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VIP Member
Must be new then or she would have ripped it off if she’d seen it.
That’s all you need to do in evictions I think to be counted as served with it, just have it posted on your front door.
They probably waited until she set off for her AliExpress live so she didn't see.

I was feeling a little jaded yesterday, but this is another positive steps for those creditors.

We are all going to be pissed by 7pm
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It will be the best feeling ever when she goes down.
No more excuses Skanky, you complete and utter cunt!
Your gates are not vandalised.
Your "post bocks" has not been stolen.
You don't "never get your mail" - there's only one pig sty in Horsham.
Your mental elf is fine - your personality isn't!
You don't need to preach about communicating, just pay your debts, you ugly dickhead!
Pets are not toys (neither are young men but that's their choice) so stop getting more animals!
You've never been a mother to your kids. It's a good job you can't have anymore, you middle aged, dirty, plastic, waste of space oxygen thief!

Anyone else notice I'm in a positive and happy mood tonight?
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but often when you are saying it happened years ago(at least over 15 in this case)it is just your word against theirs and if that person as all ready been accused by others but not prosecuted due to no evidence(espec if they do lead a lifestyle that may make people think they are capable of it like you can see from past relationship how they treat people) some people will believe it and say well if 4 people have said it it must be true(i am sorry if people do not agree with me but i think if anyone is accused of something that happened years ago they should not be named until they are actually charged with it as naming someone but nothing comes of it often ruins their life
I was accused of something heinous by my ex daughter in law who went to the police. It wasn't until the police said they could not find any evidence (because nothing had happened) she admitted that she was all confused and it may not of happened the way she thought it did. It was too late as she had ruined my life by spreading the malicious lies. She told my stepson that if he wanted to stay in their children's lives then he had to sever contact with me and his dad. It broke up our family, and made me suicidal as I was receiving verbal abuse whenever I went into our local town. I lost my job as I couldn't be around people as I was scared of any abuse that may come my way. People said there was no smoke without fire and as I worked alongside safeguarding I knew all the tricks to cover up the crimes. I am only saying this as branding people's names about can be so damaging. We all suspect skanky is lying however if she goes and says the name of the alleged ra####t then I hope she goes to hell. She is so spiteful and evil I wouldn't put anything past her. 6 years have now past and I am still suffering and so is my husband who chose me over his children as he knows I am innocent as he was with me at the time of the alleged incident. It never just affects the alleged person but their wider circle. She will also damage victims from coming forward to report their SA because skanky will be slated as we all know what she is like and victims will be frightened that the same will happen to them.

Sorry for the essay but I am so angry and upset that she is threatening to do this. She is really sinking so low she will be in hell soon
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So my baby, 8 weeks old, not house trained yet, but she’s beautiful, Love her, So before the Mods go mad, it’s not off topic, If you’ve got a nice house which animal would you rather have running around ?
Who would leave your house in a better state after a week? My Leema or the Skank, who would be better behaved? Who out of the two of them understands the word No? Obviously I don’t want to influence the vote, But I know who I would rather have in my house, and would be better behaved


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I hope as soon as they get there the crew have all gone home, put a note on the door to tell to fuck off for being late 🙏
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We need some kool and the gang @SmillieKylie, there's some drinking to be done.

Wonder/wander how many skips will need to be hired, I bet Carl is pleased that he won't be responsible for the Backgrid shots this time, carrying pictures of her on to the removal van!
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Found this comment from 2009 on a forum

What I can't understand, and why I think the whole rape claim was just to get her back above Peter Andre in the headlines count, is why it was important to say that her alleged raper was a 'well known celeb'.

Surely if a woman has been raped it doesn't matter one bit if he was a celeb, or a total unknown. Why would she raise this point, other than to draw as much attention to the fact as possible?

She has caused damage to those women who have been raped before, and those that try to help women confront their attackers and bring them to justice. By saying now she wish she had never mentioned it just because the police are asking questions makes me think that perhaps it was all a fabrication to gain publicity. No such thing as bad publicity when you are a celeb.
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I'm always a tad cautious when discussing r@#e and SA. It took a lot for me to share my last post on the subject as I wasn't sure if my perspective would be seen as relevant. Thankfully the reaction from all you Krusties was overwhelmingly understanding and supportive.

A victim should never be disbelieved, but at the same time, unfounded allegations have driven completely innocent men to take their own lives. These types of lies can also lead to genuine victims not wanting to share/report their horrendous experiences.
It does absolutely nobody any favours irrespective of sex/gender.

This story coming out only a few days from the next BH, in combination with the "I have the worstest mentil elf eva!" and the bombardment of H posts on social media last weekend is (in my opinion) part of a coordinated effort to sway public sentiment in her favour for when she inevitably doesn't show up to face the music on Friday...

You can almost hear all the brain-dead fans now... "OMG! Poor Katie! No wonder she couldn't face court, innit!! #bekind"

That's my only thoughts on the story.
No doubt some people will disagree, and that is absolutely fine. This is such a sensitive subject that navigating your way through the discourse can be difficult and upsetting ❤
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She is quoted as saying ‘ After all the me-too stuff she thinks if other people have revealed their sex attackers, why can’t I?’

most people would say
After all the me-too stuff she thinks by revealing her sex attacker it may help others to come forward.

subtle but there!
I think she will hint at it but won't do it cos
A) it's a lie
B) it's a lie
C) erm... she's exaggerating massively.. like the SA "gang rape"
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