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There is one episode of the joint series, where they are in USA, a girl (can't recall her name) stayed with them and everyone went out, except PA and the girl, everyone comes back early and they are both wearing towels and act very oddly. PA seems so angry and snappy. Very odd and left me wondering if he was *cough* naughty ;)

Also one episode where PA and KP were having a chat in a car, in New York I think, he was explaining how he had mental health issues and had received support via CAN while there. He was very honest and it was a deep conversation, KP actually let her guard down and was for once being quite genuine and for me, I felt had she has the same afforded to her and got some mental health help too, there might of been a different KP around perhaps. (no not defending, just genuinely feel that should have happened).

Once they split, I felt CAN did a sledgehammer on her big time and (I'm sure the lady is called Nicola?) one of the team who managed them and went out on the road with them would sometimes show on her face, or in her words, that PA can be a handful, quite angry too and PA seemed full of regret at the split just before KP got with AR, which was defo the final nail in that and no going back.

I think KP just wanted to show off with AR and make him jealous, but that back fired big time.
Everything on amy programme is what they want you to see, scripted, approved , edited etc.
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Nooooooooooooo 🙈🙈🙈🙈 I don't want to suggest a team Katie or team Pete stand off 🤣😂 I think we're all struggling to keep up with the speed these threads are moving at & all the newbie's (all welcome). So it may slow a bit of it down if PA had a thread 👍
Many of us haven't slept, dressed, showered, eaten, participated in the real world for days now. Never mind Skanky, WE need help & support 😂🤣
She seemingly has 'her team' to look after her socials while she takes a break. The truth is even SHE is too busy reading here to do fuck all else!
Oh sorry Pink Squirrel - I wasn't having a pop at you, I was agreeing with you! It was just all the anti Pete posts that suddenly started appearing reminded me of when the Pete fans would try and get the KP threads removed by derailing them and vice versa!
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I have to get into my knees to get out too. I use a garden kneeling mat to cushion my knees. It’s getting much harder to heave myself out now. Love baths though.
Sorry, I don't want to come across as a disability know it all.
You might be eligible for support making your bathroom or home more accessible.
We had the bathroom converted into a wet room, and I've been grateful for it every single day (it had reached the point where I couldn't get in or out of the bath so couldn't use the over bath shower either).

Ooh, there are also quite discreet rails available to help with getting in and out of a bath.
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Chatty Member
Krusties, I need to make a very important ⚠ Public Service Announcement ⚠

We are hurtling towards thread 57 at breakneck speed 💨 💨

I am poised and ready to make the next one but may need someone else to take the reins this evening coz it’s my burfday innit and I’m already on the bubbles 🤪

Hoping I’ll still be conscious in a couple of hours when we reach the mighty heights of page 50 but might need a fellow Krusty to be poised just in case ❤
Happy birthday, have a great evening 🎉🎊🎈👍
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By the way, in case I'm coming across as a real killjoy.
I like what i read from the vast majority of tattlers. The ones I think talk twaddle are on ignore.
These threads have made me laugh out loud, genuinely, and I love the care and interest people have for each other.
That definitely includes newer folk.

Puts on Mask of Misery and swathes self in the Cloak of Confrontation, steps into the Docs of Despair and fastens the Gloves of Gloom.
Right. Who wants a hug?
You aren’t coming across as a killjoy. At the end of the day most of us are here to see how this latest saga unfolds, I enjoy seeing the banter between posters and like you it has made me LOL 😂

I’ll join in for a group hug!
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liar liar

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The main thing that makes me think EUPD more than Narc is the addiction element and the constant need for love. Also the "Jordan" and oversexed persona quickly swinging back to "poor little Katie" and even a third persona of "The Pwicey" they are quite distinct personalities that exist almost in a bubble from each other.

Not disagreeing with the elements of manipulation and the adore/discard cycle which is seen in all cluster B PD's- its just the revenge element and outbursts seem more in line with EUPD to me. Who knows for sure tho?

I have a horrible feeling that KP would actually rub her fingers in joy at the prospect of fly on the wall pay per view therapy :/
Anything that earns her anything would be welcome as she's lost her current banker...
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Katie Price #57 The story rumbles on and Katie no show but Carl is out dog walking, for him it’s all things go
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liar liar

VIP Member
Give it a few more days, there's no way these arsewipes can stay away from the spotlight for to long ... they live and breathe this shit .... case will be dropped, then the floodgates will open (y) ... going to be interesting to see how they spin it ... will they get back together, for the sake of the ` tattoos????? ` ... remains to be seen, whatever does happen, will give most tattlers a bloody good laugh 😆😆😆
She does - he probably doesn't really care if he was playing a game from the beginning...
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Yes she did,with her horse trainer,got pregnant had a miscarriage (or termination) That’s why Pete left her wasnt it?
No I don’t think that happened. I don’t think she cheated with Andrew at all. I do remember something being said about a miscarriage that then turned out to be an abortion but that was petes child. I believe she may have lied to him about losing a baby but really terminated the pregnancy. One of the reasons he left her. But I still stand by the main reason being he was actually abusive himself emotionally and didn’t want her going out and drinking. They were as bad as each other. Some of the old videos of them actually made me feel sorry for her ( shakes head in shame). At times he really was awful to her. But then she became worse towards him as time went by. I do think he was the only man she did love. If only because she liked his looks and that he was semi famous and boosted her own career and finances. She loved him as much as a narc possibly can love another. He was really her biggest downfall while also being her biggest pay check.
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