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It's no coincidence that Keiran has commented on the kids going to Katie's this weekend. He wanted that info out there for a reason - possibly because Katie wanted to obscure her movements, so he's blown it out publicly for her.
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Chatty Member
She has gone a step too far now. This surgery has definitely ruined her face for good. She has lost all original shape of her eye, and it's clear to see its been stretched up and out. Once all the swelling goes down she is going to look a complete irreversible mess.... she will never be able to regain her eye shape again. There is something wrong with her, her mentality is that of a 12 year old and it seems the older she gets the more she regresses.. it's very sad to see someone who clearly needs physiological help.. she will never recover from this surgery.. Her body will be totally F****d... stupid woman who has a stupid boyfriend and a stupid irresponsible PR team... it's shocking !!!!
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To Katie Harvey is the problem.
I if someone close to me would act out, hit the wall, pee in the bed-
I would try to see what could be done.
Like in what can we do to make this stop happening again?
Not ask for a house for my loved one with padded walls.
Not put plastic sheets on his bed.
That is not a solution to the problems.

But she sees putting plastic padding on everything as a solution. From her ruined face to Harveys special needs.
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Hampshire Hog

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So today’s the day
That we all fear
Her medical emergency is almost here

Her fake cries from the bathroom heard
As wanky posts for all to hear
No thought she gives for her 5 kids
Who wait at home for her to appear.
Thank goodness for Pete and Kieran to

But who is there for H we hear
Certainly not mummy dear😡
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Joanna Surrey

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He'll be seeing the insecure, jealous streak more and more as the weeks go on. She ruins it every time with the same behaviour. Unfortunately this horrible little nesbit is just as barmey as her. Only a matter of time before he goes off into the sunset with somebody gorgeous and 20 years younger or turns and does her some serious damage physically. Either way when it ends he'll sing like a canary. She's absolutely shafted.
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Wonder if that was the medical emergency saying about a blood transfusion, this is an absolute load of bollocks with the over the top drama as usual.
" She woke to be told she would need a transfusion — but refused fearing Covid from the blood. "

Ah yes that's how it works:

(Hopefully) qualified medical person: Oi Skanky, you'll need a transfusion else you'll be in a box.

Skanky: Nah s'ok there's that covid thing in't there dont wanna catch it like.

HQMP: That's fine, you might not need one, these critical conditions that need life saving transfusions can clear up on their own anyway. Go and advertise some manky leggings, sit in a bath with a fanny fizzer and have a greasy burger, you'll be good to go.
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midsummer blue

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Wow! No one on here says anything about Harvey, people are rightly concerned about him. And if someone does pop up being nasty, they will soon get reported.
That comment made me really angry. We all love Harvey on here. I’ve never seen a bad word said about that lovely lad. And we are Proper parents to our SN children. We don’t put Ourselves first we put our children first!!!
So if they don’t like being outed because of the way they treat him that’s their problem.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Wow! No one on here says anything about Harvey, people are rightly concerned about him. And if someone does pop up being nasty, they will soon get reported.
Katie Mollie should be careful lying about us. We do not say anything derogatory about Harvey. As you've said, we're concerned about him & want him to get the help & support he needs. Neither of which he gets from her 😡
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Thanks for the new thread and tattoo pic 🥰💕❤🤗😘 xx.

Cole likes his glitter balls bath bomb 😄 xx.

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Well-known member

"Mother-of-the-Year" stuff here 😂 😂 😂
Hey Junior, Jet - THIS IS YOUR MOTHER!
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I hope this puppy belongs to the hairdresser, she's had her hair done (again!)
I believe it is the hairdressers dog. Sure I've seen it before.

It's now blatently obvious IMHO that they are putting stories out there to court negative reactions so they can scream bullied/trolled etc and play the victims.

Right my Krusties are clever , need help again especially from medically inclined Krusties, I looked at that Bride of Frankenstein pic couldn’t stop laughing , looking again though , puzzled , why is she wearing bandages over her leggings ? Why is she wearing a nappy over her leggings , what are the tubes and where the fuck are they going ? They seem to be tucked into the Bandages over her leggings on her legs , what is the red fluid in the tubes , thought you would wear a gown not leggings , how would the tubes go anywhere if you are wearing clothes ? I think I am going slightly mad
I don't know but my son is a medical student. In his humble opinion:

1. The all in one black outfit that looks like a diving suit is a 'compression' dressing. This apparently is crucial after major lipo to maximize healing. It must be worn 24/7 for around 4/6 weeks. Therefore the reason for the 'nappy' and surgical knickers over the top. The compression suit is crotchless between the legs so she can pee and poo.

2. Tubes going nowhere and not connected is a massive issue if they are 'real' in sons humble opinion. Could be drains from the lypo but he again in his humble opinion thinks the are too far down and certainly on someone standing. The risk of infection is massive, especially, no distrepect intended, if someone is a bit lax about aftercare.

3. My son is doubtful about the amount of surgery. The reason being she was 'fit to fly' 48 hours after major surgery, if she did have what she claims that would be around 4/6 hours surgery.

4. The risk of DVT would be high. I doubt a doctor would sign her off 'fit to fly', I can't imagine she got travel insurance.

All looks a bit odd.
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Carl put on his stories last night, her ‘screaming’ in agony in the bathroom at something, is today going to be the medical emergency I do wonder. 🤔
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I’m horrified by these pictures. She has some serious body dysmorphia going on that needs to be addressed before she will ever actually be happy. Why would you take these pics and put them out there for the whole world to see. Her poor children must be traumatised.
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Those Teef.

Pom I think we need to see that scene from Eastenders years ago when Frank (wiv dem teef) seduced Big Pat, the scene where he's standing there butt naked apart from a bow-tie and dem Teef glaring out. Substitute Frank's head for wanky's and It's bonce for Big Pat's :)

Pic now made lol 😄😄🥰❤🤗😘 xx

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Another thing I noticed in that video she did. She showed H's food cupboard and said WTTE " There's no proper food in them cos if he had proper food he'd use the cooker".
I clearly recall an older video (about two years ago) where H was preparing pasta for himself and skanks was watching him and all praise and woo-hoo at him. Apparently he'd been taught a number of basic food skills at his school/residential place.
So if he has basic cooking skills why doesn't she supply the ingredients for him rather than all that plop shite she scrounges ?
If, as she now says, he mustn't use the cooker then why the fuck is he living in a house on his own? None of it makes sense, there is more to this.
No wonder he's bashing walls out of frustration. And on that subject, when she shows off his handiwork/damage she never ever looks or acts cross with him. It's just the same monotone "You did that didn't you harve." "Yes mummy". and that's it. He's not stupid. She never gives off the correct vibes and as far as he's concerned it's fine ... it must be cos mummy is showing people and even laughing at him.
She's a lazy cunt, puts no effort in with any of her kids.
I just hope DY is on the ball legally regarding the trust fund in case the worst happens, cos that poor kid is absolutely dangerously huge.
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Chatty Member
Bless you 😘. It's uncomfortable but in the long run it's the kindest thing. We don't talk about death enough. But it's the only thing in life we're sure of. And being prepared is the best way to help your loved ones deal with what is an upsetting time.

We do have a laugh on here. We need to have fun to help us wade through madams rage inducing bullshit 😡
I lost my lovely Dad last week way too soon, but I have to say he had a beautiful death x sending hugs
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They’ve been very quiet recently, I wonder what they’re planning.
The big reveal of the so called surgery plus something else and it's nothing to do with her being up the duff because it's not going to happen.
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