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Brah Day Izit?

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If I was Kipper I would be glad of a stint in the Priory Hotel or even HMP until things died down
Brah. I know you can't explain, but my Spidey senses are going off about this Gatwick shenanigans. Is she meeting folks coming into the country to 'work' perhaps? Young lady nannies? 😐
Oh, Facey, you are good. But older, much much older.
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So she is having a weekend doing whatever she wants and yet again Jett and Bunny could have been at home with their dad and family. Instead, they are being looked after by a 19 year old. Skanky makes me sick, I don’t think she has ever put someone else above herself, not even any of her kids.
I hope somebody is looking after those poor kids. God forbid Bunny is frying eggs again and lighting candles. It doesn't bare thinking about.
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Oh, Facey, you are good. But older, much much older.
Thankfully, opposite age range to kids.

I'll put my £££ on trafficking people & drugs mules, with a possible side of prostitution.

She'll be useful to some extent as a low level celeb who travels a lot, but she'll only be a very small cog in a very large & dangerous organisation.

Stupid bitch, thinking she was being clever getting easy money.

Consequences skanky, will be everything you deserve.
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He's gonna bust right out of his shorts seeing himself in an article

Edited to add - I bet he's had that pic saved and ready to post soon as skank posted its off on a night out. He wasted no time in posting it straight after hers. They're really childish and beyond pathetic
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Chatty Member
With all this gig conversation, I am making an appearance on the BBC tonight 😂 George Michael Live in London I'm at the front of the stage worshipping the main man up close ❤
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How is this woman fit to look after kids. She’s constantly away having surgery. She lives in a hovel …been constantly done for driving offences and bankruptcy hearings she doesn’t attend.
How is she deemed fit- Beggars belief. Lives for the media -who seem to facilitate her.
Poor Kieran the only constant in those kids lives.
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Well she did admit taking drugs and nearly overdosing in the house with 2 small kids. She tried to blame Pete and say he was controlling and pushed her to do it. Always the victim!

''In February 2006, Katie recalled how she headed to her bedroom while Pete was in his studio, telling him she was going to try on clothes, but instead she reached for an unspecified drug in her handbag.

“My fingers touched a small package and I pulled it out and looked at it for a few minutes, hesitating - did I really want to do this?

“Because I'm naive about drugs, as I've never been into them, I had no idea how much I should be taking.

“And suddenly, I started to feel really strange, my heart seemed to be racing fast, I felt hot and I began to panic.

“Oh my God, had I overdosed? Was I going to die?”

After the incident, Pete took Kate to The Priory – where she is currently receiving treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. ''
Oh yes and in the Playboy mansion, took too much there too. Yet professes in her interviews that she’s never done drugs (just medicated on them) 🤥
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Brah Day Izit?

VIP Member
Re parental alienation, @Helena-botham-farter is right, it is not illegal, but it should be. She is psychologically and systematically manipulating both J&B and KH. CAFCASS should be using the impact assessment framework to gauge the effect this is having on the two children.
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Ok I’ve had to stop reading to be really blunt and say - I don’t give a fuck about Theresa Godley. There, I said it!

She wanted Kieron when she thought it would help her bandwagon but now she’s berating him for involving FFJ. He is just a Dad being absolutely railroaded, and if he’s getting his story out there then good luck to him.
He is at the end of his tether 🙁hence him contacting F4J yes they had a bad name years ago,but that was a few years now.Time has moved on.
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Yes, totally. This is the woman who let paps photograph her doing a sex act with a phone in public and exposed herself all the time.
I reckon sex is meaningless to her, it's just some bloke jacking off into/onto her and giving her money, and if she's drunk enough she doesn't require money.
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I imagine any delay will be down to them checking on legals, what could go in the story.
Strangely quiet from the Price Camp. Not even a Happy Father's day to her step dad, just that SHE had the best weekend getting sozzled off her nut.
She probably doesn't even know it's fathers day, after all it's not a day that centres around HER is it?
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The Mirror comment section is lively on her latest article. It seems her bullshit isn’t washing, it’s good to keep seeing that the general public consensus is still against the Skanky cunt and not diminishing at all. I think she would have to have Jesus himself use all his divine skills to change their opinion of her, and I don’t think he would succeed either.
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Holy Crap!! you really think AFP will outlive Skanky??:oops::oops:
I do tonight think it’s very possible, been saying she is looking like an OD, stroke, heart attack waiting to happen for a while now, you cant live the life she’s living without consequence in your mid 40s and she has the strain of constant surgery on her body hitting her hard as well. So yes think that’s even more likely now. Just think of the words used tonight, she’s in a very bad place on top of her addictions.
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Just checked out her TikTok and there are three recent dancing videos of H on there, she’s really going full-on with the exploitation again, and the videos are better quality than the IG ones, thought H had lost weight on the vids we saw earlier, sadly I don’t think that’s the case viewing the TikTok ones.

The Lad is going to have increasing health problems due to his morbid obesity progressing through his twenties, whatever the reason, the college are not able to help him it seems. I do believe he is probably very difficult when food he craves is denied him, violent even, so guess they may be giving into his demands. The blame can be laid at her door, she has never really controlled his diet properly, now it will be very difficult to rectify, as we can see, very sad really for him, but hey “One thing you can say about Katie, is she’s a good mother to Harvey” 🤦🏽‍♀️

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I wouldn't be at all surprised if she sends him back to college with humungous 'care' packages of crisps carrot cake and pop, because she thinks he deserves a 'treat' for doing so well. She has shown that's how she thinks before when she has taken him out for a 'treat' and it's been a monster size burger and chips followed by a family size portion of cake. It's like on that my 600lb life show, a lot of those people get that way because they have someone ( parents or partner) that enables them and feeds them the things they shouldn't have even though their size is life threatening. I bet the college is fighting a constant battle with her undermining them and all their efforts.
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Well she did admit taking drugs and nearly overdosing in the house with 2 small kids. She tried to blame Pete and say he was controlling and pushed her to do it. Always the victim!

''In February 2006, Katie recalled how she headed to her bedroom while Pete was in his studio, telling him she was going to try on clothes, but instead she reached for an unspecified drug in her handbag.

“My fingers touched a small package and I pulled it out and looked at it for a few minutes, hesitating - did I really want to do this?

“Because I'm naive about drugs, as I've never been into them, I had no idea how much I should be taking.

“And suddenly, I started to feel really strange, my heart seemed to be racing fast, I felt hot and I began to panic.

“Oh my God, had I overdosed? Was I going to die?”

After the incident, Pete took Kate to The Priory – where she is currently receiving treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. ''
"naive about drugs and never been into them yet carrying them around in my handbag! Yeah sure THAT makes sense!
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