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Pink Squirrel

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Pinky thoughts this sunny morning.......

Contemplating ordering 1 of the lovely new JWhyWhy outfits before they sell out 🙄 thinking it would be great to chuck on at the end of the day to give a look of 'mum that's been cleaning alllll day long & has got grubby' 🤔

Even if their split is fake..... she'd be insanely jealous at the pics of him with bikini clad lovelies.

The girl that's taken a selfie with her male friend/partner & Crawl is maybe a 'fan' who has recognised him. If this is the case, Crawl will have wet himself with excitement.... unless of course he has been recognised as Mr Price 😁 I remember the theme park clip when someone recognised him before Skanky....he was so excited he videoed the lass confirming this. Skanky was not happy. Crawl had to change his undies after showing how excited he was.

Daddy Woods is probably massively relieved to have his son out the country & away from her. Has he staged this intervention to try & save his son from her 🤔

Yesterday I was raging to levels of combustion at Skanky & "Harvey bear". Nothing against him, it's not his fault. The rancid sIag does not pay a penny into the system, has done nothing a mother should do to raise him & yet BINGO, Harvey gets a place at an establishment funded by us. Myself & countless other parents fight every single day & have for years trying to get any crumb of support for our additional needs kids. And what do we get? Fuck all 🤬 because there is no support, there is no money. There's no money for 100's of others because it's been given to "Harvey bear" to save him from the useless piece of exploiting shit that birthed him. That will be VERY close to the truth. His place will be fully funded because she is not fit to have him full time & he would not be safe, FACT 🤬

She will have accidentally on purpose arranged for the access centre pics to be published just long enough to put the seeds in people's brains that KH is a wrong 'un & can only see the kids supervised. Suits her agenda nicely. The truth is far more likely that it's done in KH's favour because she's a poisonous bitter old witch who has made any access impossible & this is the only solution for him.

Blade.....she is responsible for his death, end of. Anyone thinking she is completely innocent is as deluded as she is.

Whilst she seems to be STILL getting away with everything, she isn't looks wise. She's so shallow & empty she values herself on looks & maintaining that young 20 year old 'top model' period. The truth is she has absolutely destroyed herself & continues to do so. Without the filters she must look look truly horrific now. Even with the filters the mess is getting harder to cover up. She has very much lost.

She is absolutely nothing on her own. Nobody is interested anymore. She's too unpredictable. She's pedalled every lie going over & over & over again. Yesterday's 'filming' was based on Harvey. She's being tagged onto articles about her kids, not about her. She's a boring washed up old mess who creates drama for attention. Less & less people are interested with every drama.

Everything is smoke & mirrors. It's the opposite of what she says is actually happening. The real story is what she isn't saying. She spends a lot of time covering up & causing a distraction. Monkey tennis nearly every day.

Will the ice cream photo appear this weekend? Or the new, clearly thrown together "my world" pic??

She's slowly sinking. She's a joke. We watch. We patiently wait ⏳
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Kieran just posted on his instagram about the whole situation !! Sorry don't know how to upload.

He's very tearful.. such a shame
What a sad but powerful post. Poor man, it’s utterly shameful and criminal what she’s doing to him and the children
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Brah Day Izit?

VIP Member
You are absolutely spot on about how sickening it is that Harvey gets all this funding while others get very little if any. I have a niece with a severely autistic son and I know she has to fight tooth and nail for every little bit of help. It was the same when Harvey was getting tax payer funded taxis to take him to school because KP had decided to send him to a school far away from where she lived. She also said 'why should she have to pay when Harvey is 'entitled' to free transport'? Well yes true he may be entitled to it but when the parent is a millionaire ( as she claimed to be at that time) why should they get it for free? As you rightly put out funds going to him mean less for others. The latest one really annoys me I think as he's an ADULT now not a child. Just because she is too lazy to have him at home and take care of him herself. ( unless she needs him to make money for her of course). It will be interesting in a few years time when his placement runs out to see what she will do with him then. She claims he will come back to live with her but I can't honestly see that happening. Unless of course she does set him up in the annex ( or attic now that's vacant) along with a live in carer to look after him. He will then be nice and handy for daily pap walks 'in the park' to show what a great caring muvva she is.
Once Harvey is in the social care system he will more than likely stay for the rest of his life. I suspect he has a DOLS order (deprivation of liberty [to keep him and others safe] on a rolling basis, reviewed by the Court of Protection annually). The judge will want the restrictions to be as least restrictive as possible, but due to his cognitive capacity, coupled with his physical disabilities, it is highly likely that the state will pay for his care for the rest of his life. I take a different view from many - he is a young adult in need and can't look after himself, so he is entitled to the support of the state.

In this country, support such as this is not means-tested and nor should it be. If a multi-millionaire rocks up to A&E they are entitled to the same level of care as someone who had been on benefits for their whole life. I think I would prefer him to be in the care of staff who have to be answerable to others. I would hate him to be returned to the care of his feckless mother, who due to her careless drug and alcohol consumption whilst she was pregnant with him most probably being the cause of many of his issues.

And on topic, she is a #gruntfuttock.
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Ok I’ve had to stop reading to be really blunt and say - I don’t give a fuck about Theresa Godley. There, I said it!

She wanted Kieron when she thought it would help her bandwagon but now she’s berating him for involving FFJ. He is just a Dad being absolutely railroaded, and if he’s getting his story out there then good luck to him.
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Can our lovely pic creators please make some more pics of our new Krusty mascot in wonderful places to lighten the mood a little 😊 I wonder if he ever imagined he might gain a fan club when he agreed to go to Vegas with Crawl 🤣
Not created, but look closely and it appears Charles flew over the ‘mate’ on a private jet for the balcony shot before he quickly returned to Vegas…..I‘m sure it’s him, he’s even wearing his VIP medallion, or he has a double, but that’s not likely as he’s unique 👍🏾

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Hope this works ……
Poor poor Keiran, that is a heartbreaking video. The children were so much better off with him, having a proper family life, being loved, nurtured, cared for. Skanky is a bitch, off her head all the time but keeps those kids as pawns in her evil game. I’m so glad KH is speaking out and I hope this gets widely reported.
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I think it's the same in the UK, he can take her to court but it takes time and money.
When I got divorced in 1981 As a man I applied for custody of my son as I knew how bad a mother she was. Social worker interviewed me but never when I had my son. Ex wife told load of lies as a wonderful doting mother. On day of court barrister told me, honestly you wil not get custody they always give it the mother so told me best to drop the case, because I had no money for a prolonged court battle I reluctantly gave in. There were no support groups for me so I totally agree with Kieran and wish him well against the evil cow.
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Chatty Member
Kieran just posted on his instagram about the whole situation !! Sorry don't know how to upload.

He's very tearful.. such a shame
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Yes that TG wanted Kieran to invest in her film and use him for her own agenda. Enough said.
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My sister did sign language with her kids before they could talk, saved on the frustration of not being able to communicate basic wants etc. It's obviously not a concern for Skank for over 20 years now!
Most of us sign before we can talk anyway and we don’t realise it! I come from a profoundly deaf household who communicate via sign language. I am the only one with a slight hearing loss - however I could sign way before I could speak and ended up being my family’s interpreter the majority of the time. We had a Downs Syndrome friend who used Makaton and we taught this along with Sign Language to others. Personally, I think it should be compulsory to learn ar school. People don’t realise how much it means to them to have someone communicate with them willingly.
KP is a cunt for not learning it. End of.
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Chatty Member
I’ve just cried watching Kieran’s post and donated again. I know we all suspected what had happened, glad he’s confirmed it. What a vindictive woman - leaving her kids with babysitters all weekend whilst she goes out, designed deliberately to deprive them of their Dad and he of them. 😡🥲
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Article now in the Daily Fail and comments are open...!

.....and the carer(?) looks like such a happy soul....

View attachment 2244853
Can some
Article now in the Daily Fail and comments are open...!

.....and the carer(?) looks like such a happy soul....

View attachment 2244853
Article now in the Daily Fail and comments are open...!

.....and the carer(?) looks like such a happy soul....

View attachment 2244853
can someone explain to me how’s that a sweet video with her bumping and grinding against her adult son whilst he’s shouting ‘fucking cunts’, ‘bitches’ over and over again?
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But Kieran DID have custody & KFP could clearly only see the kids with supervised access. He stated she took them on a Friday & didn’t return them. Surely she’s broken any agreements set up & then went out of her way to start making awful accusations about Kieran & getting police involved. I still think it’s because she’s got BH’s due and will say she’s got the kids so needs to keep the MM, plus she’s out to destroy Kieran. She’s a compulsive liar & extremely dangerous & vindictive. She will stop at nothing.
If I remember correctly, a few weeks before her keeping them, she posted videos on IG where both children were sleeping over at the MM, we also clearly saw ` carlita ` on holiday with both children ... most here were confused, shocked, but someone explained, cant remember who, that maybe she had completed what the court asked, and supervised had been lifted, back to 50/50 .... I honestly think, she has someone with knowledge in these matters, who is advising her, all the way ..... what is and is not acceptable with tricks, loopholes she can use to make this drag out long term, if its a rogue SW shame on them!!! .... we all know this is not about keeping her children safe, or that she cares about their wellbeing, mental health ( she's got some teenager, watching them, while she continues to live HER life .. serve SELF, while someone else does the hard work ... she has always been this way, with all her children .. she comes first ) ... its about vengeance against KH and MP, revenge because they dared not put up with her screaming obscenities, making threats at MP in public, in front of other parents in a school playground ... they DARED go against her, getting a RO ... this is about making Keiran pay for DARING to cross her .. LEAVE HER .... in her mind, she must WIN .... also he`s moved on, found a woman, who loves, supports him, has a new family, is happy, everything pwicceee has ever wanted and failed to achieve ... my theory is once the 50/50 went into play again, supervision order lifted ... we started to see SB around them, they started sleepovers again .... she could take them out of the country, with SB in tow .... thus giving her more freedom, she had always planned revenge, and has found that reporting him with vile false allegations, to the police, SS ... will just delay everything, she waited for the moment, and then swooped .... as KH said 1 step forward ... 10 steps back ... sadly its all one big game to her and the aim is to WIN at ANY cost ... she will keep making up these ridiculous allegations against him, he is broken, which is clear in the video posted, while she sits back, and laughs, gloats at all the mayhem she is causing not caring that its hurting the children to not have contact with their father, siblings, the woman who raised, loved them like her own for quite a few years ..... Finally .... my fucking lunatic narc ` mother ` would always sneer at me, from a very young age ...... " I carried you, made you, created you and you .... BELONG .... to me, that's all there is to it " .... in other words, an object to be used and abused, because I was unlucky enough that she birthed me .... pwicceee is of the same mindset, she birthed them, that gives her all rights to do as she pleases, even if it hurts them, they BELONG to her ..... she OWNS them ... thank goodness, I raised both my children to be the brilliant individuals, they are today, we do not OWN our children ... we create a new human, with its own mind, personality, character ... we love, care ... nurture, protect them, until they finally fly the nest, to make their own way
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I am 92% sure she is doing what I thought (and what was hinted at) a few weeks ago. I'm not going to do any more digging, though - it's shocking, and in my line of business, it takes a lot to shock me. This is why she has the money to pay top bods. I dont think she has people protecting her, I think what she is doing pays the bills.

Suffice it to say, I would rather be sleeping on the street, in Ukraine than be mixed up with the strange going ons that Kipper is involved in. It's strange, odd, and very, very dark, and fucking dangerous. I actually feel sorry for her now, but she needs her £12k a month so I guess anything goes. And in light of Blade and the other animals, I think it might just be karma.
Sorry but I'm calling bullshit on this.

This is a re-hash of an blind item in one of the gossip forums where it alluded to Price being a prostitute. There is nothing new here and YOU haven't uncovered anything.

Stop trying to make out you're in some way involved with this case. One minute you're a Barrister, the next God only knows what.

The amount of "digging" you do, I have to ask, are you a gardener in your spare time?
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