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Funny how when she was she saying ‘go on Jett tell everyone why you was brave’ he said he doesn’t know.

She’s filled that poor boys head with shit.
Absolutely. I'm sure they'll able to tell he's being forced into saying things that aren't true. Mother of the year. Way to go. Hope you're all proud of yourselves Price family. You're all culpable for that poor boys mental health now and into the future.
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One if the many problems with Skank is that none of her kids will be able challenge her. Princess will not tell her to stop because if she does, she is likely to be berated for it ('noone tells me what to do', 'stop being so boring', 'I'm such a cool mum', 'the others think I'm great'). That is, unless she wants sympathy and control ('I have a hole in my heart'). My mum told me twice that she had cancer to stop me going out with friends. She also intimated that I was abused by my dad, that my sister was a lesbian, anything to make us feel small and useless. You stay quiet to keep things as normal as they can be.
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I’m going to take issue with this, people looking down their nose at certain jobs because they are not ‘deemed to be intelligent’. Hair and beauty people make people feel better about themselves and look presentable. My sister also helps cancer patients and disabled people to feel better about themselves by giving them some pride back in their appearance.

Just because P isn’t training to be a lawyer or otherwise, doesn’t mean she’s not doing something worthwhile.

I’ll get off me soapbox.
You're right, sorry, that was a bit harsh and judgemental, I just felt that with all her advantages of private schooling and Emily as a role model she might have done something like medicine. Didn't intend to insult beauticians, as you say they up people's spirits,
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I missed all the action last night and just spent an hour catching up.
Jett and Bunny have gone from a loving family home, where they were looked after, lots of outdoor activities, and truly nurtured. Look at their smiles in any of Kieran’s photos, they were genuinely happy kids.
Now they are in an actual shit tip of a house, it is filthy, and they are in the sole care of a drugged, drunk, erratic, vindictive bitch. They always look dishevelled, their smiles never reach their eyes, and Jett in particular is being held hostage.
Is there one single person, even the most deluded KP super fan, who thinks those children are better off where they are now?
One day soon we will hear that something terrible has happened, most likely a car crash but could be any number of things. Those kids are not safe, they aren’t being looked after, do we need to wait for another ‘lessons will be learned’.
Kieran must be going out of his mind with worry, yet here is Skanky this morning, posting about going to the airport as if yesterday didn’t happen. Total bitch, when is she ever going to get what she deserves.
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Stan Butler

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KB off abroad too 😂 KFP will be raging, all the exes are fucking off abroad and she’s well overdue a holiday! I think the London city airport plane IG post was an old pic from her camera roll and she was playing games.
Been saying for a few weeks think she's had to surrender her passport or told not to leave the country because of bail conditions, think she's been charged with something but it's been kept quiet and she's due in court to enter a plea.
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Rita Chevrolet

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I mean she probably forgot she wrote it but seriously the humiliation of saying he came back cos I'm a dirtier bitch and I know who she is and i'm gonna tell the world she is crap in bed - yeah skank that's total life partner forever love you are describing ....
Not bad coming from somebody that Charles Drury rated 1 out of 10 in the sack! Woo hoo skank!! :LOL:
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Have edited a small part of this week’s LIVE and taken out P, really shows the mess she is now, posting for those who’ve not seen any of the LIVE, it’s all like this, she’s just stumbling and slurring around the house.

Meds my ass, this isn’t just meds, this is other substances, though meds are maybe in the mix. Also highlights she can‘t do basic stuff on her phone, P is helping her out pretty much all the time. I’m actually glad P is at the MM at the mo, seriously can you imagine the state of this in charge of B & J on her own. Its not right the burden is placed on P but she seems happy and is laughing a lot, she copes well with her mum‘s behaviour, so guess she is ok, she’s a decent sweet girl. Sorry SS if it wasn’t for P being there I shudder to think what could happen, what are you thinking, just don’t get how they are still under her ‘care’.

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Do you think Princess wanted to do a live so people could see the mess Skank was in and what she has to put up with?
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Once Princess turns 18 she'll be on Only Fans, guaranteed, encouraged by her 'Mother' and Peter will pretend he's disgusted whilst secretly loving his daughter being 'famous'. They should be forcibly sterilised every single one of these cunts.
Sorry but this is total BS. She won’t be on Only Fans. She’s a sensible girl with a sensible head on her shoulders. She’s just done her GCSEs for God’s sake and plans to go to college. Keep the chat to KP FFS.
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Omg. I’m shocked. Those poor kids. Get them out of that house now. This is one for Prinnys boyfriend to dine off for a few years.…. Well my ex bird invited me round and her drunk druggie mum was home dressed in shorts and a crop top with massive tits hanging out and she was gagging for it. The house was a shithole literally it was everywhere even the kitchen sink …… yes it sounds like an episode of Inbetweeners but it happened to 2 teens and 2 little ones for real tonight.
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Yet again, Skanky proves what a nasty bitch she is. Saying she knows the woman’s name and age, saying she slept with Carl and got chucked out in the morning. Oh, and she’s no good in bed. And posting it on SM. She is such a bully and if SB is back with her then he’s a fucking idiot.
Exactly! This proves its skank on the attack with every woman an ex gets involved with. It believes once they've been with her they shouldn't ever want to look or be with anyone else, like she's something special. She's a knackered out old slapper with more miles on the clock than daddy woods bespoke motors. She really does live in her own deluded little bubble
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SB not giving himself much time to pack up his house if he has gone with her...
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Imagine being 44 and posting that about another woman

She has no room to call anyone a trump
She’s hilarious
Also my child takes two different adhd meds
I’m around a few kids that take different adhd meds

NONE of them slur their words
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I mean she probably forgot she wrote it but seriously the humiliation of saying he came back cos I'm a dirtier bitch and I know who she is and i'm gonna tell the world she is crap in bed - yeah skank that's total life partner forever love you are describing ....
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Poor Sophie, with a voice like that she's little hope of joining the middle class she aspires too.

Katie must love knowing that Carl fucked another girl, younger, prettier and less butchered than herself, that he smiled in the girl's eyes, kissed her mouth, cuddled her younger, firmer body. It's just as well that Katie hasn't got a jealous bone in her body.
A pod cast, with the loud foghorn, & house stalking, mind numbing bore. What a great combination. KFP woohooing & shouting & SFP, mumblings & umming & ahhing. Think I'll give that a miss.
Did anyone ever find out if she actually got on a plane yesterday & if so, where's she gone? Who looked after the kids. The young, skivvy or Princess? Clearly, she is just using those kids to get at Kieran. She doesn't want them, palms them off constantly, but they're 'weapons' to be used to hurt KH. F'ING Bitch.
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I dread to think what KH is feeling this morning after seeing that, must feel bloody helpless
Sad thing is I have come to the conclusion, despite the efforts of the GFM, no one will stop her, no one in authority will help that man, no one will end this and deliver the kids back to him. Anyone watching last nights video can see she‘s a danger to those kids, only a 15yo girl there to properly care for them, and doing a good job from what I saw, but it‘s all so wrong P has to be that person. Kylie sounds so negative cos I am, nothing has been done in 8 months, she’s clearly getting worse, but guarantee no action will be taken. Heartbreaking to view, but if no one will act after seeing that video last night on top of the rest of her appalling parenting, what can be done, it‘s like we are playing a waiting game until serious harm comes to one of them, just tragic now.
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So all this talk of Ket and this is what Ket did to me. I’ve only taken Ket once, about 15 years ago, always said I wouldn’t as I ain’t putting that stuff in me….eeek. Anyway at one of my Gay friends house parties (which were legend 😁) and Ket is used a lot in the Gay community in Brighton, Ket was doing the rounds. Was a bit drunk, so my friend and I just said let’s try it….telling you now, never again did I go near that stuff. All I remember was lying on a sofa, my friend on the floor below me, I was holding her hand, we just stared at the ceiling for what seemed like 3 hours, no idea in reality, talking paranoid gibberish to each other. Eventually we came round and party was dead, about 3am so we decided to go home, both lived a couple of streets away. She could hardly walk, I virtually had to carry her as she stumbled along. We got to her house, i said “Will you be ok ?”, and she just launched onto me, giving me the biggest longest snog, then turned and went into her house 😁 I remember staring at her front door for a few minutes, just going “wow wow wow”, before going home 😁 So an interesting experience but a rather f*cked up night out, never done Ket again. Might add I said to my friend next day that she had passionately snogged me, she said she didn’t remember any of it. I personally think she does and often thinks about it and what could have been…got an ego ain’t I 😁

Perhaps Skank will tell us similar stories about taking Ket on her upcoming Podcast, I do hope so, with Edna just repeatedly interjecting Um’s 👍🏾😁
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