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Chatty Member
Agree. An ankle tag with 7pm curfew. Passport taken and on an allotted allowance for bare min for 5 years. That would be the worst punishment. I think as soon as the skankrupcy take control of her bank account she will either not do any work - as if she’s earning it’s for her to spent not pay back dr to. Or she will land in more shit as she will most definitely try to hide money. But a curfew would put paid the the nightclub appearances.

It out in the public domain is it not fair game ?
No. Oks use is commercial, so they need permission from the copyright owner (the person who took the photo) and because it’s a child, permission from the parent.
I for one am very excited for the penis reveal. Will it be the biggest ? The thickest ? Most plastic ? It’s something to look forward to 🤢
It’s plastic, it’s fantastic! Oops wrong movie 😁
Had the opportunity? What's she on about. You just need to go somewhere and hand over some money. It's not as if it's getting into Oxford University or you were chosen to go into space. 😆 She's trying to make out having some lip filler is out of reach for 'plain jane' plebs? It costs about £100 a go. It's the easiest thing in the world these days to get credit for a few hundred quid..... if you really wanted to look like you had baboon anus lips, We don't Kipper! :sick:

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necrotizing fasciitis?
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I highly doubt she is going to Neath 24 hours before the event. But the seat back of the train says Avanti.
So she's got to get from MM to Euston, then from there to where ever she's going. Presume when she gets to destination station, she then has to get transport to where she is staying. Oh dear, so inconvenient when you are NOT legally allowed to drive & there's no dogs body to chauffeur you around 😀 Wonder if she's travelling alone - unlikely. Maybe Mr PP gave her a lift in his flatbed truck (preferably in back with the fence panels & cut down trees/twigs), to Horsham station. Or AFP dropped her there.
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Podcast run down 32 mins, ads 5 minutes. Recorded day before she went skiing.
SFP was late as she was in meetings.
She's in the hairdressers doing the pod, she's getting extensions re-done (so they only lasted about a week!) and had her nails done in the morning, then doing her TT shop.
She's not lazy, even working while having hair done :rolleyes:
SFP asks what she's been doing during half term, says roller blading with kids, then goes on to slag Brighton Pier off, as she took kids and met hairdresser Lou there, she got her ride tickets, but Lou didn't as ticket office then closed, so they couldn't go on all the rides. Went at 5.30pm. Moaning about how it was freezing. So that evening was ruined.
SFP asks about the quotes she keeps putting up on Insta...all positive she says, she a warrior behind the scenes.
Yes, she's still vaping.
Her mum says her lips are like a pig's snout.
Then a 5 minutes discussion on them having their periods, she's about to come on, so has her super tampax ready.
I bad review on Apple re the pod and her eating/vaping. If she wants to eat or vape, she will.
A bit about SFP's allotment.
Mentioned when she's with the horses.
She can't pronounce wheelbarrow.
Valentine's day, she only got that packet of sweets from Lou, got nothing else, SFP asked if JJ got her anything, said he's not her boyfriend, why has no one sent her anything, if she can get murder letters through the post and stuff like that, why not fucking flowers, or a pair of shoes and a handbag, or a spa weekend.
Spent £50 on Bunny to get stuff for her boyfriend. Says she drains her. Calls her a smart arse.
She's now OBSESSED with moonboots, bought so many in different colours. Loves wearing tracksuits, loves to be comfy. Name dropped Dwight Yorke when she was with him about going into some shop, she loves combat pants too.
SFP asks if she wants to clear up any rumours: Goes on about JJ is just a friend who is a man, they don't say stuff when she is pictured with a woman. Apparently has got a journalist she's known for years going on the pod (Wonder if this will be like all the other guests they have said are going on, but never have materialised) Journalists don't check nothing. (I do actually partly agree with this!)
Her daily routine is different, this morning she got up, fed dogs and cat, sorted kids, made boiled eggs and soldiers, took Bunny with her to get nails done, sunbed, went in a shop, now getting hair extensions re-done, TT shop later, then skiing tomorrow.
She constantly checks stuff on her phone. Phone Harvey twice a day, he's always sending pictures and videos. She's always messaging kids. Amy is always having a go at her.
Last night Princess made pancakes then she cooked Fish fingers, chips and nuggets, they all sit round the table and take the piss out of each other, then bed at 8pm ready for Love Island, all the kids want to sit on her bed, she can't move, they are all on their phones.
Lots of background noise from the hairdressers.
A bit about psychic readings.
She's at her happiest with family and animals, being at home, horses too, she loves chaos, never gets any calm.
A bit about Jodie Marsh and her farm, media says they have a problem, wants to do an OF's shoot with her.
On the beg for presents for her birthday.
Viewer question about fillers and botox, she doesn't care about the stick, rises above it.

So nothing about the hidden pink car-Wallis the horse-or being engaged and pregnant to JJ, yet...:ROFLMAO:
Well done DC for putting up with that tedious drivel! So.... if her period was due for when she went sking with Lego-Head the next day, could it be possible that they haven't done the deed yet? :ROFLMAO:.
No pregnancy news then. Yet!
Trust me I was very drunk, had to correct it a few times, but yeah I can see it is rather perfect for a drunk gal, look at me roll 😁
And it only took you 6 x hours o write it, eh Kylie! ;):LOL:
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Chatty Member
Is that a middle finger to sink implying she doesn't need the RR?
She wished 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Thanks to Kylies tip I googled King Edward, and it says he died of Larynx cancer.
So if that's what Charles III has I'm baffled as he's never smoked and it's a long way from his bollocks which they investigated.
Would have found it when incubating fir op down the other end makes sense
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Gee this bloke is dense, he does seem to be as thick as he looks. Might add he’s just given Skank 11 out of 10 🤦🏽‍♀️

Chloe’s asking him questions, he’s refusing to answer how long they’ve been together 😁

So it’s 11pm and they’re still not ready, and pissing about on TT knowing there’s apparently a queue of people waiting for them at the club? 🙄
Darth will have the rage on her ... she will be there to manipulate them with the force next time
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I think he's too young for that!
Don't forget her shock that 'no one knows who Jordan is' ... he probably doesn't even remember her and PA on I'm a Celebrity
He could have been gay, I always suspected, and if I’m right that’s probably why 🫢😆 or maybe he would shag her with a paper bag over her head 😆
Or perhaps her skin was so awful you couldn't not mention it ...
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'Give Me'. How very appropriate....

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There must be an Abba song in there somewhere!
And how the fuck does she justify walking around with those eyebrows? We all thought sge had no choice as they looked so bad after the facelift. But years later and she still walks around looking an absolute twat. Its literally and eyebrow drawn over an eyebrow. Albeit very badly like a 2 year old with a sharpie. I just don't get it 😞
I hope Princess sticks to the rule that less is more. Unlike her mother who is just more more and fucking more. I've never seen another person apart from maybe Jessica Alves take things to such extremes. Double eyebrows, treble eye lashes, treble hair extensions, treble watt teeth & tits 99% the recommended size. Did I miss anything?
#Treble-Clef-Lip 🎼 💋
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Chatty Member
Does chloe want to do that tik tok thing with katie because she knows she'll win every time? Easy cash? Is that the way it works??
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