. Jarvis Cocker walks past and dunks his burger in.

'Well she's not fuckin seein Prinny and Jooonyer. Not today anyway. I'm makin a stand. Joonyer' s too busy learning voicetune an havin lessons in come hither eyes, he's too busy man, he's famous.
Prinny, well she was gutted for 23 minutes but she put er pink tracky on to honour her muvva cos she's a good girl, an is doin some pouting for the gram.'

He waits to hear how the younger children are coping.
Kieran flicks his tongue out several times.
' ow about the little uns? They copin? '
Kieran nods.
' yeah man. Bunny misses her mam lots mate, she loves the arse of her. You cunt.
The other un, the lad, Jeff, Er, Jed. He's the same obvs but shy so he's quiet'

Pete tries to catch Kieran's eye but they're both whizzing around like spokes on a bike.
He is slowly realising something isn't quite right.

'Kieran mate, you ok?'
Kieran shrugs.
'I like your jacket Kieran, you were always a sharp dresser just like me. Not sure bowt the trackybottoms tho, your tight jeans look well smarter.'
Kieran crosses his legs and sweats.
Pete stares as the sweat on Kieran's forehead drips, revealing a startling streak of thick black marker pen going from above his eye to the forehead. And beyond.

' oi Kieran. How's your OF goin mate? Yer cum face looked fuckin hot last time. You gonna flash me yer chocolate starfish again mate, that was so funny!'
A pause.
In a cold voice Pete continues.
'i dare ya mate. For old times. Dare ya.'

And Kieran just cannot resist a dare, ever.
They both walk to the gents, nodding to Ricky Martin and little Mark Owen on the way.
Inside the cubicle Kieran edges down his tracksuit bottoms and thrusts his chocolate starfish at Pete. Pete moves his fringe out of the way and looks closely.
'Can i touch it?' he asks.
'Fucks sake. Just once'.

Pete peers, Pete touches, Pete inhales and peers again.

'There's only one chocolate starfish in the world that looks like a burnt casserole.'

Kieran stands up slowly, removing his wig and his teeth guards. The room glows with light and Vanilla Ice leaps to his pose thinking it's a camera.

Standing in front of Pete, to his horror, is katie

To be continued....
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she has just give live I managed to screen recording it for others who won’t be up and may miss it. I will say she is absolutely deluded saying she is moving I there as she will NEVER EVER get a green card with one of her convictions let alone all of them

Sorry guys had to upload it to a hosting site here it is

Did she say they were booked to come before Covid? Well that’s a blatant lie. Thought she only got together with Prince Chow Mein in April 2020….???
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pwiccccceeeeee ` 63 ` .... Looked relaxed after a night of boozing, and sniffing the old columbian marching powder ` sniff sniff ` .... while hobbling on her mangled ` trotters ` with her beau ` colegate ` 16 .. as they entered an ` army and navy thrift store ` .... for the upcoming nuptials ... her long ` fake ` .. matted ... over processed crusty ... blond nylon locks ... cascading over her ` butch ` shoulders .... as she looked through, the bargain bin ..... ` cole ` the muppet, who has visited Las Vegas ` his second home ` on no more than ` 32 ` occasions, was still wearing the same piss, drink, KFC stained tracksuit, he has been wearing since his arrival in ` sin city ` ( pheeewwwwwwwww:sick::sick::sick::sick: ) .... pwicccceeee managed to ` crack ` a smile, showing her dayglo teeffff, despite the horrendous hangover and come down, from the nights frivolous partayyiiinnngggg .... ` sniff sniff ` ( I AEEINNTT ERE TA PARTAEEEYYYYYY ... ` SNIFF ... SNIFF ` ... both looked utterly confused and ` very special indeed ` .... as they walked hand in hand, in the Vegas heat ... the ` sham ` wedding seems to still be on .... How exciting!! 🤩🤩🤩 ...... ( we are awaiting comment from ` fucking amy .... the fucking old hag bag ... the st apostle .... TOP FUCKING ENABLER :rolleyes::rolleyes: ... concerning her ` devil's spawn ` latest fuck up .... in sunny ole sin city 🤨🤨🤨 ) ...... :unsure::unsure::unsure::oops:


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I really dislike Carl, something is seriously not right about him and I feel uneasy with the way he has looked at Princess in the past.
The men Katie has dated / married in the past (Pete, Alex, Leandro, Kris, Keiran) are, in my opinion, a bit cringe but fairly harmless. This one seems like a right nasty sort. does she get fairly good looking men? I know she was naturally pretty when she met Pete and a bit pretty/sexy when she met Alex but she was haggered by the time she got to Keiran and he is a fairly alright looking man, its certainly not her sparkling personality or even her sex appeal because that is long gone, what exactly does she offer them?
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I honestly cant imagine what those poor kids are going through
I can, my mother died of alcoholism. I was about Junior’s age when things started to take a steep downward spiral after about 8 years of her appearing to function while hiding it in plain sight. As I said in my last comment, she displays classic addict behaviour, blaming everyone else for her issues. I started reading Tattle a few months ago and didn’t really know much about KP’s past issues, it has been so well hidden by her PR team, so I was on the fence about what was the truth. As soon as I saw her post last night about her ex-husbands, it immediately confirmed to me how bad things have become. I really feel for her kids.
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I think us all spiralling out of control faster than Katie can put it back together, or put a spin on it now. She has lost her upper hand and is now at the mercy of the papers.
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