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I see that Jo Wood and Lizzie Cundy have responded under the post, supporting Kieran. Jo Wood seems to be represented by KSR so must be how they know each other
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I am 92% sure she is doing what I thought (and what was hinted at) a few weeks ago. I'm not going to do any more digging, though - it's shocking, and in my line of business, it takes a lot to shock me. This is why she has the money to pay top bods. I dont think she has people protecting her, I think what she is doing pays the bills.

Suffice it to say, I would rather be sleeping on the street, in Ukraine than be mixed up with the strange going ons that Kipper is involved in. It's strange, odd, and very, very dark, and fucking dangerous. I actually feel sorry for her now, but she needs her £12k a month so I guess anything goes. And in light of Blade and the other animals, I think it might just be karma.
That type of life can only go so far ..... it does make perfect sense though .... regarding how she is affording the best legally, has money to burn, when she isn't really working doing fuck all .... it also shows that this ` life ` is affecting her mentally, this last month is the worst we have seen her, she is spiralling quite fast, on a dangerous path, as most here suspected ... add drugs, alcohol, meeting paying punters from OF`s, that's in itself brings immense danger, doesn't know who or what she's meeting .. leaving herself open to anything

Its payback for the deceased animals, those still in her care .... the clear abuse of the children, her x`s and the long line of people she has shafted over the years, I could go on and on, there is a mile long list, she has destroyed many on the way, still is ... these are the consequences for always putting SELF above, and before others, she is now paying the price ... all truth, I dont think she will see her 50`s if she carries on this way, and it will as always be the children who get hurt ... ` SHE made herself successful, and in the end ... SHE alone will destroy herself `
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Pinky thoughts this sunny morning.......

Contemplating ordering 1 of the lovely new JWhyWhy outfits before they sell out 🙄 thinking it would be great to chuck on at the end of the day to give a look of 'mum that's been cleaning alllll day long & has got grubby' 🤔

Even if their split is fake..... she'd be insanely jealous at the pics of him with bikini clad lovelies.

The girl that's taken a selfie with her male friend/partner & Crawl is maybe a 'fan' who has recognised him. If this is the case, Crawl will have wet himself with excitement.... unless of course he has been recognised as Mr Price 😁 I remember the theme park clip when someone recognised him before Skanky....he was so excited he videoed the lass confirming this. Skanky was not happy. Crawl had to change his undies after showing how excited he was.

Daddy Woods is probably massively relieved to have his son out the country & away from her. Has he staged this intervention to try & save his son from her 🤔

Yesterday I was raging to levels of combustion at Skanky & "Harvey bear". Nothing against him, it's not his fault. The rancid sIag does not pay a penny into the system, has done nothing a mother should do to raise him & yet BINGO, Harvey gets a place at an establishment funded by us. Myself & countless other parents fight every single day & have for years trying to get any crumb of support for our additional needs kids. And what do we get? Fuck all 🤬 because there is no support, there is no money. There's no money for 100's of others because it's been given to "Harvey bear" to save him from the useless piece of exploiting shit that birthed him. That will be VERY close to the truth. His place will be fully funded because she is not fit to have him full time & he would not be safe, FACT 🤬

She will have accidentally on purpose arranged for the access centre pics to be published just long enough to put the seeds in people's brains that KH is a wrong 'un & can only see the kids supervised. Suits her agenda nicely. The truth is far more likely that it's done in KH's favour because she's a poisonous bitter old witch who has made any access impossible & this is the only solution for him.

Blade.....she is responsible for his death, end of. Anyone thinking she is completely innocent is as deluded as she is.

Whilst she seems to be STILL getting away with everything, she isn't looks wise. She's so shallow & empty she values herself on looks & maintaining that young 20 year old 'top model' period. The truth is she has absolutely destroyed herself & continues to do so. Without the filters she must look look truly horrific now. Even with the filters the mess is getting harder to cover up. She has very much lost.

She is absolutely nothing on her own. Nobody is interested anymore. She's too unpredictable. She's pedalled every lie going over & over & over again. Yesterday's 'filming' was based on Harvey. She's being tagged onto articles about her kids, not about her. She's a boring washed up old mess who creates drama for attention. Less & less people are interested with every drama.

Everything is smoke & mirrors. It's the opposite of what she says is actually happening. The real story is what she isn't saying. She spends a lot of time covering up & causing a distraction. Monkey tennis nearly every day.

Will the ice cream photo appear this weekend? Or the new, clearly thrown together "my world" pic??

She's slowly sinking. She's a joke. We watch. We patiently wait ⏳
Great post Squirrel, you’re called it, totally agree. Spot on about H, it’s costing the taxpayer £100,000s, all because his mother is a f*cking liability. Budgets for care have been massively cut, but this woman who lives in a mansion has exploited the system all his life and won the jackpot of care for him. I know so many parents of children with special needs who cannot get the funding she has managed, honestly breaks my heart to see them struggling yet this irresponsible piece of 💩 rinses the system with ease. It’s so wrong. I see parents who have few breaks from caring for their child, and here we have her, who has palmed H off to AFP when he was younger and now we pick up the bill, f*cking disgrace, but as usual she manages it. Still as you say, we wait, the fall cometh, it’s already in play, she’s a mess, just we need something really bad to happen to her, a proper consequence for her feckless behaviour, let’s hope it’s soon 🙏🏾
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I actually shed a tear watching KH video 😢 you can just see the hurt in his eyes. Thank god he’s got Michelle and f4j for support.

Would never wish any harm to anyone in my life but I make an exception for that skank and her family 😡😡😡
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It's clear that info on here was correct, he dropped them off and she refused to return them
Yesssss! Why would anyone believe the pathological liar that is skank?! I've no idea. It didn't make sense then and it never would!

Good luck to Kieran with his new direction on this, being more public about it!
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I see both the Scum and Daily Fail have failed to pick up on the Kieran video. Surprising that when Skank farts they cover it and allow that bitch to run every bloke down that’s had the misfortune to become involved with it, from Dwight York to Sink Boy who it slandered with allegations of domestic abuse. Biased crap reporting.
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Let’s go….Skank is getting on it…woo hoo, let the fun commence…I’m staying up late, Mr Kylie has been informed 😁

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Stan Butler

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Afternoon everyone ❤
So the hypocrite Godley woman was alright jumping on Kieran and using him when she needed publicity, donations to HER cause and funding for HER documentary but as soon as Kieran speaks out she attacks him,, showing HER true colours fucking using hypocrite just like skank. Now the interesting thing is what Sophie the source and Amy the enabler do now because they've been implicated in skanks 6mth campaign of revenge against Kieran and what's in the BOOK you know the one that's the truth, the last word, the whole story that will have to be looked at very carefully now. Can imagine some bollocks from skank and the clan some deflection and sympathy posts of "my world, my family" and skank will be plotting something but what else is there to accuse Kieran of. Right i'm off to work so enjoy the rest of your Sunday been nice and sunny all day on the East Yorkshire coast. So a big ❤ to you all and see you at teabreak. 😎🧐😉
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Clearly something has happened.... I thought they were working together on a documentary.... Maybe TG isn't all she seems 🤔
She seems like a bitter, nasty piece of work. Clearly she was unmoved by his video and used the opportunity to post about personal grievances. I had suspicions about her fundraising campaign for parental alienation also.
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22 more donations added to the GFM today, clearly Kieran's post is having an effect!

Edited to add I see someone has posted the link for the GFM on his IG post so hopefully the donations will be pouring in now!
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Stan Butler

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Just a thought and probably just crap thinking because i'm bored and it's quiet in skanky land but skanky does a PPV #ad saying she'd do requests for an extra payment. A couple of days later skank goes on a " best ever girls night out" but only makes it to the airport and her girlfriends are pictured out by themselves no skank, no pictures and not even a skanky pic of her slobbering over a man.
Conclusion skanky did the #ad letting her clients know while sink boy was away she was available for the night not on an hourly rate and got a reply to meet him/her at Gatwick airport hotel, skank used the "girls night out" as cover to prostitute herself bit like when she was doing the number posts.. 11:11 meaning can't get away 22:22 meaning usual fee, time and place. 😎🧐🤣
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What a fucking bitch KP is! Kieran comes across as a loving caring Dad. I really hope those children are back with him soon. Wtf is wrong with the system that he hasn't seen B and J properly for 6 months?! It's clear KP is a mess and doesn't give a shit so why does she still have them? Happy Father's Day to all the good dads out there!

Edited to apologise for my language but it makes me so angry!
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Skanky has posted on her FB feed, vomit inducing comments too
Yuck just been over there, oh god her sycophantic ‘fans’, moronic idiots one and all.

And look at the caption from Skank…


Well you didn’t did you, weren’t with them after the train left Gatwick on Friday, disappeared til the early hours on Saturday, total deflection on your post and this Jeyda and her friend are accomplices to your lies, disgusting the pair of them. F*ck you Skank, so hope your true activities this weekend will come for you soon, biaaaatch you need taking down NOW and the children you have effectively stolen are given back to KH, someone who actually cares for them.
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Why are they drinking on a train.
Gotta be honest Stan I usually drink on that train when we do London, there’s a M&S in the station and we purchase a load of those pink gin and tonic tins (Bad Kylie, bad Kylie friends 😁) You rarely see a conductor on the Brighton/London trains, sometimes it’s anarchy on there, people really off their heads, coming back on the last train is even worse, it’s bedlam.
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No MBE in the honours list for KP then and she totally deserves it dontcha know, people have got theirs for doing far less 🤷🏻‍♀️
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