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And she added: “At the end of the day, the kids are happy and Kate’s a fantastic mum. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that family life is as normal and stable as it should be.

So back in October 2009 Amy the enabler vowed to protect the kids and raise them with their mother in a stable environment...🤔🤣 Hilarious as the poor kids lives with their mother since then as been chaotic and disturbing.. what a Good Job you did Amy
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Stan Butler

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I'm starting to think the scum read the book before agreeing to pay and serialise it, for the simple reason of giving the cunty clan a right good rogering and expose the cunty clan for what they are especially skank and Amy the enabler. Might be wishful thinking but there must be a backlash and fallout for this pile of shit Amy the enabler is spewing. 😎🤣
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There's more from AFP.
Amy says: “Pete was in his element that day but to me he looked like a sweaty marshmallow.

“Everything was so big and gaudy.

“The number of diamonds in their rings shocked me.

“Pete’s ring had 20 princess-cut diamonds mounted in platinum — yes, this is for a man!

“Kate’s ring had 35 princess-cut diamonds, elevated on a bridge of pink gold encrusted with pink diamonds.

“It was grotesque.

“It was so big it didn’t look real.

“It was like a toy ring out of a jamboree bag.

“Pete even had hair extensions put in before the wedding.

“They didn’t want to be outdone by each other and this streak of jealousy continued throughout the marriage.”

Amy describes it as a “management marriage” with their manager “so intrusively mixed up in their private life”.

Opening up about her decision to write the explosive book, Amy - , who has the lung condition idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, writes: “I’ve lived on the sidelines for years, forced to sit back as lie after lie has been printed about my daughter.

“Now, as I approach death, it’s high time I speak up and set the record straight.

“Her marriage to this man left her at her lowest ebb and set the scene for further toxic betrothals.

“He wanted to be rich and famous, and my daughter unwittingly became part of the plan.

“My daughter is no angel, but she became a sacrificial lamb in a celebrity slaughter the moment she paired up with Peter Andre.”
Fucking deluded enabling bat. Lie. Deflect. Repeat.
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Well the apple didn't fall far from the tree, did it. Also does not repeated behaviour of ' darling daughter ' with no change/ growth show she is the cause or at very least a big percentage? Hope this is another nail in the coffin of KP being finished in all media and social media. Didn't PA get some parts of a recent KP book removed due to what was written, if so how did this pass? Edit, just looked he got lawyers in regarding contact with Harvey.
What’s amazes me the most is Kipper herself is promoting something that makes her look a right prick.
She’s got nothing left to shout about so she’s reduced to making do with all her monumental fuck ups.
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Ahhhh hahh haaa. She is trapped in toxic relationships. Really? Is that why they all run a mile and you climb through their windows and bombard them with calls?

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And she just wants to be loved?! well stop abusing your partners! ADHD has NOT made her insanely jealous and obsessive over all the men she's been with.

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Amy you are the biggest swallower of her bullshit!
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There's a lot more.
“He wanted to be rich and famous, and my daughter unwittingly became part of the plan.

“My daughter is no angel, but she became a sacrificial lamb in a celebrity slaughter the moment she paired up with Peter Andre.”

Amy spoke to Peter — who found fame in the Nineties with the song Mysterious Girl — on the phone the night before they entered the camp.

She warned Katie, who had pictures of the singer on her wall as a teenager, not to “end up with him”.

Amy, 71, writes: “From the word go, something didn’t feel right about Peter; I had an inkling that he wasn’t who he claimed to be.

“He came across as gushing and gentlemanly, but I sensed a manipulative side to his character; a man who spoke from the mouth rather than the heart.

“His career was in decline and I think he saw an opportunity in my daughter, an opportunity he was quick to seize.

“As the show aired I met Pete’s agent for lunch and she expressed an interest in managing Kate alongside Pete if they ever became an item.

“I thought it was an unusual thing to say and that it was highly unlikely they would get together.

“Meanwhile, Pete suggested to Kate in the jungle they play along for the cameras to prevent them from being voted out, and I didn’t feel comfortable seeing her being drawn into that sort of gameplay.”

Katie, who was then known as the glamour model Jordan, fell “hook, line and sinker for Pete”.

Mum Amy, who has the lung condition idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, writes: “The love was genuine on Kate’s part, but it felt more business-like in the Pete camp.”

The singer moved into Katie’s house in Maresfield, near Uckfield in East Sussex.

But Amy says: “As Kate’s fame increased, I think Pete was struggling with not being in the spotlight as much.

“Meanwhile, his management seemed to want total control over Kate, who was a big money earner.

“Kate couldn’t say anything without this team of people vetting it first, or go anywhere without telling them.

"I truly believe that this is when Kate’s serious mental health problems began.

“When she asked Pete what he thought, his standard reply would be, ‘If I were you, I would do it, but of course, it’s up to you’.

"The feelings of low self-esteem that had first surfaced in Kate’s childhood were re-triggered and she began to lose any real sense of herself.”

The pair signed a deal for an ITV1 fly-on-the-wall documentary series called When Jordan Met Peter.

The series, which aired from 2004 until 2007, showed them at work, at home with their families and on holiday.

Amy writes: “Kate was herself, but Pete liked to play act. He could switch it on and off as required.”

Filming was intrusive and Katie would try to say, “You’ve got enough” but Amy says enough was never enough.

Katie also wanted to be real for the cameras — and that included the struggles faced by her son Harvey, whose dad is footballer turned manager Dwight Yorke.

Harvey, 21, is autistic, registered blind and has septo-optic dysplasia, as well as a genetic disorder called Prader-Willi syndrome.

Amy says: “I was furious when the crew wanted to film Harvey’s hospital visits. I thought this was going too far.

“However, Kate felt it important to show doctors talking with us about Harvey’s condition.

"She also felt it would show other families with disabled children that they were not alone.

“Kate wasn’t as clever as Pete at playing the cameras.

"Sometimes she couldn’t hold back her upset, but her anxieties were met by him with, ‘What’s wrong with you now?’ or ‘Why are you going on?’ — he used to turn a subtle cry for help into an argument for the TV which would make Kate look bad.

“Kate learned when they argued, Pete would never give way. It was up to her to back down, then he would come out of his mood.”

When they had their first child together Junior, who is now 18, Peter’s parents came to stay from Cyprus, but Amy says she felt as though

“Kate always came second to her mother and father in-law”.

She writes: “As if having one mum wasn’t enough, Pete would often ring his agent telling tales about Kate, then she would ring Kate to quiz her.

“This kind of interference made me feel cross.

"It was like we had been sucked into a cult and no one except me was questioning it — but even I wasn’t doing it loudly enough.

“I always sensed that Kate had far stronger feelings for Pete than he did for her.

"Their union seemed to be a money-making opportunity for all concerned.”

But Katie was excited about marriage and fulfilling her childhood dreams of a wedding with a pink dress and Cinderella carriage.

A week before, Peter, now 50, took Junior to Cyprus to celebrate his parents’ 50th wedding anniversary leaving Katie, who was suffering post-natal depression, crying.

Amy says “building a brand” had come at a “high price” and the “pursuit of money and fame was taking precedence over everything”.

On September 10, 2005, they tied the knot in a lavish princess-themed wedding at the grand Highclere Castle, Hants, later to become the setting for period drama Downton Abbey.

OK! magazine paid £1.75million for the rights.

Amy says: “Pete was in his element that day but to me he looked like a sweaty marshmallow.

"Everything was so big and gaudy. The number of diamonds in their rings shocked me.

“Pete’s ring had 20 princess-cut diamonds mounted in platinum — yes, this is for a man! Kate’s ring had 35 princess-cut diamonds, elevated on a bridge of pink gold encrusted with pink diamonds.

“It was grotesque. It was so big it didn’t look real. It was like a toy ring out of a jamboree bag.

“Pete even had hair extensions put in before the wedding.

"They didn’t want to be outdone by each other and this streak of jealousy continued throughout the marriage.”

Amy describes it as a “management marriage” with their manager “so intrusively mixed up in their private life”.

She says one of the worst examples was at her daughter’s so-called “surprise” 30th birthday party in 2008 at the luxurious Luton Hoo Hotel in Bedfordshire.

Amy went into Katie’s bedroom to find her manager placing “sex toys and condoms” on the bed to “try spicing it up for the storyline”.

She writes: “I actually felt sick to my stomach. I knew that, due to the post-natal depression Kate was still suffering with, sex was the last thing on her mind.

“To begin with, the reality TV editing process made Kate and Pete’s post wedding relationship look all lovey-dovey and nice.

"As the relationship progressed, there were clear signs of Pete’s fragile ego impacting his relationship, not least his continual need to rid himself of intolerable feelings by giving them to my daughter.

“Time and time again, she was the one made to feel insecure and bullied, so that she became the one on the verge of breaking down.

“The more insecure she became, Pete seemed increasingly repulsed by her vulnerability and cut deeper with his insults and passive aggressive mood swings.

“True, he did not beat her black and blue but his anger manifested itself in other ways. It chipped away at her self-esteem until she was a shell of her former self.

“Ultimately, he was and still is more skilful at separating his private and public self and presenting an outward facing Mr Nice Guy persona and it has served him well.

“Conversely, Kate has always worn her heart on her sleeve and it became an increasingly thread-bare garment.”

Amy says that towards the end of their relationship the editing of their reality show seemed to make Katie look moody and uncooperative and Pete look “the good guy”.

They went on to have another child, Princess, now 15, who was born in June 2007, but Amy says soon the marriage was in trouble.

She writes: “I first got a sense something was afoot when I went to Kate’s house a couple of months before she was due to record the Katie & Peter: Stateside reality show in America in 2009.

“Kate’s house, where they were filming, was complete with turrets like something out of a fairy tale, but in reality, Kate’s life was more of a nightmare.”

Pete had a recording studio in the back garden, and he was in there with his manager and their personal assistant playing songs about a break-up.

Amy remembers: “I suddenly had the feeling something wasn’t right and the music somehow felt as though it was part of a grand plan neither Kate nor I were privy to.”

Six months later — in May 2009 — marriage was over.

The final trigger which led Pete to call it a day was a photograph of Kate at the Badminton Horse Trials with her equestrian products manager, book agent and make-up artist.

They were joined by the international dressage rider Andrew Gould and his wife Polly. Katie and Andrew went on to a club where they were photographed.

Amy writes: “I was never aware of an affair between them.

“Afterwards somehow, Pete remained the handsome prince while she became the evil snow queen.

"Those of us closest to her know this was no accident, because she was part of a publicity machine which had sucked her in and was now viciously spitting her out.”
It sounds like she was the 3rd wheel in that relationship, not Claire.
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The part about the children being removed is BS. In order to have children removed SS have to go to court for an emergency order. If that happened they would not leave two vulnerable children in the home.
KP obviously took the kids for her contact time and did not return them and got an emergency residency order. These are often granted short term by the court while the circumstances are explored further, by SS or CAFCASS. They don’t mean children are ‘removed’ but mean the parent stays with the parent they are with while the court fact finds.
Sophie Price talks crap
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Miss Villanelle

Chatty Member
I think I've sussed where skank is..
She's headlining the pyramid stage tonight at glasto to belt out her classics like I hav nuffin, hole knew wurld and hanoigotchew 😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
Amy says Katie grew up idolising Peter and had his posters on her wall i doubt that( from a very young age all Katie wanted to be was a football wag)
Well since Pete released Mysterious Girl in 1995 she would have been 17 how many 17 year olds put posters on their wall, it also proves Pete was in the public eye well before getting with her daughter so he didn’t need her any more than he needed a genital wart, keep pushing those lies Amy.
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Chilli pepper 19

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Still watching Glasto, but just seen this, Oh my it’s getting worse, Andre’s name and reputation is being publicly taken apart by this book, and without a shred of evidence, how the hell have the publisher‘s lawyers let this through, this is character assassination, his team can’t let this pass, that book must be pulled now. Poor P & J, they both adore their father, gee WTF is AFP on, it‘s actually unreal and it’s going to backfire badly, Skank is hated, she‘ll be hated more now, guarantee it….

Over to you Claire, she cannot and I believe will not let her client be maligned in this way. Wow given an opportunity to live a few more years and this is what you do AFP, as vile as her daughter, what a bunch of grifting obnoxious cranks that family is. This is so tragic.
I think they're assuming he won't sue a terminally ill women but they'll br wrong. Thus is skank all over it.
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Fucking book,really boiling my piss with all the fucking lies,been catching up on fred.

Soddin deflection book that’s all it is.cuntironlung knew Skanky was getting caught out,so both of them planned it.😡😡😡😡😡
Loads of articles about the book this morning. According to the comments in all of the tabloids, no-one is buying it and most say that Skanky should be held accountable for her own actions... I'm certain that this book, like Skanky's podcasts, will not see the light of day after the initial 'interest'...!
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Good, if old bill are being called, this will help KH immensely, hopefully he has also called them, a few times for a welfare check👌 ... keep arguing you pair of TWATS ... good to know she remains predictable, keep winding the old trout up carole ...... its coming folks, the BIG crash💥💥💥... ( sad thing .... the children are around this fucking mess:mad: ... whoever in authority has allowed this farce to continue for this long, when its obvious she is not fit, they're living in a toxic, damaging environment ... needs a good hard smack!!👊 )
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TG sounds a right loose cannon & a thick one at that, she has opted to ignore the fact that KH had no idea about the GFM, didnt bother her when KH was in her camp did it?
I don't know if Teresa Godley is vicious and unhinged because she's lost contact with her children or whether she lost them because she's vicious and unhinged. I tend to think the latter and, like Skank, she'll never take responsibility for it.
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Chatty Member
Amy meds must be totally clouding her memory claiming that old skank was a timid vulnerable person yet old Amy didn't seem to mind her at 15/16 living with an older man as it is well documented in skanks earlier books.. reckon this is what skank was alluding to last year when she say something will change the public opinion of her...mum's book of altered fiction
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Has Amy got a traumatic childhood story that explains this? The victim is a woman so it can't be the fault of a pedalo lurking in the bushes who made her not like men.

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Skank forgets that it was due to Claire at Can who gave her the amazing product endorsement opportunities after the jungle and got her to tone it down and become Katie price , mother etc..she wouldn't have had that if she had not got with Pete that's 100% for sure.
Prior to the jungle people were bored and beginning to suss her out.
Amy knows this and enjoyed the ride but now that it's crashing down around them.. Amy flings the vile accusations
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I see she/SFP has put up advertising the podcast again. It's just started a new round of negative comments!!
They just don't get the hint. 🤷‍♀️
For those w/o IG, top rated comments:



oh to save you clicking, this is the sort of stuff Roseintimates peddles:

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Yep. Will the book mention that Amy brought her to the perv photographer? It's always someone else's fault when this family tells their stories. Not to mimimise the photographer, that was wrong, but Amy should have known better
what parent after past sexual assault/abuse would think it was a great idea to put your daughter into modelling /soft porn who just left her there and didnt even stick around while photo's were being taken especially after what happened to her daughter at 7yrs old
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What a load of absolute tosh. AFP does realise that Peter and Katie’s whole relationship was conducted in public, yes? Does she think everyone has collective amnesia?
How can she keep a straight face and say that PA used her daughter to become rich and famous ffs. They were both past their heyday when they went in the jungle, but I believe there was a genuine attraction between them when they met. As a couple, with a willingness to share every aspect of their lives, they became more famous and popular than they had been before.
In time, PA wised up, stopped thinking with his cock, and realised that he was married to a total bitch. She showed no love to him or the children, she was constantly nasty, remember her saying “I’m the star Pete, not you, me”. It’s all on record, AFP is trying to rewrite history.
In the many years since their break up, it has been clear PA is the caring, responsible parent, and also conducts himself like an adult, not a spoilt vicious brat.
AFP is totally deluded if she thinks anyone is going to read this tripe and believe it’s all the nasty man’s fault.
Yes, I’ve written an essay, she’s annoyed me.
Wasnt she engaged to some bloke called Scott when she went in the jungle ? She dumped him for Pete im not sure if he flew to Oz to meet her thats a total cunt move
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'Amy describes it as a “management marriage” with their manager “so intrusively mixed up in their private life”.''

Nice thing to claim about your grandkids origin, a business arrangement!
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