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Wouldn’t it be funny if she now gets caught moving into her own caravan that she’s failed to declare as an asset to the bankruptcy courts. Her brother may have been renting it out on her behalf
She’s already sorted out a LARGE rental. Not a caravan. Think trustees will find this very interesting. Been moving stuff out already. The BENT social worker & ’hangers on’s’ are packing up. Be interesting to know WHO is guaranteeing the money. I put money on Daniel/BlackSheep management. 😡
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2 in a row for biffs 👌🤣

Picture attached for reference to the new thread title 🤣🤣
Kp world famous model showing them young ones how its done on her first and last apperance on ali express 😬
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Quick recap as I’m taking the little one out for cup cakes in a min 🧁😁

Skank’s source said she wasn’t leaving the MM, not been evicted, but the Mirror (who’ve supported her recently) posted the eviction letter 🤦🏽‍♀️ She’s lost it, Kensington have called time on her, we just have to wait till the 29th, and she’ll be gone 🥳


A hastily arranged Clan meeting was held in the IOW, the matriarch probably trying some last throw of the dice to hide coin, find a way to hide assets, and change the narrative to a poor Katie sob story. It won’t work long term, she’s sinking fast now, she is deffo in deep 💩, but I and others on here are still doubtful about Tuesday happening, I don’t think she’ll turn up, we wait and see on the consequences of that, will it just be deferred again 🤔🤦🏽‍♀️ whatever, the next few days will be 🔥either way 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

She took Lego with her, as he’s her chauffeur now (still not a relationship) she ain’t getting that licence back is she 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

Things are moving against her at last. She’s lost the kids and the house, now to curb her spending and pay her debts…..hopefully 🙏🏾


Just noticed a Pointy Chin post from today, It’s not really, but it does read like an epitaph to their working relationship from Pointy Chin…”We had a good run Katie, but it’s over now“ 😂 A sign of things to come as they all desert the Skank, we can but dream 😁


Finally a trip back in time to January, her first podcast of the year, it was gonna be HER year, 4 months later, oh dear Skank 🤦🏽‍♀️


Roll on Tuesday, in fact tomorrow, will we see her case listed 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️ The Skanky thread’s are gonna be a crazy ride over the next three weeks methinks 🤦🏽‍♀️🤔😁

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Brah Day Izit?

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She,s won over the bankruptcy so wouldn’t,t surprise me if she wins over the eviction. Teflon.
Ming, she hasn't. The bankruptcy won't go away.

The only way she can permanently stop the eviction is if she comes up with the outstanding funds. If she does that, the trustees will be asking questions as to why she's prioritizing that and not her creditors. HMRC will also not be happy.

I know its frustrating and you seem convinced that as there is no listing for tomorrow she's got away with it. She hasn't.
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Stan Butler

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I'm sorry but i can't let this carry on, it may get me some angry faces in reply but i'm doing it for your own good,, stop kicking the cunt while she's down,,, please please please think of the consequences of your actions I wouldn't want any of you lovely people breaking a toe or foot so please put a pair of steel toecap boots on before you carry on kicking the cunt. ❤
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Chatty Member
She’s in debt to the tune of £4 million pounds. The bankruptcy is NOT going away. Her income from back grid, JYY, onlyfans and Rymi (I think) was ordered by the bankruptcy court to be a large percentage directly to the bankruptcy FOR 3 YEARS. This is action before any next court date. And this is only bankruptcy 1.

HMRC want over 750k from her.

Her mortgage company have likely gone through months of legal work with the last stage being repossession.

Then I’d imagine her tax dues for the last two years are going to sneak up and wallop her again.

She is going to be stuck in this for YEARS. It very very likely will end up in prison.

I don’t care if/how she skips a court date. She’s off her head as it is never going away and she’s got years of investigations, demands, payment plans and yes, prison.
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I hoped that the Sun would mention that the BH has been cancelled again
Maybe in the morning

I do wonder if the eviction has something to do with the cancellation of BH
I agree. I think the BH has been postponed for now, due to her being evicted. I do have in on good knowledge that she’s not in the least bit worried about anything. She’s known for a while MM was lost to her. Her last hope was keeping J & B, to justify trying to keep the shit hole. She’s relieved the kids are gone apparently. We think, every time she feel’s she’s avoided court, she believes she’s getting away with it all. There’s a lot going on we don’t know about, I’m sure. Again I ask if anyone knows, if a TWICE bankrupt is allowed to just dump everything & go ahead & rent a large house, well above what she needs. Surely Trustee’s must be able to step in & ask questions? She’s continuing to live well above her means. Is her earning capability at leat £8-10k per month, to afford the rental & bills? IF she’s got that sort of money, where from, certainly not from selling AliBaba fishy tat? Plus the deposit for rental. Won’t be long before Harvey smashes some doors & windows & the pets & her own filth. Will be wrecked.
No doubt Dumpy & her will be grifting new furniture etc for the new house.
still, so far 2024 is not her year. Kids gone, house gone, looks & body mutilated. Pretend relationship with such a small, ugly little creature. No main work. No TV deals. Book advance won’t last long ( questions will be asked by trustees/OR about that hopefully). No driving licence & still 1 or 2 court appearances due for driving while disqualified. And eventually she WILL have to deal with the bankruptcy. It’s going nowhere. Fingers crossed the arrogant, dangerous indignant will get her comeuppance very soon. Next podcast will be an utter farce😡💩. Hope we find out where the new house is. No need to stay in local area now no kids, but I reckon she will.
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Sunday Girl

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Katie Price #389 Skanks been rumbled her world has crumbled all we want now is to see her humbled
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Do we think she is so laid back about it because she doesn’t under stand the severity of the situation or that she genuinely just doesn’t give a fuck?
Sad to read what you have written re the children, not surprising but sad- I wonder if she is still seeing them! They must be so confused by all this.
She doesn't give a fuck. Honestly she is arrogant. Of course she understands how much debt she has. Had no intentions of clearing the debts or paying tax/VAT. Same as the driving ban's. She still get's in a car & drives. How many time's now has she been pulled over for still driving yet disqualified? She's laughing at everyone. So she's lost the status of OWNING a huge house, but already has another large property rental lined up. UNTIL trustee's/OR start pulling out their fingers & controlling what she's allowed to spend, the debts will just get bigger & bigger. She's a law unto herself & the family are all enabling this shocking situation. She would NEVER pass credit checks to allow her to rent or buy anywhere, so she's being helped. I really hope, the forensic accountants/OR find out who is assisting her with the dodgy money transactions & hiding of assets & bring them down too. These BH's are dragging on & on, while madam spends & spends. Have to assume she still pays no tax on what limited money she's earning, so another tax bill is accumulating to add to her already huge debts:mad:(n):poop:
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She is a fool if she thinks she can keep that house.
A house and grounds that size demand massive upkeep costs, I know we had a similar house when we lived in the UK.
We sold up in the end after 8 yrs there, if you want to make a bonfire of £50 notes every year then this is for you.
If it's not the moles in the lawn, it's the pest man and his bait boxes, the bloody pool maintenance, the miles of hedges needing trimmed every year, the fuel costs to heat the place cos it's grade 2 listed and the windows are single pane and falling apart and you need planning permission to replace them.
I could go on but you get the idea, we got sick and tired of it all and downsized to a 4 bed bungalow in Ireland, we are no less happy for our decision.
So grade 2 listed 16th century Tudor farmhouse on 3 acres, fun times but no thank you !!!
Edited to add, Mr S commuting two hours each way to London to work for megabank to pay for this, he hated it and made him miserable, life isn't all about status symbol houses and "toys" no one we cared about cared, if you get what I mean.
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Daisy Uncle

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Statement from Sophie:
Kate doesn't understand all this about eviction, it's unfair and bullying at this point.
She's had the nod from her social worker, Lynne, that she's to menkally ill to pay her bills, our mum sent a message via moonpig to the court saying Kate's exes have stolen all her money and snot fair, so she's not leaving the mm.
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Imagine loosing your kids, your house and popping to a recording studio for a sing song. Absolute cretin she is.
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I’m not bothering with it anymore, done now, it will just keep getting kicked down the road, this date won’t happen either, just a waste of time talking about it, it’s ridiculous 🤦🏽‍♀️

The Sun can reveal the case has now be put back to July 30th

But look at it another way. At the moment she's paying no mortgage, tax/VAT or bills. Everything she earns goes into her grubby mitts. Her income is now sparse & limited. If she's renting now & got to find thousands a month in rent & bills, that's going to drain her, financially. At the moment she's swanning around in MM paying nothing towards mortgage & up keep. That's all going to change with a rental. IF the book is pulled ( and she has to return any cash advance o_O(n):rolleyes:) that's going to hit her like a brick, financially too. Apart from a few events lined up, there's no major BIG earning's on the horizon, as far as we know. No TV channel will entertain her, she's a liability. She's being watched carefully & extending BH until July give's more time to find more dirty dealings. She's in huge :poop: anyway & it's not going to go away. Doom is hanging over her & likely more 'stuff' to deal with that we don't even know about. She's stuck pretending she's all 'Tickety Boo'. Stuck pretending she's in a relationship with 'the one', who's just an ugly, short, cling on chav, just available to drive madam from here to there. She's stuck without a driving licence & has god know's how many more court appearances left to attend. Grifting to get every penny she can. What a life! She can bury her head in the sand, all she likes. Her life is a mess from the minute she wake's up to the minute she closes her eye's & that's not going to change.
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Well, I believe it’s still scheduled for Tuesday (at this moment in time)
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OK, so I haven't been on here much - but is it true that's she's lost custody of all the kids? Or all but Jett/Bunny? I'm totally out of the loop!
Yes, B & J were removed from her ‘care’ a couple of weeks ago, not a sign of them with her now. We believe they may be with a relative, though that’s not confirmed, they are currently not with KH, but thankfully wherever they are, she can no longer harm them, and hopefully they can rebuild their lives away from her malign influence and J can resume his education.

I was thinking yesterday, seeing her in the IOW, the kids no longer with her, what a relief it was to know they had been removed, it’s what we all wanted, no more over sexualising a young girl, having no care she was online talking to predators, and no longer trying to turn J into H, kept away from school and his friends. He probably has a long way back to normality, but we gotta hope now she can’t influence him, he can thrive once more and with help, have a normal life again. It’s a travesty how Skank with the help of the corrupt SW, Dim Lynne, affected those children so badly, but it appears over now, the case against her must have been very bad regarding her behaviour, for them to be removed so swiftly when it went to court.

Whatever happens tomorrow at the BH, losing the kids and the bonus of losing the MM is a massive result in her being brought to account. I’m happy we’ve seen justice with regards to B & J, everything else is a bonus now, she’s a complete mess, even her relationship is fake, she will sink further whatever happens tomorrow, she’s finally losing it all, and she brought all of it on herself.
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This situation pisses me off no end like it does everyone else because I knew a family some years ago who had their home repossessed due to a dodgy accountant who said he'd paid the taxes on the husband's business but did a moonlight flit with his and other people's money. Yep he buggered off to the Costa del Crime leaving a trail of havoc behind him with numerous families abandoned right in it, many of whom subsequently lost their homes thanks to this man's greed.
I do not understand WHY skank can do this because that guy we knew was clamped-down on with a ton of bricks, he couldn't even buy the kids an ice-lolly without getting scrutinised for it and yet we see the thing flitting off on endless 'olidays and behaving like she IS a milyunayr. WHY???
I used to work for the DWP and had a claimant who couldn’t even get a bank account. Only one of those old post office accounts to pay his benefits into. His company had gone bust back in the last financial crash. I worked with people to ill to work. His mental health was in a terrible state, he’d lost his house and owed a fraction of what Skanky does. Yet he was under harsh scrutiny. I really don’t understand how she’s been allowed to carry on like this for so long.
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This is what I think and said the other day.... I think if the MM is sold then the proceeds will be split....
I know nothing about BH, I'm just going by the timing of both.

Maybe @Schmooze can shed some light?

Either way it's a fucking joke, she's claiming she has got shite mental health and swanning about like a fecking millionaire! What's worse is she will be laughing at everyone and to the mattress for more £'s 🤢🤬
It’s more like a perfect storm. The repo is by the mortgagee who is nothing to do with the bankruptcy as they are a secured creditor. She hasn’t paid her mortgage simple as that. Whether any money will come into the bankruptcy as a result only time will tell but unlikely I would think. The PE is to do with accounting to the Trustee about her assets and liabilities as she is legally obliged to do as a bankrupt. Giving full and frank disclosure which she hasn’t done up to now hence the PE. Criminal action comes through investigation into her affairs. What she may have done that’s classed as an offence under The Insolvency Act. And there are a few a la Boris Becker. 3 different separate things going on (criminal investigation we hope 🤞) all at the same time.
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Stan Butler

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Quickly arranged trip to the I.O.W for a clan crisis meeting, Amy the enabler having to bail skank out again, Edna being given orders on how to protect and deflect the shitstorm around skank, Mr PP told shut up and write the cheque, puppet master Danny and his Blacksheep company sorting out money and signing rental agreements for skanks new lodgings and poor kryten sat neglected playing with his toys while Amy the enabler gets the relationship agreement and NDA out for him to sign and cut his balls off for the pickle jar. 🤣
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