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Well,well,well we didn’t know about this then did we.Oh how delightful and wonderful,Cunt
Face twisted ugly Cunt,is in the 💩suck that cuntPrice,
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She will 100% try it on with one of Princess’s boyfriends. It’s only a matter of time. Male attention is her other addiction and her envy for her daughters looks will push her to show her she’s more desirable. It’s inevitable.
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It literally does rip into me when I think of the damage she is knowingly doing to Keiran out of sheer spite. I don't think she has an ounce of humanity in her, she is now completely consumed by jealousy and hate because people aren't reading the scripts and playing their part properly. She is the eternal victim; always right and yet always wronged by others. She should be feted and adored instead of being sidelined and adored. Until people learn their lessons and play their part properly, the punishments will continue. She constantly mentions Pete because he has the strength and the finances to defeat her - and up until now, he had both the kids full time as well. KH is reliant on outside help and support to fight her which is why her cruelty is intensifying - she will delay all proceedings against by any means until his money runs out and she hopes he will give up. KP - know this, Keiran will never give up fighting for the children that he actually loves, and people like us will never give up supporting him.
It would be good. At least maybe Kieran has got an experienced media lawyer onside!

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Keeping everything crossed that people are starting to make a stand against her 🤞.
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Katie, Junior did acknowledge you 🤦🏻‍♀️ Pete more, but he did mention you!
The red mist must have come down, and she's only heard what she wanted to hear, and has done her usual, makeing everything about her, and in the process has done her other usual - made a complete cunt out of herself.
Why she just can't sit back and be proud of her son like any normal parent. Oh wait this is Skanky and with my very knowledgeable medical expertise. The woman's a fucking Lunatic
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Pink Squirrel

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Quick to rush out a single with Scarlett Lee to piggyback on Juniors little bit of success though, i had horseradish sauce on my fishcakes. 😘
When you're speed reading to catch up & think Skanky & Scarlett's new single is going to be "I had horseradish sauce on my fishcakes" 🤣🎤🎶👩‍🎤 Was it written by Ed Shearing 🤔 Will it be produced by Rik Live (career dead) 🤔
Pinky needs more coffee this morning ☕☕☕☕

@SmillieKylie your main woman played a blinder in Leicester on Sunday. My friend was lucky enough to be there & she said she was absolutely blown away by her.

@tracey3871 are you ok? It's okay for poster's to have different opinions. It's not okay for you to be attacked for your comment x
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Pink Squirrel

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Is anyone viewing the crapcast to give some bullet points pls?
Sorry, I tried.....5 minutes of me, me, me, me, me, me, trolls, me, me, I'm 45 did all my modeling natural, me, me, me, me, trolls, me, me, going to report someone else to the police for impersonating Harvey, me, me, me, me, the press are all horrible about me, me, me, me, me, I had a breakdown, me, me, me, me, me, me.

I could not listen to that any longer. STFU you self absorbed rotten ugly lying old sIag Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, she gives me the rage 🤬
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She looks disgusting. Why would anyone want their lips to look like that? They are such a weird shape now. I thought she said she had the lip lift so she wouldn’t have to have any filler again? Lying yet again.
I‘ve never known anyone spend so much time on themselves, with the sun beds, the nails, the lashes, the lips, the hair extensions. And yet she still looks like a bag of shite.
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Saw this reply on Kieran's post about male suicide and domestic abuse, from a media lawer. I do hope he's involved.

Screen Shot 2023-09-19 at 09.45.06.png

Screen Shot 2023-09-19 at 09.44.45.png

Your quote you posted yesterday from this was absolutely spot on Helena
Thank you DC. It's abuse pure and simple, an extension of Domestic abuse after splitting and it makes me so mad! It's unbelievable the YEARS of this Kieran has been subjected to and KP is carrying on as if nothing has happened, doing podcasts with completely idiotic people and having talks with TV companies.
This stuff drives people to suicide :confused:
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Stan Butler

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When she put up the photo of Dionne and the other girls.....I wonder if someone has been contacting people to give info on her ( as that DM comment about a documentary) and she knows the women she hounded would do it, Dionne she could try and keep onside to not spill any info?
That's what i said yesterday skank wants Dionne for something and maybe it means someone is digging into skanks past behaviour regarding dare i say it the kids and gathering evidence of what an unfit mother she really is wasn't it around 2018/19 it went tits up with Boyson and skank was on benders leaving the kids with anyone while off on her jollies with various blokes and the "I love coke" video. Someone's digging and skank is panicking by the looks of it trying to get people on her side. 😎
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The red mist must have come down, and she's only heard what she wanted to hear, and has done her usual, makeing everything about her, and in the process has done her other usual - made a complete cunt out of herself.
Why she just can't sit back and be proud of her son like any normal parent. Oh wait this is Skanky and with my very knowledgeable medical expertise. The woman's a fucking Lunatic
shes jealous, its not about her. shes jealous of her own childrens youth and opertunities. i will never forget how she grabbed that (guiness book of world records) award out of that blokes hands, when he was awarding it to Harvey, her eyes lit up and she incepted it and grabbed it off him,it was for harvey for drawing a picture of a bloody train ffs, she couldnt even let her disabled child accept his award. shes just trash
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I wonder how long she will put up with Princess being around if Princess is going to get all the headlines and she will be related to just being 'Princess's mum' rather than being Katie Price with daughter? That's got to hurt her ego surely? I'm betting a few more headlines like that and P will be shipped off back to her dad pronto! KP only wants her around for the attention, she is expecting all the 'lookalike' and 'twinning' comments. She won't like being relegated to just being P's mum.
Just watching the programme about Russell Brand and the allegations, wait for KFP to jump on the bandwagon.
I detest the guy but I also don't think the whole trial by media thing is right, if these women have genuine complaints then they need to present them in a court of law not a TV show.
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#320 The only punishment Skanky ever gets is when she looks in the mirror
I know it doesn't rhyme but I'm absolutely sick of her and this is the only consolation.
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Kipper blamed Hollie when not allowed on This Morning with AFP ... she blames the Loose Women panel and Pete when Junior doesn't mention her during his appearance .... when is the penny going to drop that ITV have cancelled you Skanky ... and that its your own fault, you went one big fat lie too far ... there are several other reasons I am sure and they hadcalready oretty much dropped you, but, the final straw were your claims ITV did not protect you or support you after the SA attempted robbery that you embellished and turned into sexual assault then rape .... you have only yourself to blame ... ITV wont give you any airtime at all ever again, not even the mention of your name unless it's reporting another court case in the news ... you are lucky they didn't sue you ... but on and on you screech about how unfair it is via the teeny tiny platforms you have left

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Stan Butler

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Just started to piss down on the East Yorkshire coast. Back on topic wonder if the salon released that picture because skank did her usual "i can't pay you but if you do the procedure i'll bring prinny with me and we'll advertise your salon" but turned up for her freebie without prinny so the salon thought fuck you. 🤣
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Personally I loved his total exclusion of his mother, I feel bad for him, but it was so great, a real silent but loud message!
It just shows how much of a narcissist she is that she expected him to mention HER in HIS interview about his new single! What was she expecting, him to give her credit for his singing talent? I bet J was the one who told LW not to ask him about his mother, the kid is trying not to come across as a nepo baby, he hardly wants to be tied to her every thing he does. So the fact that she seemingly knows he was told not to mention her must mean she either spoke to or texted him and asked him WHY he didn't mention her? Also, strange she never mentioned it in advance that he was going to be on LW isn't it? Surely a proud mum would do that?

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I can't believe she was actually stupid enough to tell the judge that she couldn't tell the truth if members of the public were listening in! And shouting over him as well! Would she behave like that in actual court? One would assume not as that would be seen as contempt, so why be stupid enough to do it in an online hearing? Plus the fact she then went out on a spending spree immediately afterwards, and is now on the hunt for two ponies for the kids! Why is she asking online about where she can get them too? Surely such a horsewoman as KP knows EVERYONE in the horsey world and has contacts where she can buy them? Surely she isn't expecting people to give her those for free as well? I really hope that when the BH birds eventually come home to roost all this very public sticking two fingers up to her creditors is REALLY going to hurt her in the long run! She thinks she's clever, but she is getting cockier and cockier, and with the daily TTs isn't even trying to hide it in the slightest. It WILL all catch up with her one day. Sorry to bring Russel Brand into it again but look at him and all he has done and got away with over the years, well it's well and truly coming back to bite him big time now! As others have said before, be nice to people on the way up because on the way down they will LOVE to put the boot in! I bet when she finally gets what's coming there will be plenty of other 'celebs' etc who will come out of the woodwork with stories about what KP has been like and done to them too!
The Skankrupcy will keep going, all be it slowly, cos the Skank has one asset worth something, namely the Mucky Mansion The trustees and creditor's can see a payday in the future. Jordan Tradings liquidator gave up as he couldn't see the prospect of himself or creditors getting anything as there were no assets.

Yes, just shows how deluded and out of touch she is! Burberry would probably pay her NOT to wear their stuff!
Not to mention she owes a LOT of money to HMRC and they are not going to just let that be written off!
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February will come around in no time. No way will she be able to keep her nose clean (all puns intended!) between now and then. It certainly isn't going to just go away.

Hopefully before then we'll see movement with the kids too. I'm fully assured there's so much more going on behind closed doors.

Tick tock Kipper - not TikTok!
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Is Katie going to call in the police too for someone impersonating her on TV? (2 and a half minutes in)
Police must be sick to the back teeth of her. Nearly every week she's contacting them about something.
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