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Well I must be so thick I have no idea what is being alluded to, but there again I was never the sharpest tool in the box when it came to cryptic messages etc.
I'd make a wild guess at traffic, lots of traffic, being involved. People &/or goods, who knows 🤷‍♀️. Sounds like dangerous games are being played, whatever the hell she's got herself involved in!

Karma train coming down the track at her at 100mph! I hope...
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She is a rancid evil cow, she's truly tormented in her own head and needs to make others feel how she feels about herself. She is an angry, spewing cesspit of a carcass.
The Price family are scummy too as they enable and faciliate this behaviour. Sophie, AFP, Paul Price all complicit. Dunno what Danny is like so I won't condemn him just yet.
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Just donated, that video is heart breaking
Yes I have too. I’m not on IG, but can see his video when googled his name & looked at IG. All the lovely comments. Lizzi Cundy, gone up in my estimation. Wish more well known people would offer him their support. I would love to see the Andre’s, Alex, Princess & Junior adding a comment! 🙀❤
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Has anyone posted the GFM on KH's post? I bet there are a lot of non tattlers who would donate. Especially on the back of the video he has posted.
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For some reason, I’m recalling the time KFP went to Manchester airport, despite not arriving or departing on a flight. She was in arrivals for some reason no one could fathom.
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Pink Squirrel

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I think (and don't pelt me with rotten fruit people 😁 ) there is the tiniest chance SB has been trying to get away from her and
feeling stuck. She uses coercion and threats such as suicide whenever anyone tries to leave and Kieran will have been through the same. He may have been in contact with Kieran at some point.

Her huge *Wonky* boobs......fixed that for you Sun, you know for accuracies sake!
I'm not going to pelt you with rotten fruit. This is the reason I'm wondering if his dad arranged the Vegas trip as an intervention. To get his son to a different country, somewhere he loves, with a friend, no interruptions from attention sIag.
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Sorry but I'm calling bullshit on this.

This is a re-hash of an blind item in one of the gossip forums where it alluded to Price being a prostitute. There is nothing new here and YOU haven't uncovered anything.

Stop trying to make out you're in some way involved with this case. One minute you're a Barrister, the next God only knows what.

The amount of "digging" you do, I have to ask, are you a gardener in your spare time?
So is Kipper Not sex trafficking Nan's to Wayne Rooney then?

Relieved for the Nan's, but gutted for Wayne 😑
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Lovely Krusties,

The weekend is within touching distance and I hope you are all equally pleased it's Friday. Much of my normal week is working from home - remote is very much still in favour, a lovely covid legacy, but sometimes I need to be in town and this week has been one of those weeks. Why is it always several degrees hotter there?

I have shed loads of work still to do, but I will try and have lots of time off over the weekend to garden (ie getting the secateurs out to snip and then forget to pick up after myself), drink wine @SmillieKylie who knew that Amazon sold both the white and the rose - I ordered some, and it came yesterday. It's chilling as we speak, and I will feedback. I also plan to read Tattle properly. I have been dipping in and out for the last week, so apologies for the brevity in some of my responses.

Can we please have a poll at the beginning of every new thread? The Scum seems to include a poll in most of their articles about Kipper, so let's beat them!

@WillowTree21 I echo what so many others have said and value your contributions. I remember making a comment ages ago, and a poster (not a regular) questioned my appointing of a child's guardian and the fact that no normal Barrister would even speak to children, so clearly, I wasn't real. Not sure I got flying monkey status, but I don't think I was far off. They were swiftly ignored.

I have perfected the art of ignoring and found it most effective. I will never forget my pupillage and very well-respected and elderly expert telling me, in cut-glass English (he may have had a plum of two in his mouth at the time), 'my dear Ms. Brah, silence is the best response to a fool.' I have never forgotten this, and it works a treat. Most people who negatively comment are doing so for a reaction.

And to keep on topic, I echo EVERYTHING Stan says ♥ 💕 :love:
I think I remember that poster, I don't think they actually read what you wrote properly did they 😁
I know why is it always hotter in the city, that would be the urban heat sink effect. All that concrete and metal and glass makes it hotter.
( sorry gone off topic on some things I know about) . Gardening is the best and KP is a complete Gruntfuttock!

Enjoy your weekend @Brah Day Izit?
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It’s happening, our wish comes true…we have girl drapping in Vegas…take that Skanky…over to you in London now

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Stan Butler

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Has sink boy the complicit enabling tosser posted anything today or is he on his way home to pack his crap up and move from the attic into his luxury annex at Pricey Towers. Must be his payoff for helping the skanky cunt dispose of Blades body when the skanky cunt ran him over pissed and off her face on drugs.
not going to let this drop sink boy you fucking complicit enabling tosser. 😘
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As much as I dislike KP, does anyone seriously believe she is actually prostituting herself?
Absolutely nothing this vile piece of shit does would surprise me. It is feasible as where else is she getting her money from to pay that massive mortgage. I bet we would be gobsmacked if we knew everything she is up to :)
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I read in the comments that Junior is now no contact with her- has anyone got the tea in that?
Poor Kieran. He lives near me and I’d seen him out and about with his family- they seem lovely. Very normal and attentive to the children etc.
Apparently, Pete told him when he turned 16 about the real reason him and Kp got divorced. KP also verbally attacked Jnr's first girlfriend.
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I feel so bad for poor Kieran but I'm glad he's found the courage to speak out.
Whilst it's recovering from whatever the hell its been up to for the past few nights the kids could be enjoying spending fathers day with their dad and siblings, instead the poor mites are probably entertaining and looking after themselves till mother of the decade drags her rank old ass up outta its stinking Pitt.
I despair
I know it seems so bizarre - surely if she let KH have access she could have kid free weekends to go out partying and noo egg hunting - which surely she would see as a benefit. But no has to be spiteful instead.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Father's Day on Sunday. Will the OLD sIag thank alllll the dads for doing a great job? Will the OLD sIag congratulate herself for doing a brilliant job being mum & dad? Will the OLD sIag rip into the dreadful fathers? Will the OLD sIag ignore it completely?

@Facehugger Harvey does use makaton & uses it very well. She makes me sick that she doesn't use it with him. It's 1 of the easiest things she could have done to help him. But no, it's far more beneficial that he's a foul mouthed thug 🤬
I wonder if your son was taught by the same person that taught me? It's a niche market & only 1 qualified trainer that I know of in the area 🙂
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Are people who are saying they've 'worked it out' thinking it's prostitution then and KP going to airports to meet 'older clients'? Reason I ask is that I'm not sure we're all interpreting the 'cryptic' clues the same way.

I thought seeing Brah's clues, it sounded like something disturbing and dark - not sure the above fits that (unless dangerous pimps pulling KP strings)
Prostitution can be dangerous, sadism, violence, playing dead, taking so many drugs you're unconscious / not breathing because that's what the punter wants etc. Just last week I put something on here about the 'doll' fetish some men have. I had thought it was all about the look but no. They want them to act floppy and doll-like, even dead and not respond to anything being done to them. Basically, they're just an object to the man. It's quite a disturbing fetish when you think about it. The other things which would make it risky are involving animals or illegal things such as violence being filmed and inflicted on other people. The fact 'older' men were involved makes me think of some extreme act or powerplay. It wouldn't be worth paying her so much otherwise. Her extreme boobs and massive lips she's had recently might be something to do with a fetish she gets paid for.

The Dubai porta potty stories are all about much richer men humiliating, using and abusing women.
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VIP Member
I feel so bad for poor Kieran but I'm glad he's found the courage to speak out.
Whilst it's recovering from whatever the hell its been up to for the past few nights the kids could be enjoying spending fathers day with their dad and siblings, instead the poor mites are probably entertaining and looking after themselves till mother of the decade drags her rank old ass up outta its stinking Pitt.
I despair
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