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We're not going to know a fraud investigation is going on. I would guess both HMRC and the insolvency service will be looking at it. Prosecutions are hugely expensive so it all has to be watertight. I hope something is going on although from our perspective it looks like inaction.
Exactly. Everyone thought nothing was happening with kids. Look how that turned out, plus the eviction, all within a month of each other. She needs to appear at the public hearing.
As usual it takes time with her, because of her delaying tactics.
She’s only making it worse for herself, I know everyone is fuming about her still spending but no one knows what is happening with BH.
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I know it’s going over the same ground again and again, but I really don’t see that she has a secret stash of coin, there is no way she’d be dragging herself up to Liverpool to sell cheap tat online if she had spare cash, she’s incredibly lazy, these things are miles away from home, they are a big effort for her, and they really can’t bring much coin in. I just don’t get it, this isn’t gonna pay her monthly outgoings, why does she do them, is it really something dodgy and this is a front 🤷🏽‍♀️

We’ve estimated she requires £10K + a month just to pay the basics, £5K rent, top rate council tax, bills, (heating set to 30 degrees she said the other day) staff costs, car maintenance and petrol, she drives many miles a month, well Lego does, all her takeaways, and there will be other bills, honestly I would love to know where the £10K a month is coming from, cos this Liverpool thing will probably pay her a few hundred quid. Any theories Tattlers, cos I’m lost on this 🤷🏽‍♀️

And might add, any money coming in she owes tax on, her tax bill keeps increasing, yet still we wait on HMRC taking action with her 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Yes she is And I have a Theory
View attachment 3014726

If she Goes to Turkey, That Theory Is in my Mind Confirmed
Skank started following a Turkish Playboy who her friend Livi follows
Remember Livi, at the Airport quick getaway together and then no one to pick them up and Sink boys RR went missing, very interesting is Livi ( I will say no more)
But 2+2 = whore
View attachment 3014737
Is she going to go back to the place that she said f*cked her boobs up and then had to get repaired in Belgium. Said she would never go back then and the only place she trusts is Belgium….and look what they did to Phil & Grant last time 🤣
Flogging some dodgy sex toy now. #desperateforcash
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Rita Chevrolet

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I messaged that animal charity who mentioned the skank to put them straight then gave them the wiki link - they now know what to do if it starts offerring homes to animals who have already been through enough bloody traumas without being given to that thing!
They said she and the family were charming when they visited but the warning is duly noted :)
If anyone else wishes to tell them, they're on FB
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So had a word with my breast reduction friend over lunch, she said ”Stop bugging me about it, she’s a twat, get over it“, she does talk to me like this 🤦🏽‍♀️😁 then added if she goes to Dublin she’s insane and she’s going to f*ck herself up, guaranteed, she’s an idiot, her doctor cannot be ok with this, and I don’t believe it’s actually possible, her operation is going to take longer than normal to recover from due to the previous surgery and thinness of her breast tissue because of her overly large implants. She doesn’t believe she can perform, she will be drugged, in pain and in danger of ripping out her stitches, she’s never heard of anything like this.

Anyway she’s kindly sent me Dr Plovier’s aftercare package, well she sent me link to it online 😁 She said it’s 4 weeks to get back to normality, including moving on stage holding a microphone 😁 looking at Plovier’s recommendations he agrees with my friend. She says Plovier is risking his reputation with her, and she doesn’t understand why he would do that, if it goes seriously wrong she will point the finger at him, he must know this, hasn’t she already gone this before.

Anyway details, if you wanna know what the BeClinic recommended aftercare is, how can she carry on as normal from Saturday, make it make sense, I just think she can’t be going to Dublin, despite saying she was this morning…..

After the intervention, a specific bra (of support) must be worn for a month, night and
day. The bra can be briefly taken off after 48 hours, for a quick shower.
• Waterproof dressings are placed after the intervention in order to protect the stitches.
They will be removed at the same time as the stitches, i.e. a fortnight after the
• You are advised to take Dafalgan (Paracetamol) at a rate of 1gr four times a day,
alternating with Ibuprofen 600mg, three times a day and, possibly, Oxynorm
instant 5mg, twice a day. This latter medication should be discontinued in the
event of nausea.
• Antibiotics will be prescribed for you and must be taken 2 times a day for ten days.
• An oedema will appear after the operation, but it will disappear of its own
• The stitches will be removed after a fortnight, by your doctor or at Beclinic.
• Once the stitches have been removed, the doctor will place some steristrips and a
waterproof dressing, which will be removed after three days. The scars can be
massaged with Cicalfate (Avène). When they are closed, a silicon dressing (of the
“Bapscarcare”, “Cerederm” or “ Dermatix” variety) can be applied in order to
encourage the healing process. The scars absolutely must be kept out of the sun for at
least a year.
A post-operative bandage package is available at the clinic for a cost of 25£. This
includes all post-operative bandages such as iodine, steri strips, waterproof bandages.
• You are advised not to carry any heavy objects nor to practise any sport for four
weeks after the intervention.
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Saying she has a room in her new house to do TT. I thought they were rooms for the kids!
Said she was taking Harvey away at the end of July. Errrr that's when the BH hearing is!!!!!!!
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So starts the pod off by saying she is in a carpark up the road from her house, but is getting wifi installed today 🤷‍♀️ So first part of pod was actually recorded Monday, then last 10 minutes in Brussels.

Calling the press dumb arse for saying about her holiday to the IOW, KP saying she had no 'expense' as PFP won the tickets and they were just tagging along. But the other week SFP said she was given the tickets by him, so KP & JJ bought theirs to come too. So I suppose she also didn't buy any cans of £5 (or however much they were) 🤥
They are going again next year. She had a weekend (or is it wekweed) off-ish and apologised if she didn't have pictures, but if she did one, she would have had to do more and more and she just wanted a weekend with the family.
Banging on about the set lists getting mixed up and she hopes that doesn't happen to her when she goes on stage. (she only sings about 3 songs!!)
Now she is saying she HAD TO BUY tracksuit bottoms, hoodies as she was freezing (SO IT DID COST YOU SOMETHING AND YOU PROBABLY WON'T WEAR THESE AGAIN) she has left these in SFP's car, along with another bag, now why would she do that if she had gone home? And she got a jacket and a frog hat for Harvey.
By Sunday her feet were 'so done in' from when she broke them, so she didn't go the festival, spent the day with mum and dad and Albert.
They only drank cup of teas while they were there, she enjoyed it. She 'could have' had a drink, but she has just done all these performances (??) without a drink for dutch courage and she doesn't even want a drink (That makes sense)
She's moaning about the young ones getting pissed and laying on the floor (like I suppose she has NEVER done that?) She's a lightweight with one day of drinking. She's gone off alcohol, just doesn't want it. She's loving everything sober at the minute, not that she HAS to be sober, you see things different when you are sober and you take it more in. (Hang on, thought she barely EVER drinks??)
Her hair is filthy from dust and her trainers. Some of the bands weren't for her, apparently, when SFP used to yawn, JJ fist pumped and said 'yes' as knew she was getting tired and nearer to going home, so they were obviously very bored.
KP is always cold. SFP says you need to get that checked.
KP wants to go to more festivals
SFP wants PFP to buy a boat. SFP was driving to/from festival, they had accessibility parking because SFP was pregnant (oooh surprise KP didn't use her broken feet and celeb status) so parked near to festival and no queues.
Banging about leaving kids at the festival, at least they are in these buggies and not left in a tent, like when she used to go on holiday, kids not left in an apartment.
Now on to Love Island. 😫 blah, blah, blah.
She decided to get trains, instead of flying and driving, up to Liverpool, then getting train to Brussels, as on Wednesday she is getting them done smaller. One is a bit bigger than the other one and dropped and her cleavage sticks up, so corrective surgery. then get train back. Then in Dublin.
It's not like she dances.
Lots of people asking about doing another podcast show next year, says she is up for it, but will have to wait and see what happens.
No questions this week, but would you 'rather' perfect skin or perfect hair...KFP: Skin
Perfect date, or private concert from your fave music artist: KFP Concert (haha, JJ, you are f*cked!!) Maria Carey, or should she say Taylor Swiff :rolleyes:
at the minute as all the kids enjoy it. (Talking about the KP backlash against TS in the press, KP says how is it backlash, just not my cup of tea, Bunny loves her)
Stop time or be invisible: Stop time
Snowed in or stranded on a beach: Snowed in
Bad Bo or Bad breath: Bad BO, bad breath is disgusting

2nd part, her wifi was done in house, but it's not strong enough, so she has have to change wifi people, then her battery died. Going down for surgery in 40 minutes, recording pod in clinic at 6.10am.
Spent 12 on the train up to Liverpool, but had to go somewhere first (??) someone said they had seen her in Hull, not sure how true that is.
Liverpool got train via Euro Tunnel. JJ wanted to watch football, but no signal, then she watched LI in the taxi.
So getting her boobs done, then straight back. Getting a general, no film crew (!!) Said J's got patience this morning with the Price, yeah.
SFP asks if she saw the article in the Sun yesterday about J's welcomed into the family. Why does everyone want us to rush everything, we're not even engaged.
On the train over, we were put in the carriage full of school kids, it was so noisy, I wanted to get up and shout shut up, we watched the new Celine Dion, she's gone, I feel sorry for her, I can't see how she will come back. She was bored by some of it.
Life Advice: Someone dating someone who nicks stuff... :rolleyes:
Single mum: wants to date someone, tips for a first date. Don't drink. Don't wear a little dress, wear smart casual, not high heels. 🤷‍♀️
Boyfriend no longer making an effort with his appearance: Once you get the ick, you won't get it back, it's done. She's had the ick before!!
She's now off for surgery.
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Back in ‘71 I had a boob job,sooodifferent back then,I had one boob much smaller than the other hardly developed,as you can imagine it was very embarrassing for me,I went to Docs and he referred me to Royal London hossy Mile End.Two weeks I was in there,back then it was your body used ,no plastic stuff then,they used your body,mine used was me bum.(bum titty bum bum) I had stitches on me bum and buttons,quite a large scar that was right near me doings,had stitches on me tit and button’sscar was invisible brilliant surgeon,in hossy for two weeks,was told to have complete rest no swimming or anything… go to ‘81 me tit stared getting very hard,your body can reject,went to hossie and again another op but this time was implant.Still have it now.when I got the implant was told no exercise no swimming for few weeks.Sorry but that’s a tit a story from me.🤣

effin ipad playing up typing 😖
HaHa Dolly I’m always messing up my posts on my IPad, especially when I can’t find my glasses and I ain’t got my contacts in 😁 Some of you might have noticed I often have to edit them a couple of times after posting, I still miss things 🤦🏽‍♀️

Well I’m gobsmacked Skank is having this op done, this is madness with all she has planned work wise, I‘m beginning to believe she‘s an android, how is she doing any of this, her life is ridiculous, and there is no outward consequence to her health, she defies all medical (no one in the UK would perform these surgeries on her) and health advice, what is it with this woman 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Still it must be the last day of her residency and ownership of the MM, I ain’t having that carrying on any longer, so it’s Kylie wine celebration tonight, woo hoo, she’s lost the house, don’t care if she denies it, it has gone now, Happy Day Tattlers, she’s lost the kids and the house, is wrecking herself with surgery, despite the lack of action regarding her finances she ain’t winning, I’m celebrating her losing the house today 🍷😈🥳

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Stan Butler

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Are there any positive sightings at the Be clinic or is that deflection and she's holding up somewhere in the UK.🤔
Because that looks uncannily like skank with the bailiff this morning.😎😉🤣
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She will be hoping it will be all forgotten about in a week's time when she is talking about her new boobs etc :rolleyes:
Yep. Deflection stories will be photo's of the new boob's & new house. Won't say it's a rental though - make out it's all hers :mad: Say she's relieved to get rid of MM. Honestly the lie's are off the scale. When will she admit the house was REPOSSESSED ? Unless a miracle she will NEVER EVER own another property.
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Quick, quick Katie, ring the police! Your doorbell dashcam has picked up people on your property and entering your Mucky Mansion!!!!
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It really does look like Paul Price has dumped a load of fencing rubbish at the MM, doesn’t it? Suppose he thought he may as well leave it there and let someone else clear it up, (rather than pay to take it to the tip) just like his step daughter has done with all her crap. I mean, that bloody mobility scooter that she had customised - why didn’t she donate it to the charity shop she works in every week? 😉
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I echo mrs pig.
I lost two friends like that, and then wondered what I could have done. The hard answer is nothing but it still hurts. Stay with it Willow, it will ease.
Sending a hug.
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Stan Butler

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Could skank be technically classed as a prostitute now, seems skank is offering a sexual service in exchange for money "give me money and i'll show you my tits" 🤣🤣🤣
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How the fuck can she say it wasn't repossessed, she is off her head with delusions. Trying to paint everyone as liars. No more MY MM
View attachment 3017889
Loving how they're pointing out that she insisted it was her decision to move out, denying eviction, and here they are pointing out it WAS an eviction....

Katie Price's Mucky Mansion was visited by bank officials on court bailiffs on Wednesday as they set about repossessing the property after she was evicted from her home.
Earlier this month, in an exclusive interview with MailOnline, the 46-year-old glamour model insisted it had been her decision to vacate the property and that she had 'sorted' her financial issues after being declared bankrupt for a second time.
However, pictures taken outside her £2million pad in Horsham, West Sussex, showed the home being visited by bailiffs.

...and poking the bear.... All sorted, is it, Skanky....?!! Signed off, are you, Skanky....?!!

In March, Katie was declared bankrupt for a second time after failing to pay over £750,000 in unpaid tax.
The former glamour model failed to appear at a court hearing in London to explain why she has not paid any money to HMRC.
It is the second bankruptcy faced by Katie as she is being chased by creditors for a £3.2million payment over the failure of her company Jordan Trading Ltd.
Creditors are owed the £3.2million from her company selling perfume and cosmetics.
MailOnline has contacted Katie's representatives for comment.

This makes me a vey happy bunny this morning..... (not that Bunny of course...)
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