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Just looking at a recent interview some of the things Katie comes out with, there is no other word for it, are crap. She said she removed her hair extensions to let herself breathe. What, were they covering her mouth like? Also that she looked and felt refreshed after her latest round of surgery. A tip from me, far cheaper and same effect. For limp lettuce stick yourself in ice cold water or if you want a full body effect shove yourself in the fridge for half an hour. It’s amazing what bits will tighten up!
MrsEms I saw a pelvic floor advert the other day and thought of you.
Oh before I go I was reading on Kerry Katona’s Wikipedia page it said something like she lives in a large house with a chandelier. I mean what ever next, the kitchen has tiles in!
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Pink Squirrel

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I feel sorry for anyone hoping to enjoy a peaceful break in the New Forest & finding that screeching OLD hag nearby 😭.

Wasn't Amy on a trip in the New Forest a while back with her other grandkids? 🤔

Is there anything on Kieran's Itsasham to verify if she has J & B there NOW or if it's old bollocks just released?

Is Harvey with them? He's still waiting for the holiday she promised him about 6 holidays ago 😡 Oh, hang on, he can't possibly be with them because A) the other kids are scared of him B) she can't possibly look after him for more than 10 mins

I really do not like Crawl, not 1 tiny bit BUT the genuine love & affection he has for Sid clearly shines through in the little video clip. Even his voice tone is completely different. Just confirms.that everything with her is fake 😁

I also doubt Harvey has landed an 8 part train show on the BBC. It wouldn't work for a million different reasons.

I wonder who is in charge of deplop now 🤔
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Rita Chevrolet

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Hi been a while since I have been on here, but last night someone mentioned that her superfan Paige has been dumped from being at skanky's beck and call and been accused of stealing (the old worn out lie used many times )from old skanky and apparently Skanky has managed to get issued a protection order to stop Paige from speaking out not sure how though. Apparently skanky's going to tell all about Paige's deception and up her dramatic pr victim storyline
Explains why the deplop was suddenly closed, and Paige gone quiet but then again any orders via skanky's deplop were being paid into Paige's PayPal account as requested by old skanky just like everything else paid into jedyas account from her other online tat lines
So with this protection order the Courts will now have a proper address for It won't they?

Said girly had better keep a tight hold onto the deeplop account monies then as proof she was laundering money (and filthy clothing etc) for skanky, but then how could the stupid airhead be shocked at It turning on her like this when its been demonstrated so often in the past? Nothing is ever It's Fault - maybe someone has kicked-up a stink over dodgy goods they're flogging so It is shifting the blame like always?
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Pink Squirrel

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So what (if any) charity/whatever has actually benefitted from the sale of skanky's discarded rubbish?

I'd like proof of this before she shoves it in front of the Court stating that "I's downaytd awl me stuff to charriddy becos Ize a gud persin inn I?"
Like F she has :(

Is she the younger, not-quite-so-plastic version of skanky? The trainee apprenticed scud-bucket??

Well even that has'nt saved the daft moo from the wrath of the skank-monster has it?

and don't tell me - the scum have bought it!

Were I Paige I'd GIVE AWAY the truthful version regardless of her poxy documents - why should It be able to dictate what anybody can say or do??
So what if she hasn't thrown Paige under the bus? What if Paige is part of their latest lies & is expecting a few quid from the latest 'exclusive'. We know this pair of desperate scum buckets will stoop to any level to make 50p & pretend they're a popular celebrity power couple 🤢😡🥴

Anyway I'm busy emailing Steph's Sick Bag to ask them to do a segment on amputee's. I wonder what she'll chop off to get the gig 😂🤣 Stupid Skanky tramp probably would think she's an amputee because she chews off her false nails 🙄
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What is with the dog kissing photos?? I just don’t get that at all. Other than ‘look how lovely I am and what a good dog owner I am. ‘Me me me’!!!! She doesn’t know what It means to be a good animal owner or Mother!!! Bloody load of crap!!!
The way she holds that poor puppy. She doesn’t give a shit about it. Haven’t seen Precious in ages. Hoping nothing terrible has happened 😢
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I expect there will be something big from KP today when Alex's baby arrives, as she will need to deflect all attention away from that!
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Chatty Member
So with this protection order the Courts will now have a proper address for It won't they?

Said girly had better keep a tight hold onto the deeplop account monies then as proof she was laundering money (and filthy clothing etc) for skanky, but then how could the stupid airhead be shocked at It turning on her like this when its been demonstrated so often in the past? Nothing is ever It's Fault - maybe someone has kicked-up a stinbk over dodgy goods they're flogging so It is shifting the blame like always?
I wonder if old skanky has used the MM address for it 🙄 seeing as Paige was there majority of the time cleaning up..
I know the monies were being diverted via Paige so it's proof that skanky was laundering money to avoid the receivers
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Left a Harvey's house with poor old Blade we think. If I didn't have the big dog I'd love to take that poor dog off her and retire him, he's shut outside in a bloody makeshift pen and only gets an outing when she puts him in a hot car unrestrained for a 3 hour trip to Leeds 😔😡
What can we do? There must be some way to get the RSPCA to check them out. It’s their emotional welfare as well as physical. Dogs are just so wonderful, innocent and trusting. I would’nt be here if it wasn’t for the love of my dogs and my love for them and everybody else’s dogs. 😢
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Oh and the new thing she is launching on By Katie Price is a make up range.
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Rita Chevrolet

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Being at Skanky's beck and call has aged him along with carrying it about like a packhorse for weeks on end and then having to defend It's actions constantly. He'd better start scrounging a faceflit out at Sid's place in Istanbul pronto because this rate he'll look worse than It does:)
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Katie talking about surgery how for her surgery is like a car MOT and if you get a scratch you fix it...
But thats necessary to pass an MOT and the car looks and works better.

She however has not improved in fave or body.

With a possible lockdown looming late sunmer I get the feeling she'll be back in the surgeons chair (on Botched!)

Just when you thought she couldnt look worse🤯 shes surpassed Wildenstein & Jackie Stallone.

I have never seen surgery on the face that poor. Its healing stages but her skin is stretched.
And she doesnt look younger or her age🙄 She looks in her 60s.

She has failed the MOT.
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Chatty Member
Like many other decent people I abhor racists, there is no place for it in our society, and I do hope the right authorities step up, and do something, those young players did not deserve that hate aimed at them, its disgusting, and quite upsetting, that in this day and age, we still have a minority who spew this fucking hate at other human beings for the colour of their skin, it boils my piss, beyond anger .... as for these zlisters jumping on the bandwagon, in order to stay relevant in the public eye, no doubt some do care, and like the rest of us want to see something done ... but this skank price, lumpylardarse goodger who themselves have proved to be vile bullies in the past, trolling others online .. will cling onto anything to keep themselves in the public eye ... both are fucking hypocrites, and both have bullied and trolled others online ... without fear of repeating myself ... It boils my fucking piss ... its an insult to a very serious issue that needs addressing, and should not used for column inches for some below zlist twats, who want to remain relevant ... these two cunts, have no shame, and will cling onto ANYTHING that will keep them out there .... dumb skanks 🤬 🤬 🤬
Well said Anna666 👏👏👏

And now the moment you have been waiting for......I'm home.
And as a BONUS feature..
Love the captain scarlet bucket
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