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Cloud Chaser

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You all have free will and free choice but please be cautious about contacting Paige. Personally I would not recommend it.
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Sorry to hear that your family members are so poorly at the moment and I wish them a speedy recovery asap. Skanky and Wanky have me tearing my hair out with their blatant disregard for Covid rules. Harvey is vulnerable (not that she sees him much) and her mum 'Is terminal at the moment.' What the fuck?? I've had some ghastly news: My brother-in-law was feeling quite unwell back in January and could not get past the receptionist to see his doctor. Consequently he has just been finally diagnosed as having #Stage 3 cancer. He's tolerating the chemo, but has only between 5-18 months to live.
Sewer, I had grade 4 cancer and am still here in remission 4 years later thank god. If I can help in anyway you know where I am. Sending love. Blue xxx
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Last of the summer "whine" with Cole and Skanky in the future 😄 x.


Time for a long break, she winds me up too.much I also sad on how the dogs are been treated. Love Pom x
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liar liar

VIP Member
Just seen that Dani Dyers fella has been jailed for 3 years today for conning £34,000 out of 2 OAP's. Obviously what he did was wrong. But how the fuck is that Skanky mouldy OLD whore still not fucking locked up for £3,000,000+ owed all over 🤷
Yes - good outcome. Disgusting little cunt. He should have a few inmates exploring his 🍫 ⭐ 🐟 tonight. Just shows the calibre of these numpties and daddy Dyer got his daughter a gig on EastEnders - she should pay every penny owed by her 'beloved' to the deceased's estate and to the other poor victim suffering from dementia. One of the worst crimes in my book is stealing from the elderly.
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wimble womble

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The government have already responded to her original petition ages ago..shame we couldn't get petitions set up regarding scamming company's openly endorsed by z Listers to bump up there ailing bank balances
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Saddened me, to see recent photos of Harvey, looking far heavier than 29 stone, If there's one headline I never want to see, is that he passed before his time .. as a mother, breaks my heart to see him in such a state ... and she as usual doesn't give a fuck, she's out and about galavanting, showing off her latest ludicrous botched surgery, without a care in the world .... it would only take a few laps around the block every day, to give him some exercise ... it seems no one is looking out for this young man's interests ... even her old manky terminal mother, could get involved for the sake of her grandchild, all we see, is that he is getting bigger, which means someone is buying and allowing him to eat a load of fucking crap :mad::mad::mad:
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Like many other decent people I abhor racists, there is no place for it in our society, and I do hope the right authorities step up, and do something, those young players did not deserve that hate aimed at them, its disgusting, and quite upsetting, that in this day and age, we still have a minority who spew this fucking hate at other human beings for the colour of their skin, it boils my piss, beyond anger .... as for these zlisters jumping on the bandwagon, in order to stay relevant in the public eye, no doubt some do care, and like the rest of us want to see something done ... but this skank price, lumpylardarse goodger who themselves have proved to be vile bullies in the past, trolling others online .. will cling onto anything to keep themselves in the public eye ... both are fucking hypocrites, and both have bullied and trolled others online ... without fear of repeating myself ... It boils my fucking piss ... its an insult to a very serious issue that needs addressing, and should not used for column inches for some below zlist twats, who want to remain relevant ... these two cunts, have no shame, and will cling onto ANYTHING that will keep them out there .... dumb skanks 🤬 🤬 🤬
I find it incredulous in this day and age that people are prejudice.

I'm in my late 50s and grew up in Longsight in Manchester (not a great area even in the 60s) but it taught me so much about people and tolerance of other peoples prejudices.

From our house (the Maloneys) neighbours to the right the Smiths from Jamaica, Leeches from Israel, Chins from China (dad was a minister). To the left the Racids (Indian), Scotts (Scottish) and the Gerrards from Nigeria.

Us kids all played and fought as kids do. It never even occured to me we were 'different', just kids.

We were 'a big blended extended family unit'. Still friends to this day. Guess we were all outcasts.

All the families celebrated everyone elses religious celebrations and ate their national/tradional foods in their homes together.

We had a mantra 'treat people how you'd like to be treated yourself and you won't go far wrong'.

Still live by this today.
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Well-known member
They’re taking note and this was a predicted step from Katie in the timeline we are working with. 👍
Please have faith ☺
Without a doubt Katie knows the next bankruptcy hearing date now and is trying to lay the groundwork for her lies and excuses.

But I now have more faith that it was worth the wait in hearings bec they are one step ahead of Katie and are already predicting what Katie will do before she has prob even thought about it. That in itself gives me faith that there is justice in the world.
Thank u Cloud Chaser🙂
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She looks terrible!

Signing off to watch the football. Right kick off in my gaff.

OH bought himself a tub of sweets yesterday to have when he was watching the match tonight but son and heir has eaten most of them.

He's now sulking and on strike.

He was going to make seafood linguine for tea but is now refusing 'Joe's eaten all my foam shrimps he can shove them up his arse for tea'.

Where's that chardonnay?


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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Great story in the DM comparing price with some young girl from love Island!...they even said price is a business woman...I nearly cracked a rib ficking laughing
I take it you've been on there and put them right, that its actually financially and morally bankrupt

I expect there will be something big from KP today when Alex's baby arrives, as she will need to deflect all attention away from that!
Oh dear skanky is going to be well upset innit!

" It shudda bin me wiv dat bebbe not 'im an' it ain't fayre!!" - as it stomps off to kick wanky in the gonads for being a jaffa
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Well-known member
We miss you Plinky 😘

Oh, so the paps you employ doctor the pictures do they? 🤥
Oh dear. So skanky has been reading about her need to still use filters after surgery and puts this photo up.
Still hiding the wonky eye with the wrinkles and I’ve noticed she is using her hair to hide that aswell on pictures
All I can say is natural……my lozza’s arse
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Hmmm you sound a little like a supporter of price, reading most of your comments ... also no need to be rude to others, we dont do this here, cut the attitude, we can also be rather nasty when required
Been a few new likers lurkers today too, funny that 👍👍😘 all sensible newbies welcome of course 👍👍
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
I wonder if Skanky is on tenterhooks or even bothered. Today is the day they should find out if Harvey has made the final of the diversity awards that will be held at Liverpool. I bet someone else will have to tell her
I'm not being horrible to H, bless him, BUT I hope he does not win this dubious award because that thing will be even more insufferable :(
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Thank god you were joking Peeko, I thought we had lost you for a minute

How does this BITCH get away with not getting Covid. My beautiful niece has covid, she is half Turkish and she and her brother has not been able to go Turkey to see their dad, they were meant to go three weeks ago. She had been very careful since this pandemic began - unlike The SkWanky's.
But she went to a Pub to watch England v Denmark, by Wednesday she wasn't feeling well at work and her test came back positive.
My niece is a petite size 4 but has lost 10lb, so probably a size 0 now. She has had it for nearly a week, can't eat, everything tastes metalic, she has headaches, her chest hurts and she's tired and weak.

It makes sick that The SWanky's have just been going about as if everything is normal and they don't even get a dose of it. If anyone deserves to get it, it's them two
Sorry to hear that your family members are so poorly at the moment and I wish them a speedy recovery asap. Skanky and Wanky have me tearing my hair out with their blatant disregard for Covid rules. Harvey is vulnerable (not that she sees him much) and her mum 'Is terminal at the moment.' What the fuck?? I've had some ghastly news: My brother-in-law was feeling quite unwell back in January and could not get past the receptionist to see his doctor. Consequently he has just been finally diagnosed as having #Stage 3 cancer. He's tolerating the chemo, but has only between 5-18 months to live.
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Whoah, back up a minute!
Katie is selling a story to the press about Paige selling stories about her???
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