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Extract from the Scum:
“Behind closed doors it’s been known for a while that she had relapsed on both drink and drugs”.

Well, well, well, why the fuck did none of its loving family and cum boy Carl intervene before? Or the media for that matter, instead of the continual “she’s sober shit”? Lonely and off to see a Friend at that time in the morning? Lying fucker. The wretch could have easily killed someone. This also puts an entirely different angle on punch gate. Who did it and how much shit do the police have on this waster?

It should not be in the Priory but in Prison on remand.

View attachment 787501 Interesting Halloween costume.
It’s got its sliders on 🤣 Should have been charged for wearing those whilst driving. Send it to Afghanistan.
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If she's being sentenced on 15 December you can guarantee she will be let off as she will plead "its Christmas soon and I want to spend it with my children" eg all the usual guff
She will get off again ! If I went out pissed as a Fart in my car tonight and overturned it with some sniff. I bet I would be slung in prison for 6 weeks !!
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Why is she wearing slippers
They are her fur sliders which she believes to be sophisticated and stylish to wear to any occasion...even driving under ther influence🙄

Personally I think they are shit, common and look ridiculous😁
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Rita Chevrolet

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Disgusting to use him as an excuse....the lad she left after he had been in hospital with breathing difficulties to bugger off to Turkey.
She also could have got on a feckin train like a normal person to go and see him.
Her kids are just props to her, how many times do people need to say it?!
Ah and its not like H wouldn't have LOVED to go on a train himself with her either - she just cannot be arsed

I might add that her 'fwends' are quoted as saying that it has ramped-up the partying since H's departure to safety. Is that not more to do with "Yeeee Har! FREEDOM at last!" rather than one single maternal thought for the boy she has been itching to get rid of for years?

We've seen how the narrative shifted only a few months ago with It labelling H as "Dangerous.......................the other kids are afraid of him....................I'm afraid of him.................................blah blah blah................" therefore this recent descent into The Old Skanky Ways was her celebrating her Freedom after being lumbered with the kids (occasionally) and more specifically H who does not have the option of A Dad to rescue him.

On a slightly different topic - when is wanky scheduled to visit the Nick again? I cannot help but feel that he too is going to walk away from this one smirking because with skanky labelled as a nutcase what magistrate is going to believe such an upright, trustworthy 'car salesman' would ever do such a thing and that yes it was all down to this ruddy fruitcake throwing a wobbly whilst off-its-face, falling arse-over-head and then blaming him for a "bruise" - no broken jaw, just a suspect "bruise"? She gets off with drink/drug driving and he escapes being a fist-handy mysoginist - marvelllous :(
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It's high. The way it could have a huge effect on a person's ability to drive could vary from person to person. A friend of mine wouldn't drive after a small glass of wine. It makes her feel drunk and in no way capable of driving. Some people can drink more and it doesn't seem to affect them due to tolerance, weight etc though they shouldn't drive. Katie must've consumed over a bottle and combined with cocaine, probably no food as a result then I'd say she could well have been hammered.
In control of a big car in that state, my god what the hell was she thinking. This was never a one off.
Totally right, she was hammered. The combination of the drink and coke meant she had very little control of that car. She was very lucky she didn’t hit someone head on in that condition. It will be outrageous if the law is lenient with her, someone really could have died due to her actions. We all just know this isn’t a one-off, reckon she has been driving loads throughout the ban, sober and drunk.
I‘m not even in control of my handbag after a couple of drinks, would never get behind a wheel even after a couple of drinks, she’d had a lot more than that, with coke. It’s inexcusable, but the papers are running with the excuses. This should be a wake up call for her, next time the outcome may involve a death, but she never learns. Too much enabling with this woman, it will end in tragedy one day.
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Simon Doyle also claims she was at home had been drinking and allegedly taking drugs.... And allegedly drove to a friend's house but he says he suspects em she was on her way to her exes house (wonder who 😏) and crashed.
Ah yes, when I'm disqualified from driving, drunk AND high on cocaine, I know that's always the best time to visit friends, at 6am.
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I said this to my husband last night, but if she was a regular person, bankrupt, no steady income, 5 kids by 3 different dads, previous driving bans, drug user, and got found off her head after crashing her car, there would be no leniency. Why should it be any different because she is a ‘celebrity’.
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What a fucking shit show 😡😡😡
Let off with the drug charge, seriously?
And this shit in The ☀

She made no comment when taken to the station, but explained that she was “lonely” and wanted to visit a friend who was close by.

Defence solicitor Joe Harrington said: "She has had a lot of personal problems recently.

"Currently she is in the process of bankruptcy proceedings, so her house may be repossessed.

"So, quite a lot going on in this lady's life, a really difficult period.

Fuck right off, we all have personal problems, difficult periods and get a bit lonely sometimes but don't jump in a car pissed and coked out our heads to go and score! Being on a 6th driving ban
And the bankruptcy is all her own doing
And....her house may be repossessed so wtf are they doing it up for and making a CH4 shitty show then? DID KNOB HEAD JOE HARRINGTON TELL THE JUDGE THAT?
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Her families statement was a pathetic excuse to make people feel sorry for her. Everyone who’s ever laid eyes on her knows she has serious problems she’s had more cocks then a chicken farm. She’s driven drunk too many times she needs locking up and a good slap off everyone who’s been hurt by drunk drivers. SCUM
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Question is was she wearing knickers ,,,, this time? Old pelican face got her off last time she was writhing around her car passed and coked to fuck. Cole must have known she was on her way to his after a night on the town with her flunky bunch. She can hide behind mental health issues all she likes, truth is she is irresponsible and immature and brings everything on herself by he actions. Those poor kids of hers, especially Jett and Bunny. Kiran had best keep them away from her for the time being. I can just imagine the scene in the Andre House, St Pete will have bought J and P to the kitchen island to tell them their mum was in an accident before they found out on their iPhone. What a truly selfish cunt she is, no thought for how her actions impact on those children's mental health. She is nothing but a greedy show off!
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If that's true then there is something very wrong with this society
Sadly there is.
A big chunk of society is made up from fools, racists, vacant influencer wannabes and filtered fucktards.
Just look at the dipsticks buying her crap, literally and metaphorically.

I've spent the afternoon cuddling rescue ponies, i know which side of society I prefer!
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i said it will be i dont drink or take drugs SOMEONE ELSE must have spiked her orange juice
You can hear her foghorning her excuse can't you "well your 'onour I was doing a fasting cleanse for me 'elth and wellbeing and I consumed too many vegetables in me morning juice and someone (side-eyeing Sid the dog) popped too much vitamin c into the drink. I went on me way to provide clothing (track suits) and food (free sponsored kebabs) to the little orphans what live down the lane, and well you know me your lord my (legs) heart is always wide open for those that are in need. So yeah the cocaine in my blood is only too much vitamins and minerals what were imported from South America, I get them for 'elth by the kilo, your grace.
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I wish Kieron and Pete would come out and say what role she actually plays in the kid’s lives. I think the general public assume she is bringing them up, and on her own to boot. Time that lie was put to bed.

Don’t underestimate the Pricey…..

…..and how low she will go
Was at my Mum’s today, said to her you heard the news about Katie Price, she went “Yes, those poor kids, why wasn’t she looking after them instead of driving around drunk”. She had no idea the fathers had custody, she went “You sure you got that right, she’s often on TV or in magazines talking about them as if they live with her”. :oops:
I put her right, she was quite shocked. Sadly think many are like my Mum, the media portray her as a saintly Mum, and it’s lapped up. It’s so annoying the way they protect her, many people really don’t know what she’s like.
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No matter what happens I hope this finally makes her take a good look at herself and see the mess she's making of her own, and her children's lives, not to mention the rest of her family. She is 43 years old and is a complete mess. She is at a time in life where others should be able to rely on her, but they can't.

But, I have a horrible feeling that Katie will continue to pin the blame for her problems on everything and everyone else. She talks about people destroying her but she's been destroying herself for a long time. I don't know what the problem is but she is the common denominator.
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You've got stuff like this on twitter. Missing sentence A cruel trick has tarnished her good reputation and its not fair. The injustice of it all.
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I dread going to bed tonight, as I’m sure there will be a new thread by the morning 🤣 but I’ve had too much rosé and g&t after a 10 mile hike in the Lake District, my feet ache and I need my bed 😩
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