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Well-known member
How I wish the letter of the law will catch up with her and she is held accountable for her bankruptcy dodging. I just hope when they get her they really get her.
I’m so pissed off how she is rubbing the creditors faces in it

Come on Alex Reid when u get out, u need to tell all and Boyson aswell
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Well-known member
Filtered to the hilt again, so not very au natural, or naturel (!) as she puts it 🤣
So short hair again !
She absolutely loves herself, but unfortunately the blouse is so old fashioned and those hoop earrings just make the whole look very chav . Sorry Krusty but you just can’t put an outfit together at all . No taste or fashion sense at all 😂🤷‍♀️
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VIP Member
I've worked with Morgan Freeman 3 times.

Two films when I was younger on 'Driving Miss Daisy' and 'Shawshank Redemption'.
Later on a VO for, I think it was Visa or AE.

He was nothing on all 3 occasions other than charming, considerate, kind and humble.

I think it's easy to judge someone on hearsay rather than experience.
Shawshank is one of my absolute favourites Blue ❤ such an under rated film when it was first released, it's brilliant.
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VIP Member
Thank you, the reason I feel comfortable to post is you lot are so like minded! I feel at home here. Might even cock my leg on the door post to make it my own.

Totally get that, been stalking you lot for a while 🥸
I’m ok tho getting though it, and working hard having a real job makes it all worthwhile. Thank god I’m not an “influencer in Dubai” eh!!? Fucking nob
Put your bastard teeth away. Jeeezus
No, now stop it, our Dolly has a perfectly good piss pot on the boil, you can use that just like everyone else 🤣 we'll have no pissing on your own doorstep here thank you very much, or I'll be after you with a bucket of water 🤣
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VIP Member
I am someone who loves eyes but his creep me the fuck out. I also don't find arrogance attractive at all
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VIP Member
Well I'm off to bed, I hope that in the morning we will get something juicy so we can all take the piss.

I will be in the garden a good part of the day but I will be on in the morning.
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Hampshire Hog

VIP Member
Jeez how many new hair/beauty people has she started following recently, following them just to get freebies? As, like her PR pointed out a few days ago, she is bankrupt and apparently companies are literally throwing freebies at her to treat her! 🙄
Shame they cant show their gratitude for all key workers I’m sure there are thousands of them far more deserving of a free make over weekend away and some of all the other stuff she gets given with a caviat of not bath bombs or eyelashes 😭

Interesting post in the last hour on Lucky7 IG stories?
Sounds the same as kris post
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Oh she was magically ovulating was she? Wow what super luck that was... Lucky there were all those £7 seats going for them and the photographer and whoever... ;)
Ryanair will undoubtedly use the photos of skanky & wanky on their £7 flights as some sort of publicity stunt, the trouble is they obviously have not looked at the nightmare Plop Kitchen have dumped themselves into by associating with this pair of assholes.

The Covid Pandemic Effect on businesses is NOTHING in comparison to the Skanky Effect on a business - 🚽🧻:poop:
Hey I like that image. Toilet, Bog roll & turd - it sums them up nicely :)
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Does pot and kettle spring to mind.... 🤔
I'd love to know what he thought of Her Skankiness LOL

I think they are the handles to pull the grill out...?
They'd taste better than skanky's cooking

Nothing wrong with her feet here!!

View attachment 580831
Wheres all the hideous scarring from the "life-threatening injuries" then? All I see is that naff tattoo;
The Mirror was right when they said it was "Getting some sun on its trotters" 🐷🐖

All burnt
Why do they need a BBQ? -skanky could just breathe on it to achieve that incinerated look

How long before they get the shits and it ends up in The Sun??
More "Life-threatening" scenarios to fill the media.

Had to repost this!

Got a face like a haddock

Where's the coral nail jobby gone - she's trying to hide her nails.

Not another person in sight. Strange.
This "resort" was evacuated when that pair of knob-ends showed up, I mean who would want to share dere 'oliday wiv dem eh?
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midsummer blue

VIP Member
It is the eyes that are a give away. Was married to an arse!!
no connection between him and Harvey like there was with the others. It’s Obvious he has no time for him. Harvey never gets the love and attention he needs. So sad for him.
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VIP Member

Sorry Cole but this is on the bankruptcy register, so you both can carry on whining like spoilt little kids, throwing your toys out of the pram, do you really not see the irony of your actions? Her day in court will come ⏰ 💣 💥 👏


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I see they weren’t wearing seatbelts travelling to the restaurant/bar 🙄
The Mirror article is great.

Love, think it's the very last line, where the journalist refers to her 'infamous' good looks!

Comments are fab. One made me laugh out loud "Star??? The only star she is is a
mon star".

Bless you, you’re very nice Mrs Ems,
I’m a bit upset but I will get over it. Yes I read on there too about him.
Thank you xx

Bless you, you’re very nice Mrs Ems,
I’m a bit upset but I will get over it. Yes I read on there too about him.
Thank you xx
Sorry H. It was never my intention to upset you. Sending love xxx Blue
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Who the fucking fuck says they're going on a "baby making holiday" 🤢
I need a bath just thinking about it.
Imagine her poor teenage kids going to school being ripped because of her.
She's nothing but a publicity whore. Zero filter (personality obvs not face). Problem being she doesn't realise she's a z list laughing stock now. No thoughts for her poor kids that will feel the brunt of all her verbal diahoria!!
they all ready had one baby making holiday to the Maldives that did not work so why do they think this one will be any different as she as said they have never used protection and she as not got pregnant (a few days in Portugal is not going to make her fertile and his sperm better swimmers lol)
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Two phones Katie, yet won’t answer either to the bankruptcy court!
Judging by where her hand is in this picture is she 4 phones katie and posting another phone up her foof?
My god she's had more phones than car phone warehouse🤣
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Chatty Member
Just checking in.
I’m guessing they are following the rules to the letter with regards to bankruptcy so she has absolutely no wriggle room or reason to contest it when it finally all crashes down on her head?

It is baffling though, the stuff like Lucky 7. She wants people to follow her and she posts EVERYTHING and then seems to assume we all have the recall of Dory and so won’t remember.....

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