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liar liar

VIP Member
Out on bail until September implies bail with no charges whilst an investigation is ongoing. He is basically innocent at this stage, so no media is going to dare name him as the guilty party. Police have interviewed her again and now she is bleating to the Sun about how she can't face court. How surprising! It wouldn't be anything to do with the facts not adding up would it?
Yup she cannot afford to actually be questioned and give accurate answers - she can't remember what she said half an hour ago let alone 2 days ago. But this time it may not be her choice as she let the genie out of the bottle...
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I could have sworn that Peeko turned up on here yesterday, I must be losing my mind, MrsEms!

Anyway on reading the latest article in the Daily Mail, how interesting. It basically says that there’s a big possibility the case will be dropped as Katie isn’t mentally strong enough to face a court appearance and the fact her private life will be scrutinised. Excuse me! For many years her private life has been her ‘career’. Her ‘work’ consists of scrutinising bits of her private life, the bits she wants us to see to make money out of.

The article says “upon reflection”. Does this really mean that she is worried her story, which is seemingly full of inconsistencies, will be found to be not credible or totally truthful. Did she not reflect before going straight to the paper with her ‘story’? No, obviously she was so traumatised she only thought of the money she would be earning.

The end of the article does list a few of her misdemeanours which again is interesting as ordinarily you would imagine she would be painted as a poor, helpless victim, fragile and in need of protection.

We will see what happens when she attends this LGBT do tomorrow.

I don’t know anymore, this whole mire is so deep even the magic porridge pot couldn’t cope.
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if it was another person but Carl that attacked her and (stole) the ring it would be a case of robbery and assault and the headlines would be burglars target and assault Katie Price and her and Carl would be spread all over the papers saying how terrified they were and how many burglars stay around at the scene to be arrested(or maybe Bunny cuddles as really flipped and turned up at the house)
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
You would if you were on a mahoosive come down after a Coke bender
The pair of them, after which the "bants" it so loves ignited old Vesuvius wanky and he exploded. I bet he's got plenty of injuries that he's not put all over the media too

Yeah but she said that about boyson he’s got his own money treats me blah blah blah, then he stops working spends his days nights weeks trailing round after her and the kids, then he is no longer the one wash rinse repeat we know her so well .
I do know one thing for certain .... ` cole ` arffaaa boy ... the ` one ` the ` prince ` will NOT go quietly ... he is if not more sneaky, slimy, and as manipulative as she is, also vengeful ... I can imagine behind the scenes right now, he is getting advice on how to make the best of this situation in his favour ... I always said, this bloke will be the one to finally bring her down .... he will have everything in place, and when its ok for him to speak, he will spill on EVERYTHING ... Shes shitting herself right now ... her people working flat out, to fix this ... but with him, she has honestly underestimated him ... hes cold, calculating, and in truth, he must have been holding so much resentment inside him, with her behaviour and such during their year together, that he decided early on, he would get his revenge in some way ... when he is ready, and allowed, he will give his version of events, and also reveal all the scammy shit she does in order to avoid paying her debts ..... this may very well be the beginning of her downfall
I can't wait! It couldn't happen to a nicer person either :)
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Hampshire Hog

VIP Member
I think I must be thick🤔 how can she say she’s to scared to return home when it’s his home and if he is the perpetrator she couldn’t go there any way god I’m struggling with all this 🙁
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Everyone in showbiz circles must know what she is really like. That includes the people that interview her. Why do they all suck up her arse all the time and not ask her real questions. Mum of the year, my arse.
Exactly the same reasons that they keep saying gemma collins has lost weight, or that they print heavily edited photos of bewful yung gels etc.
Because they can, because people love gossip and scandal, because people love a bitchfest in the comments, and basically just because they can.
The days of the media telling the truth are long gone, from vitally important current affairs / politics down to vorderman's hiking making her bum and bust 20 times larger.
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Chatty Member
I'm gonna be on edge from for the Bank Holiday with the other half and no wifi!!!.
What the hell was I thinking when I booked it
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liar liar

VIP Member
How did she get this gig in the first place?
BBC are desperate for z-lebs to appear on these dead in the water programs. Real celebs have done it already or won't go near it. That's why it is full of people you've never heard of or people you never wanted to see and the tasks get easier every series.

😳😳😳😳😳Jesus Christ. That’s low.
Have you read our KP wiki at the top of the thread? We add to it all the time...

I really hope he has woken up and seen her for what/who she is,but I think he may be daft enough to hang around look at the milky bar kid everything she put him through yet he stayed with her beggars belief 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬
I believe Kris was actually a nice bloke who really thought he could change her. He started with her fitness and diet but she just belittled him and went for the quick options.
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
So really any potential MUG looking to become the next The One can look forward to being her childminder, chauffeur & dogsbody but must have a decent house to dump all her crap in and also to hang up all those hideous images of Her. What exactly is in this "relationship" for anyone except that thing?? NOTHING!!!!
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@Harrigan this is all getting out of hand now...
I feel we need to hire an assistant or 2 for Nurse Helga. She can't possibly cope with dishing out all this medicashun single handed! Interested parties submit a CV to the Krustie's please.
My head is spinning. I'm going for a lie down. In a dark room. With a cold flannel on my head. And some wooden pegs to play with 😁
You’re telling me! I’m trying to sew, wash clothes, eat, feed the cat and look on here all at the same time! The other day I was desperate to go the loo but wanted to finish ironing so I could come on here!

Anyway just seen the updated story in The Sun re Katie quitting social media for the time being as trolls have been questioning this latest story. Again incorrect use of word troll. So are we all trolls on here? No. We just ask questions and want the truth.

Also I notice how a lot of the papers are going into overdrive with this narrative of her being brave how she’s a victim etc. It really does make you think the press has a lot to answer for and it’s up to people to question what they read, if they want to, of course.
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liar liar

VIP Member
He towers over me, is healthy, has two feet, two arms, and quite a good brain, good sight, excellent hearing ...which means, he can do everything for himself is more than capable .... Yet, I get those puppy eyes, that sweet smile ... gives me a tight hug, kisses me .. and the inevitable .... ` Yeah, could do it myself .. but mum does it better ` ... and of course, as most mums can relate ... We fall for it, every bloody time 🤷‍♀️ :LOL::LOL::LOL:
It's not a kindness you know... all lads should learn to cook basic stuff and clear up after themselves and others. Same with girls.
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She can't face it? Isn't this the same woman who just could be arsed to turn up to a few of her hearings about the driving offences? She's a psychopath with bells on!
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
I think they've had an argument earlier in the evening which is what the neighbours heard at 10.30pm. She's then been sitting "watching TV" thinking it's all calmed down and he's asked for the engagement ring back. She's said no and he's forcibly removed it with her being hurt in the process. Her version in the sun is probably partly true. If she was under the influence of something and spouted off to the police in her heightened emotional state she's probably now panic stricken that it will go to court and then he'll spill her deepest darkest secrets and so she's trying to backtrack saying she can't face court. He's out and about making hand signals knowing she'll see and hopefully drop the charges. Her sister and family know he can bring her crashing down and so aren't speaking out against him. And he's wearing Harvey's shorts because the profits go to the company him and his father are involved in.
H's brand being worn by a wannabee Gangsta and woman beater! That'll sell loads of the crap won't it?

It annoys me so much that she's such a selfish bastard. My mum died from the same condition St Amy the Apostle has, and I can't imagine the strain all these shenanigan's puts on her mums health. No wonder she buggered off to Spain!

But, in more fun news...I have an avatar, so that means i'm here to stay! :LOL:
Sorry to see that about your Mum; I bet you didn't wheel your sick mother out for self-publicity though

Just seen that hes not following her either very strange.
I bet he's gutted about that ;)

I have also neglected BYG. 2 mins and I was back on here! Even her Insta is tame 🤦‍♀️🤣

It was The DM that got me here!
I came here after the crap over at the scum where bunnyboiler and MoRon were removing everything except their own sycophantic bollocks, and then of course they shut down comments altogether.
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