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Chatty Member
So seeing as B does have her own phone its no wonder skanky has had an open window to spy into Life With K &M. What is a 7 year old doing with a phone anyway FGS
Exactly, she's used bunny to record life with dad. Now that the kids are with mum, skanky not interested in them, in her head she has won and took them away from a happy stable home life something she can never provide, skank prefers to pawn them off on anyone, guessing Lou or her eldest kids are playing babysitter too.. Jett looks depressed and stated he knows skank doesn't love him, poor kid.
Skank actually prefers princess over the young ones 100%
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Not to derail, but Kippers pretend mate millionaire OF Model Katona has been pictured in the wild ... she is looking really good at the moment 🤦‍♀️🤣
Gee state of Katona 🤦🏽‍♀️😁 Another who earns eleventy billion on OF as well, there are so many younger women doing OF, the competition for coin must be fierce, there’s big money in wanking obviously ! Never thought there could be such a market for these middle-aged women who have not kept their looks unlike the Halle Berry/Jennifer Lopez/Salma Hayek types have. Yet here they are still earning the big bucks so easily, thought glamour was all about the young girls, but no men are shelling out the coin to them. As the late wonderful Mr Sean Lock once jokingly said “That’s a tough wank”….one has to say these OF subscribers are dedicated with their lusts as there a ton of free porn out there, yet cash they will part with. Odd world is the OF business 🍆 😁
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Can someone please explain, how one owes the UK Taxman millions, and still years down the line has hold of a mansion? ... still lives the life of a millionaire, spending ` publicly ` without a care ... I have known people owe less in tax, couldn't pay, and their lives were destroyed by HMRC ... businesses, homes, cars, they access all savings accounts ... nearly everything taken, they swoop in quite fast ` legally ` are quite brutal .... and leave people without a pot to piss in, struggling to survive ( I've seen this happen quite a few times over the yrs, only those who paid a good accountant, managed to wrangle out of it, only ` just ` but were still hit quite hard in the pocket with a payment plan, plus costs, interest ... which had to be paid religiously every month, without fail ) ... from what those in the know, say on here, she doesn't even have a regular accountant ... I know for a fact, the HMRC take no prisoners, they also don't tolerate BS excuses, you owe .... they ` take ` it ... so I ask again, how the fuck is this cunt, getting away with owing this much to the taxman, without punishment, no comeback 🤷‍♀️
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I wonder how long it takes usually for a tiktok account to get banned? The account is still there but all contact removed. If it was Kipper that means she was browsing here a few minutes ago. Hi Kip ;)
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Poor KP is apparently a tad pissed off she has been denied getting back in to the US, whereas SB has been accepted. 🙏 let’s hope they stand their ground.
Hahahhahahaha this is a bit of brilliant news 😂
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I think she feels that she can get away with anything she does ( as she has got away with everything so far)
Yes I think she's so arrogant and doesn't really get the consequences of things until the last minute, so she will have come up with some excuses like the ADHD but that can only ever be mitigating circumstances. I just don't see how she can fool a bankruptcy court now with all her wild spending, multiple horses, nannies/ housekeeper, tattoos, flights and designer stuff she flaunts....and things like her saying I spend 3k a month on heating too?!
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Stan Butler

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There is no TV show scheduled about her 'struggle' to have another kid, ivf, surrogacy or adopted ... I don't doubt she is trying to hawk it round as an idea, it will be her current idea ... but who would be interested ... she has 5 children already, where is her struggle to become a Mum? It's just rubbish off the top of her head again
Was going to say funny skank mentioned baby program a few hours after Alex Reid and his partner announced they were having twins,, bandwagon, jealousy or like you say floating an idea in the hopes some idiot production company will pay her.
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Re the Harvey 21st - why not do a quiet relaxed family event in a local hall, invite his friends from college, order in some food, maybe a few entertainers, do some activities that Harvey loves, and have a generally lovely day with no media present.
Oh wait, that won't make KP any money!!!
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midsummer blue

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Aren't there other families where a loved one has special needs, that the Beeb could focus on? Harvey's had 2 documentaries and I don't know what more there is to say.
There are millions of families out there with special needs kids that the BBC could do a programme on.
Real people, who struggle day to day and Really do it all alone. Don’t have the help or support that she has. We all know she has Never done it all on her own. Anyone who believes that is as delusional as she is.
I have met many people over the years. All more worthy than someone who just makes it all about Me Me Me. Why can’t the BBC do a proper programme on somebody worthy.
Makes me so bloody angry
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So MM 3 is being filmed soon
Harvey series 3 starting soon
Channel 4 something about kids
So how is she going to film MM3 if She no longer has house?
( she did say it is to big for me ) which I think means it is going soon (I hope)
The most interesting thing was said by Dolan after the interview had finished. And now back to reality, in other words Kipper has usual, has been talking out of her arse again.
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I can’t help myself at the moment 🤣 I am luuuuuuving it’s attempted headline grabbing desperation as it sinks further in to a drug and alcohol oblivion. No shit tattoo of Prinny and some solid and used underwear sale on a going to stop that. Something is a miss though, no AFP, no Edna and no Sink Boy. I can guarantee a rinse and repeat of a Priory stay heading Pricey’s way. All scripted to avoid being held accountable at the bankruptcy hearing, followed by a quick holiday to Thailand to recover from its hectic work schedule.
Yes there’s definitely something amiss , all the people who pretend to like her for money are non visible presently . Ok AFP may be out of action , maybe Sinkboy has FINALLY felt the emotion of humiliation , SFP - I think something has happened to put friction between them , they hadn’t liked each others Insta stuff for ages , until I pointed it out on here in fact & then there was a couple of likes , then nothing.

Probably Sinkboys Harry / Coke recording . Maybe Harry actually has a job ( I’d be surprised) and his employers are not happy about having a known coke head in their employ .
Things in that “ family” are definitely awry . Very awry .And I say that as someone who comes from utter dysfunction .

No Christmas grifting , no matching PJs, no Family gatherings & blowing smoke up each others rancid arses. No New Year new us bollocks , no SFP attempting to “ be an influencer” pretending she is promoting the perfect M & S Christmas with the perfect family.
KFP drifting further off the rails , peak Cocaine usage , increasingly rough & obvious hangers on , desperate grifting none of which ever comes to fruition , BH on the horizon .
Yes 2023 is shaping up to be quite a pleasant & entertaining year so far 😀
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Pity the poor sod that has been lumbered with that, who's baby gravy and eggs will skank use but most distressing of all if nine months of pregnancy isn't bad enough to go through imagine having that cunt by your side 24/7 filming and screeching woohoo do you love it do you i do.
There is no TV show scheduled about her 'struggle' to have another kid, ivf, surrogacy or adopted ... I don't doubt she is trying to hawk it round as an idea, it will be her current idea ... but who would be interested ... she has 5 children already, where is her struggle to become a Mum? It's just rubbish off the top of her head again
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She has also said that she doesn’t owe any money then said it has all been sorted
If it has been sorted why is the hearing going ahead
She's a typical narc, says whatever lie she needs at the time to the person she's speaking to. Trump does it too, says one thing in one interview and then totally contradicts himself 5 minutes later.
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He had a quad bike accident..had to have surgery.. ..I remember as she said in one of many different versions of the incident her waters broke with Jett while she was washing Kieran in the bath.....another version they broke when she was in the bath.....another version they broke while driving to France in the pink horse box monstrosity 🙄😂
Kipper has a very elastic relationship with the truth
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Yes there’s definitely something amiss , all the people who pretend to like her for money are non visible presently . Ok AFP may be out of action , maybe Sinkboy has FINALLY felt the emotion of humiliation , SFP - I think something has happened to put friction between them , they hadn’t liked each others Insta stuff for ages , until I pointed it out on here in fact & then there was a couple of likes , then nothing.

Probably Sinkboys Harry / Coke recording . Maybe Harry actually has a job ( I’d be surprised) and his employers are not happy about having a known coke head in their employ .
Things in that “ family” are definitely awry . Very awry .And I say that as someone who comes from utter dysfunction .

No Christmas grifting , no matching PJs, no Family gatherings & blowing smoke up each others rancid arses. No New Year new us bollocks , no SFP attempting to “ be an influencer” pretending she is promoting the perfect M & S Christmas with the perfect family.
KFP drifting further off the rails , peak Cocaine usage , increasingly rough & obvious hangers on , desperate grifting none of which ever comes to fruition , BH on the horizon .
Yes 2023 is shaping up to be quite a pleasant & entertaining year so far 😀
If it is the Amy story wouldn’t SFP and Amy want a cut if the money made
Did anybody catch a quote a few days ago on MUA Fern's IG Story? It said, words to the effect of: No I'm not available for free, for a job you're making money on! Just wondering if it had anything to do with todays shoot?
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No come on , shouldn’t be allowed, I’m laughing so much I’m hurting,
Reality star and contraversial GLOBAL tv figure🤣
Her mental health journey and being the positive role model she is today 😂😂😂
There is a reason why Katie I’d so successful and this is just a taste of her successful business ventures 🤣🤣
No stop it please your killing me 🤣🤣🤣
you will find out what the future holds for the prominent media figurefrom 10 pm on Friday evening with mark dolan
Wait for it wait for it because this will be something you can’t miss

you will find out why she is adored by many 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah you can tell this is going to be investigative journalism at its best 🤣😂🤣
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