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VIP Member
Sorry, but those latest surgery pics
She's the cosmetic equivalent of chasing the dragon. Each surgery a bigger fuck up than before.
Fuck off can she be getting this free as unless you're bat shit crazy who'd think "yup that's good work sign me up".
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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member

No words.
Except. THANK YOU to The Sun! Showing the interview video proves everything they’ve printed to have come from Katie. The Sun are being very, very clever here. If the story has to be removed due to lies they will be able to claim their fee back from her 👍
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Yes, Mollie has a lot to say about tattle too. Comments from Wanky's insta pic....
Wow! No one on here says anything about Harvey, people are rightly concerned about him. And if someone does pop up being nasty, they will soon get reported.
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midsummer blue

VIP Member
Jannet Hutton said alot of mothers would've given Harvey up? Errr, no, we wouldn't!
What the fuck is she on, the dumb ass bitch. Katie give him up? No, he makes her money. She made millions and has had all the help and support to make Harvey's life good but she fucked it up. You don't need money, just alot of love, patience and support from people who love you. She has alienated everyone that has got close and loved him, shes then cut them off. The woman has been very cruel to him, how the poor lad can process it I don't know🙁
Never in a million years would I have given my daughter up.
We don’t fuck off on holiday or use our kids!!! Or put any man before them!!!
People who say things like that haven’t got a bloody clue. Really pisses me off, big time!!!
We are a million times better than Katie price will ever bloody well be as parents. So that silly bitch can fuck right off!!!
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Active member
Hi. Not sure if some1 already said. But on her last Youtube clip =

Youtube Officially replied and said quote '' Such a lovely bond between you both '' (5 days ago).

Youtube lost 2 Commercial accounts that day and more accounts lost from other Companies and Orgs also. We do not support nor condone druggies or trolls (My company that is).

Well done Youtube!.. Edited for spelling mistakes.
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Mellow Yellow

VIP Member
Kieran has said twice in his story he’s had them for a month ! They have now gone to hers and back in a couple of days . Strange he said it twice now . He normally doesn’t say anything 🤔
In Kieran giving out info so that she can be reported for not keeping to the quarantine regs.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
It just goes to show that she really is an OLD NOBODY. She can quite easily move around unnoticed. She is no longer papped. She no longer has paps watching her 24/7. She doesn't bring in any money. We all know that anything in the media is because she has staged it. Nobody wants you anymore love. You're done. There's only so long you can continue with the katie-go-round bullshit...'the one', pregnant, IVF, miscarriage, kidnap, surgery, marriage, "he cheated on me", divorced/separated, child exploitation, a million staged pics. Repeat, repeat, repeat 😴😴

FFS give it up. Be a mum. Spend time with your mum before it's too late.
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To Katie Harvey is the problem.
I if someone close to me would act out, hit the wall, pee in the bed-
I would try to see what could be done.
Like in what can we do to make this stop happening again?
Not ask for a house for my loved one with padded walls.
Not put plastic sheets on his bed.
That is not a solution to the problems.

But she sees putting plastic padding on everything as a solution. From her ruined face to Harveys special needs.
If the poor lad has no control in the night he should be using adult incontinence products, bless him. Obviously no one is making sure that happens. Or no one is making sure he's able to get up quickly enough to toilet in a morning either. These accidents shouldn't be posted for all to see, I'd never have dreamed of displaying my poor old mum's suffering with such things occasionally due to her disablement & immobility if that happened, you just get on with it privately to spare their dignity. If you care that is.
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Pink Squirrel

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Whatever you think of this woman , she has kids and a family , however much I want to see Karma , she is still the kids mother.And being a Krusty while I call out her bullshit I am not going to wish physical harm on anybody, I think of the kids, and she obviously has a problem, she was quoted as saying she’d do it again in 5-10 years, I’d give it a year.
As we all know these multiple unnecessary surgeries can cause all types of problems, even death
There is obviously nobody she will listen to, or who cares, I have never seen any quotes from friends or family saying they are worried, But if it was my missus and I could not dissuade her , and I would move heaven and earth , I would say do what you like , But I’m not going , and I would make it public that I disagreed, Not swan around grinning like a Chimp , enabling, I would be worried sick ,
That Fella is an absolute disgrace. To let someone you are supposed to care about do that to theirself
for no reason what so ever, well you just wouldn’t,
It’s not like getting an haircut , He is no man at all,
Either very very simple , or just a massive user ,
At least the Scum had a bit of decency and let their
Doctor have a say , But I do not think this will end well
She is literally prepared to die for a few crummy headlines. The money for the headlines won't last her 5 minutes. It'll either pay her creditors or she'll Syphon it off somewhere & waste it. She is clearly not well. I don't think she can be saved. I feel desperately sorry for her children. I would guess that those who genuinely love & care for her, probably only her mother, have had to give up with her & find their own peace in letting her do what she wants. She clearly listens to nobody & nothing. She is damaged & broken beyond repair from years of chasing another headline to make a few quid. Getting more desperate & bigger lies with each 'exclusive'. If she wasn't absolutely rotten from the inside out & pure evil, I would feel sorry for her. And as for Crawl, he absolutely disgusts me. He is exploiting a vulnerable situation purely for his own gain. He is out & out disgusting. They definitely deserve each other. I just pity those caught up in their web of deceit because they're the one's that will suffer in the end 😏
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She started following chihuahua things a few weeks ago, I did wonder then 😡😡 so Precious is a bit bigger and no longer a pup, so replaces it, just likes she wants to with her kids. Just when you think this woman couldn’t get any worse! 😡😡😡
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Look how comfortable, calm & relaxed Harvey looks with Kris.
The fucking sick selfish bitch has ruined every relationship he's ever had with men who genuinely cared about him. It's absolutely heartbreaking 😭. What kind of monster do you have to be to deprive your child of this??

Queue a slew of staged pics where the vile tramp has forced Harvey to cuddle up to Crawl to prove how much they love each other 😡
That's right lovely ❤ Kris was so good with alll her kids it seemed, he was even looking after them while she'd fucked off shagging Drury one time I think. 😔

I'm still sickened by this whole Harvey agenda I must say. He should have enough money to be placed somewhere nice, safe and secure where he's looked after, but no, she just wants to get it for free. Disgusting 🤬
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liar liar

VIP Member
'You'd better SWIPE UP
Coz I need some fans
To pay for surgery 32...

Cole will WIPE UP
When I have a shit
Coz I can't cope on the loo

'I'm a strange looking cunt
Woo hoo hoo Bunny
A cut and a shut
Woo hoo hoo Bunny
Am I scaring you you you you whoooooooooooooo'

You get the idea - please add your own 'One that I Want' verses ;) 🎶
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VIP Member
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmm she IS giving him up by trying to make out that he's dangerous thus will have to be "forcibly taken from her for Her Safety". She might as well sit him out side McDonalds with a sign round his neck saying "Free to good home".

It must have broken one of its plastic talons or something as traumatic as that.

Yes it has to be the Medical Emergency we were told was imminent - are the Courts and PTB aware of this charade??

Skanky does not want him because Wanky doesn't want him around.
😡Why cant she just dump Carl and get a man who likes her son Harvey?
Oh, I forgot she looks like a wreck. From screwing around to getting rid of Harvey for a screw.
(Sometimes my English is not perfect but I know you guys get my point 🌹)
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Jersey Girl

VIP Member
Yes, no doubt it is old, trying to pretend she is with him…. 😡

The big reveal
This is so grotesque. Why would you take and share photos? And as for him with his fake teefed grin- just no words. 🤐🤐:sick::sick:
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
They must get bullied something rotten at school
Not that It gives a frig about the kids, I mean this is the same item that started a slanging match and attacked Kieron's other half by her youngest children's school gates and got itself banned from the premises! How many "Mothers" have that claim to fame??

It does not give a frig about the children :(
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VIP Member
She has now missed visitation with the kids , so that's not going to look good.
And any 'I'm disabled' 'have a disabled son to care for 24/7' claims are now completely out the window. As are the 'I'm skint' ones. So the bankruptcy courts can ignore those.

Keep going you vile creature, keep doing what you're doing.
Keep digging that massive pit.
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