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Joanna Surrey

VIP Member
How stupid is she making herself look? Saying she wasn't talking about Carwash at the NTAs. If this was true how on earth did it get out? Without her shouting and hooting about her ridiculous life to the world at large not one person there would have been remotely interested in reporting on her. In those circles she is intensely disliked, ridiculed and totally irrelevant. She got drunk/drugged up and showed herself up, nothing new there. The thing was always slating Pete for moaning about her going out. He never minded her going out just couldn't stand the state she used to get in and how she would then lay in bed for days after getting over it and ignoring the kids. Who'd blame him?

I wish I could buy the house and restore it. Apparently it has one of the largest outdoor pools in Surrey. My dream what a terrible waste. Even when they all lived there full time the pool was always green and out of use. How selfish to leave it like that all summer when the kids and their friends would have benefited so much from it in the holidays.
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Well I feel really chuffed for getting the winning title. I’ll let out a screeching Woohoo (ala Skanky)
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But of course she won’t be single for long....I mean who could possibly resist this?! 🤢🤢🤣🤣
I have to admit ( and please don’t lynch me for this ) I did feel incredibly sad for her on the red carpet.
She is a weird mix of childlike vulnerability, and absolute ballsyness and vileness. So part of me really feels sorry for her, but the other part thinks she gets all the shit she deserves. Does that make me a good or bad person? The jury is out?
I am sure of one thing though, I think she will come to an untimely end, as sad as it is to say.
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Megan Bacon

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She’ll be calling him ‘the one' by next week 🤣

'Am devastated to announce that me and Cole av split up. A fought we was meant for each uva. Awa split was amicable and we wish nuffing but the best for each uva going forwad'.
It was the ‘I wish they’d leave us alone’ part 😂. The shy and very private couple that they are, who never approach or use the media for their own gain just wish to be left alone!!!
Dammit..... off to change me knickers again 😂😂
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Rita Chevrolet

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It’s hard though. When I was Princess age my mum would try to stop me seeing my dad for my own wellbeing, looking back now she was right. But at the time my mum let me go so I didn’t hate her.
I was obliged to let my kids go to their father's place and I bloody hated every single time , mostly because I just knew he was spending the entire day in the pub leaving them outside to play in the car park (or road) however I had no choice in the matter. SO, the day I happenned to be passing a pub unaware it was one he sometimes frequented on his pub crawls with his "mates", guess what I saw? Yes my kids running about in the road! Need I add that I stopped my car, took my kids and drove Home with them meaning that when he eventually realised they were gone (about two hours later) he rang in a panic telling me the kids had "run off" and he'd "only left them 10 minutes ago..............................." Utter bloody lies of course. I had the SW round since the police had been called out to two missing kids and then it turned out that he regularly left them outside some pubor another while he was inside boozing with his ghastly womanfriend and his mates thus begging the question, why have the children if you just dump them outside a pub for hours on end? He got a bollocking from the police and the SS over it and to be fair he never did it again, BUT all these decades later the kids still rememember it all - when Mum snatched us from the pub!! :)
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If this is the case ..... you dumb, attention seeking ..... illiterate CUNT! ( this word was made for you ) ...... You could have got your ` management ` to put out a statement, stating you are both still together ... instead, you have allowed the public to viciously attack him, labeling him a woman beating scumbag for over a month now, and no where have you tried once to defend him ... is that the behaviour of a good partner? ( IF you are indeed still a couple ).. we have seen pics where you look drunk and high, hitting on several men like a manky stray bitch on heat! ... were these fake? ... wasnt you? ... BOLLOCKS
..... you're both as sick and twisted as each other, going along with this fucking fake farce and wasting police time!! .... do fuck off and learn how to spell .... you dense moron, pushing 50 and can't string a decent sentence together ... shame on you! 👊 👊 🤬🤬


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So new poster but long long long time lurker on these threads.

The "journo" at the NTAs - someone i have previously had a connection to. But essentially spent a few months / near-on a year having him around. He is a very shady character and not really a journo at all. He is a someone who fabricates things to try and get famous. Blags blags blags his way through life. Regularly undertaking "stunts" for the press.

How do I know this?
Well he spent nearly a year convincing someone close to me, who is loosely in the industry, to work with him. Invited him to various "business meetings" about a tv program he was going to he presenting and he wanted the person I knew to be a part of. This was 6 or 7 years ago.
None of it was true. All a complete fantasy. Hundreds if not thousands of pounds wasted by the person close to me on equipment and invested time, travel money etc. But this character was living in a fantasy world. No such project REALLY existed in actual tv land. This is his MO. Fantasies and lies. If you google you can find a small amount of info, but having heard some of the BS first hand... wow.

I wouldnt be surprised if what he said about KP is absolute pure fantasy and she never said anything of the sort to him... or she rejected him... he is a very odd character.

Im not in KPs camp btw... she once hit my friends (parked) car with her pink RR and i had an arguement with her in the street when she tried to drive off and i stepped infront of her car. She threatened to run me over and did infact just speed off 🤣
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Chatty Member
I think she would do herself a favour by staying single for a while.
It would benefit her mentally and I think people would show more respect for her. But we all know it won’t happen.

She’s become a broken record with every single random bloke being declared as “the one” after 5 minutes and every time this one is different from the rest/perfect/has their own money etc etc. All a broken record.

She has the maturity of a child. It’s like when you had a boyfriend just for a lunchtime at school.
but this is a 40 something year old mum of 5!
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I've just seen the article in the sun about her antics at the awards, shit...she was playing up🤦‍♀️
Oh she was completely rat arsed, told off several times.
This is the real Miss Katie Price, please stand up.
If you can.
Poor Harvey man, he deserves so much better. She couldn't even stay sober for his night.
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Megan Bacon

Active member
Here’s my thoughts behind it all 🤔

I absolutely believe she was a drunken mess at the NTAs and her shouting out and telling everyone she had split from Carl is true to form. Hasn’t she done this time and time with many previous partners? I think she will tell anybody anything to keep their attention and maybe get to go home with them for the night.

I believe there may have been a ding dong between her and Carl with both parties being physical, especially if alcohol was a factor. I don’t think she called the police because she was scared, but rather saw it as publicity opportunity (with a little added make-up to create extra bruising). The ‘rushed to hospital, serious eye injury, broken eye socket’ all embellished versions to create a better story. Following that we had ‘the ring of steel’ for her safety and security and then ‘the stolen ring’.

I think they were both drunk, both were abusive and had an altercation, I wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t out of the ordinary for them. As we know, KP is unable to be alone and needs to have an object of attention no matter the cost. I’d say she’s with Carl but they are just letting this play out, I think she was up for anybody taking her home from the NTAs but has to deny her behaviour now to save face with Carl!
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Boyzone says “calm before the storm”
What could that mean? 🤔
Fuck sake. He loves doing cryptic shit like that, but never once has one resulted in a bit of scandal or anything exciting.

He's likely plotting a trip to Tesco ... yeah, very busy day in there and can be deadly. Needs to psyche himself up, silly twunt.
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I wouldn't be surprised if he went back as the media career he hoped for didn't work out. After being with beautiful young Bianca God knows how he'd feel gazing at Price's mangled scarred face.
What in the name of universal credit is Boyson thinking of if he's got back with Frankenstein 🙄
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Skanky is hardly in the same league as these two though, especially Witney. :(
I agree completely.
It misfires wonderfully, kids need that bad parent to be cross with, push against, and know that the boundaries will hold. That equals safety.

They don't need a pony or elaborate presents either. They just want someone who will wish them happy birthday in the morning, say they love them, sing, remind them of birthdays gone past etc. Kids love hearing about what they were like when they were little (i think most of us do regardless of age).
And do it every year.
I remember when she went on holiday with Kris, Amy, Harvey, Jett and Bunny and they went out for dinner. Harvey was dumped.

The kids behaved appallingly, climbing over the booth they were sat in and staring at the people sat at the next table, throwing food, being rude to Kris and shouting and pulling faces. The other tables were staring at them. Kris was mortified and told them off, they got worse.

Kris asked Skanky why she allowed them to behave like that and she though it was funny and encouraged them. Amy sat there and said nothing. If I remember rightly Kris walked out.
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Ok, so I rarely rant as most of you Krusties say everything I feel anyway, but today the Bunny video has seriously boiled my piss….
1. why the actual fuck can’t the child have a green head collar for ‘her’ pony. But oh no, she has to have pissing pink cause that’s what ‘mummy’ likes.
2. the riding boots look too long for a child of height to ride in comfortably
3. Why oh fucking why does she need to have the bracelet that B obviously likes…try it on by all means but ‘can I have it’…really 🤬
4. Yes, let’s get a child that’s learning a green pony……….especially when you do sweet FA with them…
5. just 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬, what about Jett
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Hmmm 1 week to go before we know for sure…there’ll be the ridiculous drip drip of bullshit, hints from the walking bell ends, and her team will try their best to keep her out of the public eye with her boozy antics…they’ll have their work cut out for them, that’s for sure!

So, for now, I’ll leave this little gem:

This sums up Skanky’s efforts in life!
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Evening all, just a quick one as im back to work tonight

1-Carl has just started following Rykard Kenkins-Kris Boysons mate (so has Ron Class btw,he must be reading the gosss on here, and i have to say he isn't being very pleasant about @265 on his grid )

2- Kieran and Michelle only seem to have Valentino this weekend (the sunflower pic is from last weekend) so the other 2 might well be with their mother (god help them, I hope they are safe)

3-That officialkatieprice account is no longer following Boyson

4- Fakeypwice's so called pal Ryan was at the NTA'S with Chloe Ferry (he was dying to step on the red carpet 🤣 ) but no mention of Pwicey whatsoever

As you were xx

(Ron must have heard me cause he's gone 🤣🤣)

Oh and why the F didn't Miss Fakey not even bother putting an NTA picture of Harvey on his night on his insta grid?😡
It was his award, his night not bloody hers
If she has the kids overnight (or even daytime without supervision) the fathers are pathetic.
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Must be infuriating for her, The Sun are doing stories without her say so.
They've ripped her a new arsehole on the NTA story😂 I did see that it was updated earlier. Lovely quotes being 'Harvey the star of the show' and she was basically being a drunken tramp.
It's a different approach from the sun this time, this was quite scathing and painted her in a bad light.
They have 'shit' on her about the alleged assault, they know the truth. She ran as fast as she could to them to tell jackanory stories and she's been found out. Her pictures of her injuries make them look stupid and I think the truth will come out.
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I've always thought the Price going off the rails so spectacularly, was as a reaction to her Mum's ill health. If and when her Mum does sucumb to this illness, may well be the tipping point for her.
It began a heck of a long time before that. Falling out of nightclubs pissed up pregnant with Harvey wasn't exactly being on the straight & narrow I'd say.
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